

This was published 8 years ago

Brussels explosions: What we know, what we don't

By Marissa Calligeros

At least 34 people are dead and 270 have been injured after a series of explosions struck the Belgian capital of Brussels during the Tuesday morning rush hour. But those numbers could still rise.

In a fluid and developing situation, here are the facts as we know them, and what remains unclear.

Who's responsible?

Islamic State directly, or an IS-inspired local cell? A massive hunt is under way for a "man in white", one of three men filmed pushing luggage trolleys in Zaventem Airport before the blasts in the departure hall.

Authorities say the other two men, dressed in black, were suicide bombers. The man on the left is Najim Laachraoui, 24, according to an Arab intelligence official and a European intelligence official. Laachraoui is also believed to have prepared explosives for the November Paris attacks which killed 130 people.​

The man in the centre is Ibrahim el-Bakraoui, whose brother Khalid is believed to be responsible for the deadly blast on a train at Maalbeek metro station. The brothers had a criminal record but no connection to terrorism.


Belgium federal prosecutor Frederic Van Leeuw said the first bomb, taken to the airport by Ibrahim el-Bakraoui, had exploded at row 11 of the departure terminal at 7.55am. Nine seconds later there was another explosion at row two, a blast which Laachraoui is believed to have set off.

The men in black were each wearing a black glove on their left hands, prompting suggestions they were concealing detonator devices.

Police searched the address they were picked up from in a taxi before the incident, in the Brussels suburb of Schaarbeek. They discovered 15kg of explosives as well as bomb-making material: 150L of acetone, 30L of oxygenated water, detonators, a bag full of bolts and screws, tools and ventilators.

What happened at the airport?

At least 11 people were killed and more than 100 people injured.

Belgian media has reported that shots were also fired and shouts in Arabic could be heard before the explosions.

The three attackers arrived in a taxi, with the bombs hidden in their suitcases, local mayor Francis Vermeiren said.

Police found a third, undetonated bomb at the airport and dismantled it.

The Maalbeek train blast

An hour later - about 9.11am local time - another explosion struck the Maalbeek metro station, near European Union headquarters, leaving about 20 people dead and more than 100 people injured, 17 of them seriously.

A three-carriage train was just leaving the station in the direction of Arts-Loi - the next stop only a short distance away - when the blast happened. Mr Van Leeuw said the attack happened while the train was about to leave the station, in the second carriage at the platform.

The suicide bomber was identified through fingerprints as Khalid el-Bakraoui, brother to Ibrahim.

After the blast struck, people travelling on other trains were reportedly told to get off and walk in the darkness, through smoke, to the next station.

What we don't know

Have the attacks ended? With the prime suspect still at large, there are fears of more attacks.

It is not yet evident how long the attacks were in the planning, although they appear to have been revenge for the arrest of a prime suspect in the IS attacks on Paris, which killed 130 people in November.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has said Ibrahim el-Bakraoui had been previously deported from Turkey, which warned Belgium he was a militant. Erdogan said el-Bakraoui was deported to the Netherlands in June at his own request and Turkey had notified Dutch authorities.

Terror suspect Salah Abdeslam was wounded and arrested in a police raid on an apartment in the suburb of Molenbeek on Friday. Some intelligence sources have speculated to the media that it was likely that Abdeslam's arrest had accelerated the timetable for this week's attack, as his lawyer had said he was co-operating with police.

It has been suggested the statement from Abdeslam's lawyer may have been a pre-arranged signal to allies or just part of their common-sense understanding that they should activate attack plans already in the pipeline.

It has also been suggested the blasts were part of a broader plan of co-ordinated attacks on European targets, following on from the attack on Paris.

A computer belonging to Ibrahim el-Bakraoui that was found in a rubbish bin contained a despairing message that Belgian authorities described as a 'will'. The message said "he didn't know what to do any more, he was being searched for everywhere, didn't feel secure and worried he may end up in a prison cell", Mr Van Leeuw said.

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