

This was published 4 years ago

'Precariousness kills': Student sets himself on fire to protest over economic uncertainty

By Mélissa Godin

Paris: Early this month, 22-year-old Anas K. sat in front of the student centre at a university in Lyon and posted what he believed would be his final Facebook status.

"I accuse Macron, Hollande, Sarkozy and the European Union of having killed me by creating uncertainties for the future of all," he wrote.

A protester walks the streets of Paris.

A protester walks the streets of Paris.Credit: Getty

Shortly after clicking the post button, he set himself on fire.

Today, the young man, whose family has asked that his full name not be published to protect his privacy, has burns over 90 per cent of his body. As of November 18, Anas K.'s condition is stable, although he remains in an artificial coma.

Although little is known publicly of Anas K.'s psychological state before his suicide attempt on November 8, the act touched a nerve with students across France. It quickly became another indication, like the Yellow Vest protests, of the precariousness that many French feel has come to define their lives.

French President Emmanuel Macron.

French President Emmanuel Macron.Credit: Bloomberg

The incident has inspired protests in various cities against student financial insecurity. Student unions have demanded a re-evaluation of university tuition and changes to scholarships. They also want more student housing and better health services on university campuses.

Thousands of students have blocked the entrances of universities in recent weeks, and they have demonstrated in front of the Ministry of Higher Education. On Twitter, some have posted using the hashtag #LaPrécaritéTue, or "Precariousness kills."

Such an outpouring of anger over economic uncertainty among students may seem out of place in France. The price of higher education, even at some of the country's best schools, is nowhere near comparable to that in the United States, where the average yearly costs for both public and private four-year schools are in the five-figure range.


In France, a bachelor's program at a public university costs €170, or about $257 a year. Many of the Grandes Ecoles, the elite universities in France, charge students based on their parents' income.

Youth in France have pursued better conditions for years.

Youth in France have pursued better conditions for years. Credit: Getty

Students can receive money from the state to subsidise their living expenses. In 2017, 39 per cent of students qualified for financial assistance.

Yet many French students still struggle to get by.

One in five French students lived below the poverty line in 2017, according to a report by the National Union of Students of France. Almost half worked during the school year to finance their studies.

For the past 10 years, the cost of living for students in France has increased, further compounding their financial instability. And for some students, that insecurity continues after they finish their studies.

In his Facebook post, Anas K. expressed anxiety about his future, wondering whether he would be able to find work at a time of "mass unemployment" in a country where, despite recent improvements, 20.77 per cent of young people remained unemployed in 2018.

Anas K. was repeating his second year at university for the third time, and his academic troubles had resulted in the rescinding of his scholarship at University Lumiere Lyon 2.

In the post, which has since been taken down, Anas K. explicitly attributed his suicide attempt to the financial insecurity he faced as a student, writing that his "last wish is that my peers continue to fight so we can be finished with this, once and for all".

At first the government was slow to respond to the incident, which received widespread media attention in France, and was initially dismissive of students' concerns, denouncing "the political instrumentalisation" of the event.

Amelie de Montchalin, the secretary of European affairs, said she found it "dangerous" that activist associations were "using the situation".

The student protests have now become yet another obstacle for the government of President Emmanuel Macron to navigate in an increasingly tumultuous political landscape.

Although Macron's government is still vowing to change France, a proliferation of protests on a number of fronts is threatening to upend his agenda.

This month alone, hospital workers protested over poor working conditions, and 28,000 Yellow Vest protesters turned out to mark the anniversary of their movement. Tens of thousands marched in Paris and across France to protest over high rates of domestic violence in the country, where more than 100 women have been killed so far this year by a partner or former partner. And protests against Macron's proposed retirement overhaul are scheduled for December 5.

As a result, and as student anger remains unabated, the government has begun to tread more carefully.

Frederique Vidal, the French minister of education, met student associations in recent days, promising to create a help line for students by the end of the year.

To the protesters' dismay, however, she did not increase the budget for student financial assistance, saying the current budget of 5.7 billion euros was underutilised.

Instead, the government promised measures to make students more aware of existing financial resources.

In a radio interview, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said many students did not take advantage of existing systems, "either because it is too complicated or because they do not know these arrangements exist".

"We're trying to improve our communication," he said.

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