

This was published 5 years ago


The noble art of getting things done and undone

“Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone.” That’s what Chinese writer and philosopher Lin Yutang said. Counter that with Murphy’s Law that dictates "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong" and you get the full picture of why crisis and issues managers exist.

Striking the balance of when to nail an issue down and tell everyone about it, particularly when it’s a negative, versus leaving well-enough alone, is a noble art indeed. And it’s an art because despite all the data and codified solutions that are available to help us navigate life, managing the reputations of anything or anybody that depends on the trust and goodwill of the public still relies on instinct and judgment calls.

Any experienced issues manager who has been at crisis point a few times will tell you that when you’ve been called out because you’ve stuffed up, taken your eye off the ball or done the wrong thing, you fess up and eventually everyone moves on. In fact, if you get it right, you might even be held in higher esteem than when you started.

In these times of significantly diminished attention spans, it’s easy to think the big problems confronting our companies, politicians or public figures will simply fade from view and eventually disappear, after a searing couple of days under the media’s blowtorch. It’s tempting to move on without confronting some hard truths and hope that everyone forgets about it.

That might be fine if it’s a one-off, flash-in-the-pan episode that will never likely happen again. But when the issues are structural, there is nothing noble about sweeping the difficult stuff under the carpet.  On that front, you need to look no further than three significant stories last week to prove the point.

Allegations of sexual assault made by two female Liberal staffers this week saw the party caught short – again – when it was forced to defend itself against broader accusations that it has toxic, anti-women cultural problems.


Despite Prime Minister Scott Morrison initiating a review in September after former NSW South Coast MP Ann Sudmalis said she was bullied in a brutal preselection contest – an episode that ended with the Liberals losing the seat at the election – no findings have been announced. It's been reported the process has been "tough going" and a code of conduct would be discussed by the party’s executive on Friday.

It’s clear that work behind the scenes has been done, just as the Prime Minister requested, and there’s no doubt the federal election would have taken up a significant part of the organisation’s bandwidth since September.

But if the party thought its ''women’s issues'' would be contained to some troublesome events during the course of the election and the previous government, last week showed that was not to be the case. Leaving it undone left the Liberals vulnerable to rehashing past traumas, and the reports left many wondering if there are unaddressed issues in the party that go beyond the cultural, into the criminal.


Crown Resorts was also ravaged by ghosts of crises past when 60 Minutes, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age teamed up to outline allegations about its conduct. But this train has been ready to leave the station since the 2016 arrests by Chinese police of 19 of its staff over accusations that they had broken a law banning the promotion of gambling in China.


Crown said the reports were exaggerated and misleading and it’s easy to see why the board of directors decided to publish its extraordinary point-by-point account in full-page newspaper ads. But the casino operator was starting from behind; it is, after all, an industry not known for its transparency. Add to the mix the shady world of dealing with high-rollers and,  in the eyes of the public, its reputation has taken a hit.

When it was out of the media spotlight, Crown didn’t provide the reassurance that it was an ethical operator that had dealt with its China problems. The temptation to let sleeping dogs lie was probably overwhelming, but that left it exposed.

Finally, to Shayna Jack. You know you’re in trouble when the dominant question in the first 12 hours of the media’s focus is "why are we only hearing about this now?" That’s because reporters think it points to a cover-up and they're wondering what else you are hiding. It’s a bad space to be in when you’re a professional athlete and the issue relates to alleged doping.


The moral of these stories: playing off the back foot might give you more time but you lose the power of a front foot shot. And knowing what to leave entirely undone is, indeed, a noble art.

Claire Kimball is the founder of The Squiz, a free weekday news email. She was formerly press secretary to Tony Abbott and communications director for Woolworths Group.

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