

This was published 1 year ago

Conflict of interest derails plans for high-speed trains

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

One of the world’s “top infrastructure tsars” says high-speed rail doesn’t really make sense commercially if it takes more than two hours (“High-speed interstate rail plan ‘won’t work”’, December 8). It seems to work brilliantly in Europe, with, for instance, the fastest TGV service between Paris and Nice taking five hours 40 minutes, with multiple trains daily. The story states he has this year joined Sydney Airport’s board. Airlines are notoriously averse to high-speed rail which would curtail sales. The federal government’s plans for a high-speed rail network, which would benefit not just consumers in time and money saved, but also environmental emissions, should be commended. Alison Stewart, Riverview

Sir David Higgins suggests that high-speed rail will not be commercially viable in Australia. He is on the board of Sydney Airport. Is there a conflict of interest here? Perhaps some advice from his French, Japanese or Chinese counterparts would be more reliable. Trains are more energy efficient, easier to access, more comfortable, generally cheaper and most importantly, cause far less environmental damage. One may spend two hours in the air, but can spend just as long in the terminals. Roll out high-speed rail ASAP. We’ve dragged our conservative feet (wings) for far too long. Felicite Ross, Vaucluse

Critics routinely condemn high-speed rail as too costly based on our population. But do we conduct similar per capita cost-benefit analyses for our military? For our health system? Due to climate change, wind speeds in Australia have increased considerably over the past two decades. Flight delays and cancellations are steadily rising, with increased fear of rough air currents (turbulence anxiety) already shifting some travel to cars, buses and trains. High-speed rail is a major infrastructure investment decision that must be made on the basis of overall community benefit, not to protect an individual mode of travel. David Kennedy, Neutral Bay Junction

In my years of frequent Sydney-Melbourne air travel, the experience became frustrating and tiring. Hopeless check-in systems, long queues for security checking, delays leaving, and long wait times for luggage on arrival. A “one-hour” flight frequently became a four to five hour ordeal. Give me a fast train any day. Walk on, settle in, read and/or work comfortably, enjoy a quality buffet or dining car. And while we’re at it, how about some 21st century train services west of the Blue Mountains.
Peter Thompson, Grenfell

Higgins is correct about high speed rail in Australia; we have neither the volume of potential passengers nor the funds for it. Add problems of geography such as the Hawkesbury and the very narrow space all the way along the hill tops south of it then further doubts emerge. He uses the word “trundle” to describe our speeds but if the 4.50 pm Sydney to Newcastle yesterday is an example then perhaps “plod” or “aimless meander” might also apply. At the “speed” we did and given the lack of passengers no wonder talk of such rail is problematic. As for the antique train itself ... Tony Sullivan, Adamstown Heights

High-speed rail would work very well between central Sydney and central Melbourne in anything under the nearly five hours it takes flying, hanging around at airports and getting into our southern neighbour. It won’t work because it would bankrupt Qantas and Virgin. Kenneth Raphael, Woollahra

Consumers will bear the brunt of high energy costs

Do I have this right (“Albanese asks states to cut coal price in half to tackle energy crisis”, December 8)? The NSW and Qld governments need the increased royalties from inflated coal prices to compensate their citizens for the high electricity prices caused by those inflated coal prices. Wouldn’t it be simpler to just have lower coal prices? Alex Hilson, Mawson (ACT)

State governments are the beneficiaries of higher energy prices through their mineral royalties. The federal government wishes to protect local industry and households from economic hardship by limiting the increase in energy prices. Surely, this is good for the Australian community. The claim by the state governments for compensation for their loss of a windfall gain should be rejected.
Gordon Stenning, Seaforth

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

What do you do when you promised before the election to reduce electricity prices to households by $250 a year but are now facing doubling their current bills over the next two years? You create a smoke and mirrors approach to limit the price rise. Instead of paying for the electricity at a higher price, capping prices on coal will result in billions in compensation because what they are planning is unconstitutional. Consumers will pay anyway because the budget will wear the price difference and taxpayers will have to pay to reduce the additional increase to the deficit. Such is the misguided and incompetent approach Labor takes to manage the economy when in government. Gary Bigelow, Teralba

At some point, somebody will have to pay for the higher price of energy. What isn’t clear is whether it will be the federal government, the state governments, the generators or the miners. But if they’re allowed to pass it on (whether through higher prices or higher taxes) then the cost will just fall back on the consumers who we are supposedly trying to help. David Rush, Lawson

How generous of oil and gas company Santos to share its profits with investors (“Santos hands more profits to investors as oil, gas surge”, December 8). Fossil fuel companies like Santos and coal producer Glencore have made record windfall profits in 2022 while paying minimal taxes over the past few years, according to recent transparency data by the ATO. Meanwhile, households are under increasing financial pressure as domestic energy prices skyrocket. Moreover, Australian taxpayers are the ones footing the bill for extreme weather events linked to emissions rises – caused by the very product these companies are selling. Surely, they can afford a cap on energy prices. Anne O’Hara, Wanniassa (ACT)

Shame on Minns for pokie stance

I was about 10 years old when I first experienced the cancer of poker machines. I spent too many nights left in the car at the local club, waiting my parents to blow their meagre pay packets (“Minns ready for voter ‘judgment’”, December 8). This was to become a big part of my life. You didn’t need to be a rocket-scientist to figure out the evil these things cause.
Likewise, even a snowflake could figure out the golden opportunities for money-laundering dirty money that poker machines provide. Sadly, it seems like Chris Minns is stalling in supporting the roll-out of cashless cards. He should be ashamed. Rad Lewis, Moss Vale

Did it ever occur to Minns that the majority of the 127,000 people employed in the gambling industry, whose fate Minns is concerned about if sweeping reforms are introduced, are themselves adversely “impacted” either directly or indirectly through the damage done by gambling addiction?

At worst a “sweeping” reform would constitute a lesser of two evils, the first being the continued misery of the millions and their families adversely impacted by the addiction. Fred Jansohn, Rose Bay

Heritage over highrise

The question of skyscrapers marring the Sydney skyline involves deciding what we want to be as a city (“Sydney is getting soulless but is it getting better?”, December 8). Each soulless glass and steel box makes us look like every other desperate attention seeker in a world without heritage genes. As we pour more concrete in power-sucking vertical tombs, we lose the essence of what this sandstone and water wonder of a city once was.

We may as well be the 41st nonentity in a race to deface our past. But someone has to stop and smell the roses in the Botanical gardens, before it becomes a nine hole course for a mining mogul’s private club. Tim McKenzie, Leichhardt

Waverley’s hands not clean

Your article demonstrates a fundamental problem with the current school system (“Unacceptable on every level: Waverley College students expelled for bullying”, December 8). Waverley College, the article informs us, charges fees of $22,000 per student a year and also receives significant public funding. Yet, when some students at the institution behave unacceptably, what does the school do? Expels the students. Problem solved.

Which school will those students likely end up attending? A public school. Because unlike the publicly-funded private system, public schools can’t pick and choose the students they accept. They take all comers-including students with significant behavioural issues and challenging backgrounds. And they strive to provide an education for all, despite struggling with a chronic lack of resources to help students with particular needs because they continue to be significantly underfunded by both state and federal governments.

Waverley College and schools like it should not be applauded for simply washing their hands of the unacceptable behaviour of their own students and expecting the public school system to deal with it. With their considerable taxpayer-subsidised resources, they should be well-equipped and, indeed, expected to provide the behavioural management and support for such students as is routine in the public school system. Cath Henshall, Bungonia

Publish all pay

The call for publication of the salaries of ABC journalists/presenters only makes sense if the salaries of comparable employees and contractors at other, competing, broadcasting companies are also made public (“A Lib senator wants to know what Leigh Sales earns. Me too”, December 8). This would allow consumers to judge whether the charges of profligacy and waste of “taxpayers’ money” are legitimate. If commercial broadcasters pay their “stars” many times the salaries of ABC equivalents, then ABC-bashing by critics of rigorous journalism might be put in perspective. The publicly-funded ABC produces radio, television and digital programming at a fraction of the cost to consumers (“taxpayers”) of commercial companies. Philip Bell, Bronte

Warner cruelled by past

David Warner.

David Warner.Credit: AP

David Warner is paying the price for being on the tail end of an unfortunate period in Australian cricket when the public became weary, and wary, of the sport (“‘Crushing’ penalty: Warner withdraws his captaincy bid to avoid more trauma”, December 8). A couple of decades where exposure and money, aided and abetted by broadcast technology and media, saw the rise of harbourside mansions and luxury brand cars among the sport’s elite - and celebrity, ego and self-importance ascended, on field antics descended. The game has worked hard to restore some order and adjust to the landscape. New captain, Pat Cummins, personifies the calm, fair and sporting but competitive approach. The shadow of the past, it seems, still hovers over Warner’s captaincy aspirations. For Warner it’s a slow roast not cold turkey. Brian Jones, Leura

Elitism by another name

As a teacher when selective schools were made more common, I noticed that the removal of the more able students had a very noticeable effect on those left in the school where I taught (Letters, December 8). In many cases, students who were role models and mentors were removed and this was detrimental to the remaining students. There was also a negative effect on many selective school students. If they were not at the top of their selected cohort, they felt “dumb” whereas if they had remained at a comprehensive school this would not have happened. Elitism is not a productive strategy in any sphere of education. Richard Payne, Urangan

We should lay off selective schools and direct blame to where it belongs: the public funds comprehensive high schools, selective high schools and private high schools. And if you compare students from the same socio-economic backgrounds, private high schools receive more public money per student than public high schools. It’s public schools that do the heavy lifting with less money per student. High school education has been turned into a high stakes competition to enrol the most capable students so that the rankings of individual schools are boosted. So that private high schools can justify their fees and satisfy the aspirations of their supporters, private schools poach high-achieving students from the public system with scholarships. We have systematically ruined public education under the mantra of school “choice”. Without selective schools, we would have an even greater two-tier system of “private privilege” for the wealthier in private schools and “public squalor” for the rest in public comprehensive schools. David McMaster, Mosman

Commas save lives

Yes, emphasis is the key; but how many times does one have to read over a sentence to discover where the emphasis and the related punctuation need to be (Letters, December 8)? Donald Hawes, Peel

Only if the sentence is delivered orally will Grandma survive, Allyn Pratt. Written, it’s up to punctuation. Anna Searls, Randwick

No! Defend Granny (Column 8) eternally. Marcia Horvai, Pennant Hills


Credit: Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Don Quixote’s dream

Thank you Cathy Wilcox for your “Impossible Dream” cartoon (Letters, December 8). I found myself singing the cartoon and reminiscing about performances of Don Quixote I had seen. Paul Reid, Campsie

A right Royal ‘No’

“Their story will be watched around the world …” (“Harry and Megan deny the late Queen”, December 8). Really? Please count me out; I have many more edifying things to do. Heather Johnson, West Pennant Hills

Australian abroad

I’m currently travelling in the United States and have frequently been asked where I’m from. I don’t mind at all, I’m happy to chat and I frequently get compliments on how well I speak English for a “foreigner” (Letters, December 8). Merona Martin, Meroo Meadow

I’m sometimes asked “Where are you from?“. But on many occasions I’ve been told where to go.
Kent Mayo, Uralla

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
High-speed Sydney to Melbourne rail plan ‘will never work’: infrastructure tsar
From Nugra: ″⁣A new very fast train will need a separate rail line and infrastructure. Whose houses and businesses will be demolished and at what cost to make way for this?″⁣

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