

Column 8 granny dinkus

Surgery on the humerus required

It’s little more than a play on words.


Column 8 granny dinkus

Grub’s up!

Learning a hard cheese lesson.

Column 8 granny dinkus

The Lane Cove Crew and the search for clues

But it doesn’t taste like chicken.

Column 8 granny dinkus

Ambos get with the system

For under-the-bonnet resuscitation.

Skills Minister Brendan O’Connor.

10,000 VET students hit with historical debts

More than 10,000 students have been hit unexpectedly with historical VET debts by the tax office after an IT glitch meant they were held up in internal systems for as long as five years. 

  • Lisa Visentin
Cash-strapped universities are trying new models that involve the corporate world in designing bespoke credentials such as those offered by McDonald’s for its staff.

The education revolution that you’ll keep paying for

The idea that education is a public good and should be fairly funded and free is long gone.

  • Jenna Price
Hacia Atherton, founder of Empowered Women in Trades.

Just 3% of tradies are women. Hacia is doing something about it

Hacia Atherton wants women to make up 25 per cent of trades by 2030, and has developed a program to help make it happen.

  • Billie Eder
Careers advisor Paris Hadjisocratous (right) with year 10 student Nek Sultan (Left) from South Strathfield High

IT does compute: students get a taste of life in Information Technology

The NSW government and a software company are working together to educate year 10 students about careers in IT field. 

  • Billie Eder
The opposition leader Anthony Albanese.

Free TAFE, more uni places in $1.1 billion Labor promise for post-pandemic skills training

Labor is promising to make TAFE free for critical jobs across a range of sectors, as well as funding more university places if it wins the next election.

  • James Massola
Up to 19 TAFE campuses across NSW have been earmarked for sale.

‘Suitable for disposal’: TAFE campuses earmarked for sale

Internal documents reveal TAFE NSW is seeking to fully or partially sell campuses.

  • Anna Patty

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