

This was published 3 years ago


NSW’s extraordinary vaccination rates give it a fighting chance against Delta

Vaccination can pave the way for NSW to bring this wave of the pandemic to an end. It is the most powerful lever in our efforts to control the Delta variant and NSW is making huge advances towards using it to maximum effect.

The state is increasing vaccine coverage among those 16 and older by 6 per cent in a week. The national average is 4.5 per cent. Even more importantly, higher rates are being reported from those LGAs of concern in Sydney’s south-west and west with an 8 to 9 per cent increase. This is an extraordinary rate that will make a material difference.

People line up to receive their COVID jab in Homebush.

People line up to receive their COVID jab in Homebush.Credit: Janie Barrett

Three main elements are working together to keep downward pressure on NSW transmission levels and cap the Delta case numbers requiring hospitalisation. These control levers are the test, trace and isolate public health response, the public’s compliance with the stay-at-home orders along with other restrictions to reduce spread, and the increasing proportion of the population who are vaccinated.

No other response measure matches vaccines for impact. The British REACT-1 study tested 100,000 people in July during Britain’s Delta wave, and reported that the infection rate in those with one dose of vaccine was one third less than those who were not vaccinated, and those fully vaccinated another third lower again. We won’t get to 100 per cent vaccination, but we know from Doherty modelling that we can expect to be better able to contain transmission once we hit 70 per cent or higher among adults, and this can be optimised with sustainable public health response measures.

The vaccine rollout in Australia is accelerating and, while we aren’t yet at high enough levels to see the full benefit yet, this day will arrive sooner now that vaccination rates are quickening. This will change the dynamics in outbreak control, allowing public health safety measures that monitor and control outbreaks to work optimally, and will start to take pressure off individual and population-level restrictions.

Even with low vaccination levels, Sydney has managed to keep the reproduction number, R, the number of people each case goes on to infect on average, well below two for more than five weeks now. This is no mean feat with a variant that jumps from case to case in less than 48 hours and that infects nearly 100 per cent of close contacts who are not vaccinated.

Delta has been reported to have an R value anywhere from five to nine when not controlled. The average reproduction number in Sydney sat between 1.2 and 1.3 for most of that time, with cases rising by 20 to 30 per cent each four days or so. Without this level of control, cases would have doubled or tripled every four or so days, or worse.

All three control levers have been adjusting over the course of this outbreak to keep R low, but Delta’s rapid transmission has made it impossible to get R below one – the level below which case numbers start to fall. This has only been managed twice, and not with this exact Delta variant that now has VIC, ACT and New Zealand battling to even get R down to two.


In NSW, restrictions have been progressively stepped up to keep downward pressure on transmission as public health measures, namely testing and tracing, started to strain under the increasing case load. Testing had also increased to include the screening of essential workers who needed to move beyond high risk LGAs for work. As the test numbers climbed, labs began to struggle — the daily volume of tests has been consistently over 130,000 for a while now.

Lab overload leads to slower turnaround time and a delay in results being reported. Even with the prioritisation of positive test results, it is inevitable that this will slow contact tracing, and may put people off getting tested. Exposure sites also become so numerous that is almost impossible to manage and communicate to the public. The public health response lever is now pulled as hard as it can go and cannot provide as much downward pressure on R as before.


Lockdown statewide now compensates for any loss of impact in the public health response and also helps contain the footprint of areas with embedded community transmission. For the first time in a month, the underlying R value has edged towards 1.5, but so far, is holding at that level.

At the start of the outbreak, NSW had just over one million doses administered. NSW now is up to 5.9 million, and uptake continues to accelerate. This is becoming a more powerful lever with every week as the percentage vaccinated grows. This will now help to keep R low, and in the weeks ahead we should start to see R dip back towards one, then below one. This is when case numbers will start to fall.

What we really need to watch are hospitalisations. They should level out even earlier – not only as a function of plateauing case numbers, but also as the proportion of cases with vaccine-protection from serious illness rises. The chances of having a serious illness requiring hospitalisation after even one dose drop by as much as 80 per cent.


Hospitalisations and fatalities, as well as the capacity of our testing and tracing systems, will set the infection rate limits that Australia can tolerate. Meanwhile, we need to hold the restriction levers such as stay-as-home orders tightly in place to maintain control until we reach high enough vaccination levels to ease back on them. That can’t come soon enough, but it’s great to see those vaccine target horizons now accelerating towards us.

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