

This was published 2 years ago

The issues hurting the Coalition’s vote in horror polling week

By David Crowe

The anger at the federal government over the Omicron wave has been no surprise to some of Scott Morrison’s supporters when record numbers of Australians are being infected with the coronavirus, forced into isolation or turned away at pharmacies that have run out of tests.

Liberals and Nationals are fighting for the government’s survival in electorates across the country and can feel the mood turn against the Prime Minister over his handling of the pandemic.

Anthony Albanese is catching up in the polls as Scott Morrison pays a political price for the shock of the Omicron wave.

Anthony Albanese is catching up in the polls as Scott Morrison pays a political price for the shock of the Omicron wave.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen, Louise Kennerley

The doubts over the government’s competence are impossible to ignore in the survey of voters published this week and showing primary vote support for the Coalition fell from 39 to 34 per cent from November to January.

The primary vote results in the exclusive Resolve Political Monitor showed an increase in Labor’s core support from 32 to 35 per cent, putting Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese in a strong position ahead of the federal election.

Liberals knew this was coming after the surge in Omicron cases, the pressure on hospitals, the shortage of rapid antigen tests and the disruption to families at Christmas and New Year.

“I don’t think people prefer Albanese but people attribute blame to the Prime Minister,” says one Liberal. “All the anger is pointed at him.”

Behind the headlines was a severe erosion in confidence in Morrison’s ability to get Australia through the pandemic. Asked which leader and party they think is more competent, 31 per cent of voters named Morrison and the Coalition, while 26 per cent named Albanese and Labor. The government led by five percentage points. It led by 17 points last May.


One poll does not make a landslide. Morrison’s team knew the public polling would reflect the frustration over the summer outbreak, while backbenchers knew it destroyed any dream of a snap election in March. But the view within the government is that victory can be won on an economic message after the federal budget due on March 29, with seat-by-seat struggles at an election in May.

Everything depends on when Omicron peaks and how long that peak lasts. And, perhaps, what variant comes afterwards.

The most seasoned backbenchers know that politics can change quickly in the heat of a campaign and horror polls need to be handled with care.

“I’ve seen it worse than this,” says Warren Entsch, the Liberal MP who has held the seat of Leichhardt in northern Queensland for 26 years, apart from one term when he chose not to run.

Warren Entsch - with Prime Minister Scott Morrison - says he’s seen worse polling in his decades in parliament.

Warren Entsch - with Prime Minister Scott Morrison - says he’s seen worse polling in his decades in parliament.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

“It doesn’t surprise me, but I’ve seen polls that have said we’re toast and we’ve come back to win.”

Entsch remembers the 2001 election when voters were angry with John Howard, the prime minister at the time, over the introduction of the GST and rising petrol prices. Howard responded by cutting fuel excise and taking a hard line on asylum seekers when the Tampa sailed toward the Western Australian coast. Then came September 11.

Australia faces a very different landscape this year. Nobody can predict how the pandemic will play out: not Morrison, not Albanese. What is very clear, however, is that Morrison is paying a political price for the shock of the Omicron wave when he was being told last year to be prepared.


That is why the shortage of rapid antigen tests bites so hard as a political issue. It is not just an urgent practical problem for households but a question about government planning and competence, just like the wait for the vaccine last year.

Morrison has taken action on several fronts to try to quell this anger. With supermarket shelves empty, he has argued in national cabinet for ways to get workers back into food production and transport. One option was to ease rules so people could return to work after five days of isolation, but state leaders baulked at the idea. The rule stayed at seven days.

The federal response has been to do what it can control. Morrison and the Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, chose to refund visa fees for foreign students over the next eight weeks and for working holidaymakers over the next 12 weeks. Treasury estimates this will bring workers into the country at a faster rate. Employers backed the idea.

The Labor response is to call for a free supply of rapid antigen tests for all. But there is no costing on this promise and no policy on how to ration supply to make sure the greatest help goes to those in the greatest need. The onus is on Albanese to explain how that would work.

The pressure on Morrison was laid bare in his press conference on Wednesday when he made a calculated decision to open his remarks, televised live, with an admission about the frustration and anger about the summer outbreak.

“It hasn’t been without challenge, it hasn’t been without loss, it hasn’t been without frustration and difficulty, and the natural anger that I know flows from that,” he said. “But that’s where we are – doing better than almost any other country in the world.”

His central argument, which he has been making over several months, was that the steps taken in Australia have saved 40,000 lives when compared with death rates overseas. It is not an easy message because it asks people to favour Morrison by considering what might have been when they are consumed, for good reason, with real problems before their eyes.

Morrison was on the defensive. The Resolve Political Monitor had shown on Wednesday morning that 65 per cent of voters believed test kit supplies were a federal leader’s job, even though states run the testing centres. The way Morrison responded was telling. He spoke for 21 minutes before taking questions and ranged over everything he was working on or thinking about, anxious for Australians to know he was not idle.


The soliloquy was unfocused and unstructured. Morrison shifted blame to others – the states, again – without being brief and direct about his own actions. He even canvassed a plan to lower the age of people who could drive forklifts – an idea that went viral on social media with pictures of children at the wheels before it was blocked by the premiers the next day. He was thinking aloud in a way that helped nobody.

Talking more did not save Hamlet.

Voters are judging Morrison on results. The slide in the government’s fortunes follows the remorseless numbers of the pandemic: the change from 20,000 active cases in early November to more than 500,000 in January, an official number that understates the reality. It is possible for voters to hold state and territory leaders to account for this outbreak at the same time they mark down the Prime Minister.

The key questions about policy and politics in the Resolve Political Monitor ask respondents to indicate which party and leader they prefer, an approach that means Morrison and the Coalition are being compared with Albanese and Labor. This reflects the presidential way Australia’s election campaigns are run, with so much attention on the leader.

The question on policy is straightforward: “Please tell us which party and leader you think would perform best in each area.” Respondents are given a list of issues in a random order.

Morrison and the Coalition have held the lead on the pandemic when voters are asked who is best to manage the COVID-19 situation. But their lead has narrowed dramatically. They were ahead by 25 percentage points after the federal budget last May; now they lead by only four percentage points.

Asked who they prefer on this essential measure, 32 per cent of voters name Morrison and the Coalition while 28 per cent name Albanese and Labor. This means a huge number of voters are yet to be convinced by either side: 25 per cent say they are undecided, while 10 per cent do not prefer either of the major parties.

The contest on a related issue, the management of healthcare and aged care, has been much tighter since the Resolve Political Monitor began last April. The pandemic has changed the old assumptions that Labor does better on health. Last May, when the government promised $15.2 billion for aged care in the budget, voters swung to the Coalition. The next few months saw them swing between the two major parties.


Asked about health and aged care in October, voters were evenly matched in preferring the Coalition or Labor, but things shifted in November to give Albanese a slight lead of three percentage points. He increased this lead to six points in January.

With so much attention on hospitals and testing centres, 34 per cent of voters preferred Labor and Albanese on health and aged care in January, compared to 28 per cent who preferred the Coalition and Morrison. As in other areas, the contest is not over: 25 per cent were undecided.

Morrison and the Coalition have kept their lead over Labor on economic management, but the lead narrowed to 13 percentage points in January compared to 16 points in November and 26 points last May.

Asked about jobs and wages, voters favoured Albanese and Labor. Asked who was best to keep the cost of living low, voters also backed Albanese and Labor. The margins are narrow but the trend has been against the government.

The Resolve Political Monitor was conducted from January 10 to 15 and asked 1607 voters their views in online questions put in a random order to avoid a “donkey vote” with the results. The margin of error was 2.5 per cent for the national figures.

Resolve director Jim Reed usually says the results are too close to call when calculating who leads in two-party terms. This is cautious, and annoys people who like the race-call to be simplified to two national numbers, but one of the lessons from the last election is to guard against such sweeping statements.

“The contest has been quite close up until now, but Labor now holds a significant two-party preferred vote lead,” says Reed.

This has to be treated with caution, however, when the tacticians on both sides of politics know the election will be decided in seat-by-seat battles.

Even with the national numbers against them, Liberals believe they can hold their seats in Tasmania and possibly win one from Labor. They base this on the calibre of the candidates.


In Queensland, for instance, the government worries about losing the seat of Flynn, where Labor has a strong candidate in local mayor Matt Burnett, but is not so nervous about suburban Brisbane. While Labor supporters think the tide has turned strongly against the government in Western Australia, Liberals think they can hold their ground.

It is also hard to gauge the impact of the independent candidates who are taking on Liberals in urban seats – like Zoe Daniel running against Liberal frontbencher Tim Wilson in Goldstein in Melbourne or Sophie Scamps trying to topple the Liberal’s Jason Falinski in Mackellar on the northern beaches of Sydney.

Because the Resolve Political Monitor asks voters to nominate their primary votes in the same way they would write ‘1’ on the ballot papers for the lower house at an election, there is no undecided category in the results and respondents can back independents with their primary votes. Some other surveys have lower results for independents, perhaps because they allow respondents to say they are undecided.

Support for independent candidates rose from 9 to 11 per cent in the latest survey but it is hard to extrapolate this national figure and apply it to local contests in Melbourne and Sydney. The swing against the Coalition in the latest Resolve survey is enormous, at 5 per cent, but that would still not be enough to sweep Daniel or Scamps to victory in relatively safe Liberal seats.

Morrison is a disciplined political campaigner who outsmarted Labor three years ago, while Albanese is heading to his first election as leader. But campaign tactics will not be enough to win an election that has to be fought on the pressing question of who is best to lead Australia out of the pandemic.

Morrison has lost ground on the core measures of his performance. Albanese, however, does not have the ascendancy on the same essential questions. Voters are telling the Prime Minister they are ready to throw him out. His fate depends on whether he gets the message.

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