

Why the world fears four more years of Trump

Why the world fears four more years of Trump

Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance has made the likelihood of a second Trump term far more real and has China and the rest of the world on edge.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz


Macron’s snap election could trigger the next debt crisis

Macron’s snap election could trigger the next debt crisis

This weekend’s elections have the potential to blow out France’s debt and threaten the stability of the eurozone and its single currency.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Apple’s future could be shaped outside the US amid $57b threat in Europe

Apple’s future could be shaped outside the US amid $57b threat in Europe

Apple has just become the first tech giant to be accused of breaching new European competition laws designed to rein in Big Tech.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
‘Le TikTok king’: How a 28-year-old could be France’s new prime minister

‘Le TikTok king’: How a 28-year-old could be France’s new prime minister

Snap elections in France have put a spotlight on the leader of its major far-right party. Who is he? And why is French politics in turmoil?

  • by Angus Holland and Jackson Graham
Mountains of debt: Finances of US, Europe and China are deteriorating

Mountains of debt: Finances of US, Europe and China are deteriorating

Widening government debt in the US, key European economies and China and the spectres of Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen are increasing the threats to global financial stability.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
China is facing an electric car dilemma

China is facing an electric car dilemma

China has some big decisions to make about its electric car industry. It can’t afford to get them wrong.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Europe, long considered a climate leader, has dumped Greens at the polls

Europe, long considered a climate leader, has dumped Greens at the polls

New voter priorities on immigration, the cost of living and war have hurt climate-focused parties, which just lost a third of their EU seats.

  • by Matina Stevis-Gridneff
What will happen if Australia keeps virtue-signalling on immigration

What will happen if Australia keeps virtue-signalling on immigration

On immigration policy, nations need to telegraph their meanness – growling menacingly so they can gentle their claws when dealing with real cases of need.

  • by Parnell Palme McGuinness
German youth look to far-right in latest elections

German youth look to far-right in latest elections

A Tik Tok campaign helped Germany’s far-right AfD win a record number of votes in European elections, outpolling each of Germany’s three ruling coalition parties.

  • by Rob Harris
Far-right parties rattle traditional EU powers as humiliated Macron calls snap French election

Far-right parties rattle traditional EU powers as humiliated Macron calls snap French election

Far-right parties have dealt stunning defeats to two of the bloc’s most important leaders: French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

  • by Raf Casert, Lorne Cook and Samuel Petrequin
It’s D-Day for Europe’s trade relationship with China
Trade wars

It’s D-Day for Europe’s trade relationship with China

The European Union is on the verge of announcing whether it will significantly raise tariffs on imported Chinese electric cars - and China is threatening to retaliate.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz

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