

This was published 9 years ago

Iran nuclear deal done after intensive talks: 'war is off the table'

By Ruth Pollard

Beirut: After 17 days of intensive talks, months of build-up and decades of enmity, Iran and six major powers have reached an agreement that places limits on Iran's nuclear program in return for lifting the sanctions that have crippled its economy.

The talks, involving the United States, France, China, Russia, Britain and Germany, had stalled on the key issues: what access Iran would grant to nuclear inspectors, when sanctions on Iran would be lifted and the fate of a United Nations embargo on conventional and ballistic weapons.

Everyday Iranians have been watching these talks with high expectations, desperate for the sanctions to be lifted. They hope life will improve as foreign investment returns to the economy and essentials like internationally produced medications that have been impossible to source because of the sanctions will again be available.

The agreement – the details of which are expected to be released late on Tuesday – is being hailed by many as a significant achievement.

US Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday leaves the venue for nuclear talks in Vienna.

US Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday leaves the venue for nuclear talks in Vienna.Credit: Reuters

US Secretary of State John Kerry tweeted: "[The] agreement is a step away from spectre of conflict, towards [the] possibility of peace. This is the good deal we have sought."

The National Iranian American Council has welcomed the deal, with its president, Trita Parsi, saying: "Today, diplomacy has triumphed and war is off the table.

"The United States and Iran have turned the tide on decades of enmity and instead have secured a nuclear deal that promises a better and brighter future," Mr Parsi's statement reads.


The regional ramifications of the deal will be significant. Israel has already signalled its fierce opposition to any easing of economic sanctions against Iran, while regional powers have been acting out in the lead up to the deadline, said Yezid Sayigh, a senior associate at the Carnegie Middle East Centre in Beirut.

European Union High Representative Federica Mogherini waves on Monday from a balcony of the Palais Coburg where closed-door nuclear talks with Iran continue.

European Union High Representative Federica Mogherini waves on Monday from a balcony of the Palais Coburg where closed-door nuclear talks with Iran continue.Credit: AP

As the main Shiite power in the region, Iran has been butting heads with the Sunni powerhouse Saudi Arabia in conflicts from Syria to Yemen.

Iran, the main Shiite power in the region, is butting heads with Sunni powerhouse Saudi Arabia in conflicts around the region.

US President Barack Obama delivers a statement about the nuclear deal with Vice President Joe Biden at his side during an early-morning address to the nation from the White House in Washington.

US President Barack Obama delivers a statement about the nuclear deal with Vice President Joe Biden at his side during an early-morning address to the nation from the White House in Washington.Credit: Reuters

Iran is supporting the Assad regime in Syria as it enters its fifth year of civil war while Saudi Arabia has increased its support for opposition groups fighting against Assad. Syria's civilians are trapped in between, in a firestorm of indescribable death and misery.

It is also backing Hezbollah in Lebanon and intervening in neighbouring Iraq and its Shiite-led government in its fight against the Islamic State group.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is seen making a televised speech to the nation on Tuesday in which he said the nuclear deal would open a new chapter of cooperation with the outside world after years of sanctions.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is seen making a televised speech to the nation on Tuesday in which he said the nuclear deal would open a new chapter of cooperation with the outside world after years of sanctions.Credit: Reuters

And in Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East where millions are close to starvation, Iran is sponsoring the Houthi insurgency while Saudi Arabia is leading a devastating campaign of airstrikes in Yemen against the Houthi rebels.

There is a danger, Mr Sayigh warned, that the nuclear deal could push Iran and Saudi Arabia to "increase their competition in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen rather than defuse it."

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi gestures on Monday as he leaves Palais Coburg, the venue for nuclear talks in Vienna.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi gestures on Monday as he leaves Palais Coburg, the venue for nuclear talks in Vienna.Credit: Reuters

"I fear the Saudis might misuse their military power, overreach in terms of what they think they can do in Syria and feel they can push the Iranian clients back and demonstrate their muscle – I think this is a miscalculation," he said.

"Iranians need to be engaged politically, so the Saudis are going to have to come to some sort of political understanding for long term co-existence with Iran."

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif in Vienna on Monday.

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif in Vienna on Monday. Credit: Reuters

Ultimately, he said, everyone stands to benefit if tensions are lowered and a more coherent policy emerges between the Saudis, Iran and Turkey on Syria and Iraq.

But there are many positives to the agreement.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif gestures as he talks with journalists in Vienna where the deal was reached.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif gestures as he talks with journalists in Vienna where the deal was reached. Credit: Reuters

It is expected to lead to economic expansion, stronger bilateral ties and more normal political relations around the region, says Rami Khouri, a senior fellow at the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs at the American University of Beirut.

"It has already generated much better working relations between the US and Iran because both sides have acted sensibly, they have ignored the hardliners in Israel and the hardline groups in Iran," Mr Khouri said.

"There is no doubt the business community and the tourism community will lead the way on this.

"Iran has hundreds of billions of dollars of unmet needs because of the sanctions … so my expectation is that compensating the two-to-three decades of missed developmental spending will spur a serious economic expansion in Iran."

This economic expansion would in turn lead to strong bilateral ties in the region and beyond, while the push for political liberalisation in Iran would also gain momentum, he predicted.

For now, Iran would continue to support the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, Mr Khoury said.

"If it gets to the point when they see the Assad government is completely doomed, they will act accordingly."

Israel's reaction to the deal was predictably negative: it has campaigned so hard against the agreement that analysts have noted it has significantly damaged its relationship with its major ally, the United States.

Israel itself is believed to have nuclear weapons and yet has not opened itself up to inspections from the International Atomic Energy Agency nor joined the non-proliferation treaty.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused those involved in the negotiations of making a deal at any price.

"From the initial reports we can already conclude that this agreement is an historic mistake for the world," Mr Netanyahu said in a statement released in response to the deal.

"Far-reaching concessions have been made in all areas that were supposed to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons capability. In addition, Iran will receive hundreds of billions of dollars with which it can fuel its terror machine and its expansion and aggression throughout the Middle East and across the globe."

"Our commitment is to prevent Iran from arming itself with nuclear weapons and it is valid today more than ever," Mr Netanyahu told the Knesset on Monday. "I call on all those who care about Israel's security to unite behind this commitment."

His deputy foreign minister, Tzipi Hotovely, went a step further, tweeting that the nuclear deal was an "historical capitulation by the West to the axis of evil led by Iran".

Jonathan Spyer, a Middle East analyst and the director of the Rubin Centre for Research and International Affairs, warned the deal would allow Iran to rapidly accrue the funds it needs to pursue a policy of regional expansion, in particular its sponsorship of proxy wars in Yemen, Syria and Iraq.

"The Iranians will be much, much stronger in pursuing their regional strategy, which is against the US, Israel and the Gulf states," Mr Spyer warned.

"The Gulf Arab states, the Jordanians, the Egyptians and the Turks are all very concerned about this deal and regard the US as operating with astonishing naivety on this."

As a result, there will be increasing regional cooperation between Israel, Egypt and the Gulf states of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, he said.

"What matters in this region now is sectarian identity, so … Sunni Arabs are probably quite worried about the advance of Shiite power across the region."

And as for any hope that warming diplomatic relations between Iran and other world powers could convince Tehran to play a positive role in helping to end the four-year-long Syrian crisis, this too was unrealistic, Mr Spyer said.

"The Americans … think that Iran can be induced through reaching agreement on the nuclear question to then become a co-operative and positive partner or actor on all the regional files in which up until now it has been a deeply problematic presence – Syria, Iraq, Yemen Lebanon.

"The idea is to flip Iran in the way that [US President Richard] Nixon flipped China … on that issue I and many others think they are dangerously mistaken in terms of what the Iranian regime wants and what it is amenable to."

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