

This was published 6 years ago

Merkel's coalition at risk after Italy blocks EU summit statement

Brussels: Italy's Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte torpedoed European Union statements on trade and defence at an EU summit on Thursday in an apparent effort to force Europe to adopt a harder line on migration.

Conte blocked joint statements containing criticism of US trade tariffs and support for retaliatory measures, saying that he could approve them only when the 28 leaders of the bloc had found a common ground on all topics under discussion at the summit, including migration.

Italy's Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte arrives for a European Union leaders' summit in Brussels on Thursday.

Italy's Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte arrives for a European Union leaders' summit in Brussels on Thursday.Credit: Bloomberg

Italy wants more help from EU countries in dealing with the arrival of migrants, but the dramatic stance risked sinking Angela Merkel's hopes of winning a deal to sell back home in Germany.

Conte's move reopens a north-south rift and undermines east-west ties, while threatening the German chancellor's coalition in Berlin.

The Italian Prime Minister had told reporters he had received many positive assurances from fellow leaders but "today we want these proposals to become fact."

Italian officials reiterated Conte's ard-line stance, while inside the room the Prime Minister refused to allow other topics such as trade to be signed off until migration was handled.

The veto could leave Merkel returning home empty-handed, forcing a showdown with the Bavarian party that is threatening to defy her and split her ruling coalition.

Migration has become a point of contention for Chancellor Angela Merkel in Germany.

Migration has become a point of contention for Chancellor Angela Merkel in Germany.Credit: Bloomberg

The German case is the tip of deeper political crisis in Europe as advocates of a harder line in countries including Austria, Italy and in eastern Europe sense the momentum is with them to push their case. Yet the threat of unilateral border closures could unwind the passport-free system of travel in Europe, and Merkel warned earlier on Thursday that the issue of asylum and migration "may well turn into a question of the EU's destiny."


According to draft conclusions obtained by Bloomberg, the leaders had wanted to promise to "stand by Italy and other front-line" states to stop people smugglers and work on "regional disembarkation platforms" to distinguish between refugees and economic migrants.

The document also included an appeal to counter the flow of refugees between member states – so-called secondary movements – which are seen as jeopardising the open-border Schengen area.


One area where consensus was beginning to emerge was on the creation of new centres in north Africa to process would-be migrants before they reach EU territory, although African states have so far refused to host the centres.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said in an interview that leaders were working on "more Turkey-like agreements" that saw officials in Ankara stem the flow of migrants in exchange for aid. He said that it would be easier to reach a broader agreement once the number of arrivals has been reduced.

"I do sympathise with Italy – they are facing the whole burden," he said, but he also urged Conte to be sensitive to the pressures facing other leaders, particularly on migrants' movements within the EU.

Late-night talks

Merkel faces a weekend ultimatum set by her Bavarian sister party to tighten borders, or risk the collapse of their three-month-old coalition government.


The German chancellor told reporters the summit would be "above all about protecting the external border." She said she was willing to discuss migrant centres in other countries but cautioned that "we have to speak with these countries, we can't speak over the heads of other countries."

Leaders were expected to labour into the early hours of Friday as they battled to forge a compromise out of a cacophony of proposals.

Italy also wanted an end to the Dublin rules which dictate asylum-seekers must make their request in the first EU state they set foot in. France and Spain want EU-run "closed centres" in Italy to process migrants there. Many favour "disembarkation platforms," centres to administer would-be migrants in north Africa itself.

"It's possible to begin a turnaround in migration today," said Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, who took power last year in a coalition with a far-right party on an anti-immigration platform. "I think it's possible to reach an agreement on on-shore centres or platforms."

He said migrants rescued at sea should be returned to Africa rather than brought ashore in Europe, which triggers certain rights. Rescue at sea should not necessarily "mean a ticket to Europe," he said.

Hungarian Premier Viktor Orban, who has refused to accept a quota of migrants under the existing rules, offered a reminder of how attitudes to migrants have soured in in many parts of Europe.

"We will do what the people really request," he said. "The invasion should be stopped, and stopping the invasion means having strong border controls."

Reuters, Bloomberg

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