

This was published 1 year ago

Selective schools privilege a few, but hurt many

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

The present government’s education plans remind me of bees searching for honey while the hive burns (“New selective school to open at Westmead and it’s a terrible idea”, December 7). Hopping on wide-ranging ideas such as 10 minutes a day teacher relief, parents taking playground duty, advanced skills teachers, one-size fits all lessons prep, shortening teacher training time, importing teachers, and much more are aimed at catching the votes. But all are short-sighted thought bubbles, and the teacher shortage crisis worsens. Sit down with the professionals please and plan priorities before next year as teachers leave in droves. Vanessa Tennent, Oatley

Jordan Baker’s article has hit a raw nerve. The original selective schools, one of which I attended many years ago, gave the children of working-class families the opportunity to sit the Leaving Certificate and progress to university on scholarships. Today’s selective schools draw heavily on those aspirational middle-class families who are able to afford coaching fees and transport their children across the suburbs. You can’t blame them; education is a market, depending on your income, your postcode and an understanding of how the system works. It’s not a question of the privilege of a few expensive private schools; the whole system revolves around privilege, who your parents are, where you live, and what you can afford. I’m not an absolutist, all systems have good schools, but we should stop pretending its only one part of the system that is at fault. Vivienne Parsons, Thornleigh

Top of the class, Jordan Baker. The selective system denudes comprehensive schools of their best, undermines their performance as a result and parents respond by fleeing their local schools. In the Wyndham era I went to university with public high school students from all over. The equivalent course is filled these days from selective schools. In privileging a few, it hurts many. Michael Berg, Randwick

Thank you for highlighting the issues relating to selective schools in NSW. All public schools should be staffed and funded to cope with the range of abilities (academic, creative, sporting) of all children in their local area. A well-funded public education system is the greatest asset a country can have; it’s not an expense, it’s an investment. Jacky McCarroll, Shoalhaven Heads

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

There is something in the DNA of conservative politicians which warms them immediately to the word “selective”. Probably the implications of elitism and exclusivity are attractive. It may explain the premier’s response to the Coalition’s debacle in public education. As Baker points out, more selective schools solve nothing, and it could be argued that they are counterproductive as vehicles of education policy. Opportunities for the ambitions and aspirations of community-based students are manipulated and contained as real policy solutions in education are ignored, jettisoned and abandoned. Gus Plater, Saratoga

No, we do not want another “selective” high school. Our comprehensive high schools do a remarkable job in preparing students academically as well as socially. Without tutoring and left to enjoy their school life my three children managed to gain excellent university degrees, ending up as academics and teachers. I attended a selective high in an era when selection was seen as an academic achievement of the primary school and the encouragement of the teachers who taught us. Patricia Slidziunas, Woonona

Reducing the master’s degree to one year will not solve the immediate problem (“Halve degree time to get teachers: report”, December 7). Why not utilise specialist tutors, including me, that have been in the classroom assisting during the pandemic? Give them a full-time job, upskill them with an online course and get them in front of our students. Email to premier: No point building new schools without teachers. Michael Blissenden, Dural

In the olden days (I trained in the early 70s), in New Zealand, I undertook three years training at a dedicated facility to become a primary school teacher. I received a wage during this training, beginning at half the salary of a first-year teacher, increasing to two-thirds in year 3. During this time, I spent an increasing number of weeks at a time in “prac”, in the classroom, teaching in real situations under close supervision. At the end of the training I was bonded to teach for three years. This bond could be broken (you could leave the profession) for a payment of roughly $1000. The bond obligation was substantially diminished if you elected to teach in rural areas.
Imagine, being paid to become a professional educator. Paul Hewson, Clontarf (Qld)


RBA’s aggressive rate rises hurt average people most

It is hardly a nuanced approach by the RBA as they take to the economy with all the finesse of a metaphorical bull in a china shop (“Another Tuesday. Another rate rise. You should be ropeable”, 6 December). Eight interest rises in eight months is hectic economic policy. I am not an economist, but even I can see looming financial disaster for a large group of Australian homeowners and renters.

The people most affected by the RBA decisions are those with loans. We watch nurses, teachers, rail workers and others uselessly fighting for wage rises to provide relief from exploding prices. Where on earth do the RBA think the average person will find this money? Once defaults begin, forced sale of properties will ensue and the whole housing system will collapse. Rents will continue to rise. This will then flow into the business community that the RBA wants to protect. Coffee? No thanks. Eating out? No thanks. Holidays? Not possible. New car? Not even likely. New clothes? Can’t. Buy anything other than basics? Not on your life. If these people can no longer spend, the economy suffers.

Most of the inflation seems to be coming from areas beyond the control of the average Australian. We cannot control fuel, electricity and gas prices. We cannot control rising prices from flood-affected produce. Why then take a baseball bat to everyone? Sue Schipp, Caringbah South

If current borrowers thought interest rates would never increase, then they should not have applied for credit in the first place without doing some future budget planning. Too many consumers have been brought up with the mentality of being able to have whatever they want whenever they like. Some substantial readjustments to living relating to the current economic conditions need be made – the reality check has arrived. Bruce Clydsdale, Bathurst


Credit: Matt Golding

For most of us the workings of the Reserve are vague and undefined at best and our only point of reference is their announcements on interest rates. It is time for the Reserve to become more open and transparent, with the current government encouraging that process. Ross Butler, Rodd Point

It appears that housing loan borrowers are the ones who are “carrying the can” for the RBA’s attempt to stifle demand. The very people who can least afford it. A lot of well-off people don’t have loans of any description.

Investment property borrowers also have to pay the higher rates, but they end up with a greater deduction against their income, and if need be, they can put up rents to further impact on people who can least afford it. Monetary policy alone to control the economy is not enough. The federal government needs to be involved. Stewart Copper, Maroubra

Partisan police protect themselves

Around 2am on a Sunday morning in May 1986 I was bashed in Moore Park by a gang of four or five youths (“Internal emails show tension in force”, December 7). I believed I was saved by the gush of blood that flowed from my nose as it was broken by their cowardly punch. As they screamed at me “AIDS poofter”, I looked into their eyes and cried; “Why are you doing this?”

I went to the Taylor Square police station to lodge a report the following week. I was met with hostility and suspicion. I said I would recognise those men immediately if I saw them again. The officers wanted to know only why I was in that park at that time of night.

I was aware of gay bashings and murders across Sydney at that time. I learnt later some had happened in Moore Park. I offered myself to be a witness in any identification lineup. I never heard back from the police.

How dare their counsel complain that police involvement in the NSW LGBTIQ hate crimes inquiry is diverting resources from investigating 12 unsolved homicides. Let’s hope at least some of those homicides are from those dark times. Neil Armfield, Patonga

Thanks to your writers for their clear reporting in the NSW LGBTIQ hate crimes inquiry. The current stoush between the NSW Police Force and the inquiry reminds us that history is written by the powerful.

It is ironic that the NSW Police Force is complaining about the resources needed to provide evidence to the inquiry when so much of what happened to LGBTIQ people was undocumented. NSW Police is after all only providing what it cared to document and archive from those terrible times. Such evidence will be partial and partisan, more about protecting the guilty and their reputation than the innocent.

Justice John Sacker is right in admonishing the NSW Police Force for what was an entirely foreseeable event announced in April this year. While things have clearly improved in NSW Police, there is a lot that needs to be done better. Stephen Lawton, Canberra (ACT)

The focus should be on energy

As the Albanese government struggles to find a solution to the energy crisis, one has to wonder why the previous government did so little in this space and yet spent so much political capital trying to push through their irrelevant religious discrimination bill (“Bill relief delayed as deal nears”, December 7). Almost a year on and we can see how this misguided focus was completely unnecessary and took valuable resources from more important concerns.
Matt Neenan, Wallagoot

The government is against a windfall profits tax because this will threaten investment in new coal and gas. Huh? Wasn’t that the point of COP 26? David Ramsay, Bexley

Climate more serious than traffic delays

Our way of life is being put at risk by burning fossil fuels not by a brief delay for traffic. Nobody is above the laws of physics (“Nobody is above the law’: Minister stands by anti-protest laws that sent niece to jail”, December 7). Graeme Finn, Summer Hill

Open spaces for all, not just the powerful

Joseph O’Donoghue wants more use of public spaces for the enjoyment of some and claims that the recent “Open for Lunch” generated “genuine excitement” (“Sydneysiders should be trusted to use our public spaces”, December 7). I was furious because the three-hour lunch closed the light rail from Town Hall to Circular Quay from Thursday evening until Saturday morning. A climate change protester goes to jail for impeding traffic but commercial interests can shut down public transport with the government’s blessing. Thoroughfares should be kept open to allow movement around the city rather than compounding congestion on the streets. Judith Campbell, Drummoyne

Trading hours should assist residents not profits

The Presets’ Julian Hamilton and Kim Moyes.

The Presets’ Julian Hamilton and Kim Moyes.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

Some Sydney licensed premises’ reported indignation with the residual 3.30-4.00am last drinks regulation, inhibiting their profit-making capacity (“Reset Sydney’s last drinks laws”, December 7)

Many of these venues operate in mixed residential/commercial zone areas in Kings Cross and Sydney CBD. Inner-city residents including young families, the elderly and shift workers should equally be afforded consideration of their amenity including the ability to sleep, safety, peace and good order. Some of these residents’ occupancy predates that of the more recent proliferation in the numbers of smaller bars.

Regulation is a vital reflective outcome in balancing and articulating these competing public vs private interests. Many other global cities including Los Angeles and Dublin do not have unlimited trading hours of licensed premises. The commercial interests of the powerful alcohol lobby cannot be allowed to dominate this important ongoing debate, best informed by independent evidence.
Tony Brown, Newcastle

Smoke and mirrors politics

Not to labour the point but it certainly appears the liberal application of smoke and mirrors in Australian politics has been the primary reason Albanese is now in poll position (“Labor has robust lead over Dutton”, December 7 ). Steve Dillon Thirroul

Defence of City of Sydney’s housing policies

I was surprised to read CBD’s attack on Sydney City’s commitment to delivering affordable, social and diverse housing (“City of Sydney’s affordable housing no-show”, December 7).

While housing and homelessness is the state government’s responsibility, the city has been responding to these issues for many years – through direct action, collaboration and advocacy.

We have implemented an affordable housing contribution scheme which has enabled the city to collect $343 million in contributions from developers and delivered 1328 homes, with 400 more in the pipeline. We have also provided $10 million in direct grants and sold nearly $20 million in discounted land to community housing providers to enable housing projects.

I recently joined other capital city lord mayors in meeting federal government ministers to advocate for increased funding and we continue to push the state government to increase the social and affordable housing component of the Waterloo Estate redevelopment.

At the core of CBD’s criticism is that there has not been items on the city’s “Housing for All Committee” agenda recently. Given the topic’s breadth, items related to housing are considered by a variety of council committees, including those that discuss the city’s budget, grants, planning schemes and development approvals. We remain committed and productive. Clover Moore, Sydney Lord Mayor

All in the asking

Where did you come from (Letters, December 7)? A question that can be rude and intrusive but, equally, can be welcoming and accepting. It depends on the setting and on the emphasis on the parts of the sentence.

I have always asked my patients “Where did you come from”? The answer sometimes had bearing on their illness and on their response to my intervention. In the young and people who probably been born in Australia, a more fruitful and less intrusive question would be “Where did your parents come from?” Warren Kidson, Bellevue Hill

Hands off our harbour

I am neither a harbour cruise party goer, nor a waterfront resident. I do believe that the harbour is public property, with no areas of exclusivity (Letters, December 7). If people choose to settle adjacent to a public space, they must put up with the consequences of their decisions. Party organisers must also observe the rules. Tim Wynn Jones, Homebush

Comma to the rescue

In the sentence “Let’s eat Grandma”, surely it is correct emphasis, not punctuation, that saves gran from cannibalism (Letters, December 7). Alynn Pratt, Grenfell

“Let’s eat Grandma”: by all means, great first album. Ian Clarke, Terrigal

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Voters back strong action on pokies, as 60% support cashless gaming card
From TonyH: ″⁣Get on board the anti-pokie train Chris Minns ’cause it is coming. These appalling machines have turned clubs from not-for-profit community gathering venues into giant profit-making casinos to the detriment of millions. This must stop now.″⁣

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