

This was published 1 year ago

Surgery on the humerus required

“A mate of mine, Colin Littlemore, was determined to name a son Justin Andrew, so he could later say ‘Just in a little more’,” says Dave Williams of Port Macquarie. “I now find a local doctor with these first names, but seemingly devoid of a sense of humour, so haven’t been game to mention it to him.”

Stephen Knox of Chatswood notes that “A spokeswoman for pro-housing group Sydney YIMBY is Melissa Neighbour.”

“Yes to Barry Myler (C8), I enjoyed Sardinian casu martzu, larvae and all, before Euro officials made it illegal,” claims Frank Canu of Lyons (ACT). “Creamy pecorino notes, a lively mouth feel, washed down with strong red wine from Dorgali. Another reason why villages in the Sardinian Blue Zone have the highest proportion of male centenarians in the world?”

Ian McKay of Yamba enjoyed it, too: “I’ve certainly sampled the shepherd’s cheese of Sardinia. It was purchased after a lengthy search of Cagliari, and handed over with reluctance. It had a piquancy reminiscent of Port Salud, and was pounced upon by fellow travellers on our cruise ship. I was lucky to save any for the next day.” Can’t believe they didn’t serve it at B.T.C.

“I hope Wendy Crew now knows that B.T.C. is Bathurst Teachers’ College,” writes Judy Burge of Kelso. “I was waiting for someone to bring up (Sorry) ‘Train Smash’. I never sampled that particular delicacy as I was an ‘outliver’. I lived at home for my first year and boarded with a lovely local family in second year. I remain friends with the sons of the family. Kent Mayo is right to point out that we were very fortunate as, along with the physical and educational support, we also received an allowance. Not enormous, but a great help to postwar families.”

It was initially noted that the “Train Smash” was also served at W.W.T.C. (Phil Haren of Cremorne), the R.A.N. (Andrew McCarthy of Toormina) and The ACT Emergency Service (Warren Devrell of Wellington). No two are the same.

Noted Gladys Knight fan, Jack Dikian of Mosman thinks “It’s sad to hear ABC Radio Sydney is calling time on the pips that mark the strike of the hour and the start of their news broadcast. I virtually grew up with the pips. At the very least, they should enter the 3-second pips sequence into the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia audio collection.”

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