
Work/life balance

You should start that hobby you’ve always wanted to try. Here’s why

You should start that hobby you’ve always wanted to try. Here’s why

For adults, starting a new hobby can be a daunting task. This is why you should make the leap, as told by three people who have done the same.

  • by Gemma Grant


Right to disconnect laws are coming. Here’s how to set proper boundaries at work

Right to disconnect laws are coming. Here’s how to set proper boundaries at work

At the end of this month, Aussie workers will have the right to ignore late-night calls from their bosses.

  • by Lauren Ironmonger
Why it’s time we stopped obsessing over ‘work-life balance’

Why it’s time we stopped obsessing over ‘work-life balance’

It’s a message that can be difficult to deliver to a society that’s been fed hustle culture and girlbossing, but it’s a truth we all need to hear.

  • by Tim Duggan
CEO burnout: The ‘dirty little secret’ among business top brass

CEO burnout: The ‘dirty little secret’ among business top brass

Burnout is a multibillion-dollar-a-year problem, with money primarily being haemorrhaged via days lost to stress, fatigue and poor mental health.

  • by Charlotte Lytton
No, you’re not too busy to take a break for lunch

No, you’re not too busy to take a break for lunch

Work has a crucial place in our lives. But if it’s the main driver of your self-worth, you’re putting yourself in a precarious position.

  • by Shelley Johnson
There are two different types of workers. Which one are you?

There are two different types of workers. Which one are you?

The two main ways of working are polar opposites, but they could both learn a thing or two from the other.

  • by Tim Duggan
How to avoid burnout once you hit the mid-year slump

How to avoid burnout once you hit the mid-year slump

Feeling mentally exhausted and unmotivated at work? Australians are particularly susceptible to it at this time of year.

  • by Nell Geraets
Why we should all be taking more time off work

Why we should all be taking more time off work

Taking time out from work for other important things in your life might be just what you need for a career reset.

  • by Tim Duggan
How much work do we actually need to do? Less than you think

How much work do we actually need to do? Less than you think

We spend around one-third of our lives at work. Have you ever stopped and asked why?

  • by Tim Duggan
Brisbane mum finds cold comfort in city’s bathhouse boom

Brisbane mum finds cold comfort in city’s bathhouse boom

In search of pain relief, Rhiannon Meredith has taken the plunge at one of the many bathhouses popping up across Brisbane.

  • by Courtney Kruk
No, you can’t wear a tail to work and expect to keep your job

No, you can’t wear a tail to work and expect to keep your job

What you do on the weekend is entirely your own business, but as an employment lawyer, I can assure you that you cannot dress as a furry at work and expect legal protection.

  • by Paul O'Halloran

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