

This was published 2 years ago

Inside the 2001 cabinet papers

By Shane Wright

The cabinet sits at the heart of Australia’s form of democracy.

The most important decisions of the government of the day are thrashed out in cabinet, with ministers able to argue the merits or otherwise of a particular policy. And once that decision is taken, all members of the cabinet are supposed to stand behind it.

2001: When Australia went to the polls on November 10, the Howard government was comfortably returned.

2001: When Australia went to the polls on November 10, the Howard government was comfortably returned.Credit: Paul Harris

Due to its sensitive nature, the deliberations and the briefing papers brought to it are heavily classified.

But 20 years after the debates and soul-searching, those documents are released by the National Archives to historians and the public who can glean how these important decisions were made.

To help tell the full picture of the documents, the Archives give to journalists - who are sworn to secrecy - early access to the papers plus the chance to talk to a minister from the year covered by the documents. Details of what is in those documents are embargoed until January 1.

I’ve been covering the release of cabinet papers since 2005 and during that time I’ve been surprised by some of the gems tucked away in the submissions and briefing notes.


The papers of 1976 included revelations of a plan to assassinate future prime minister Bob Hawke and key members of Australia’s Jewish community. Papers from late 1989 revealed concerns that Australia’s embassy in Russia had been bugged, possibly by a bribed Australian diplomat or a Soviet agent who had managed to sneak into the building. The bug may have been in the embassy since 1983 with a van outside the chancery “probably containing VHF intercept equipment” as recently as November 1988. In 1995, the then Keating government was warned a debate about an Australian republic could lead to a rise of right-wing militias, with south-east Queensland a particular concern for the creation of “violent opposition”. At the same time, a review of national security laws considered whether it was time to create a separate law of “killing the Sovereign”.

It’s not just the cabinet papers. The cabinet notebooks - handwritten recordings of the debate going on inside the cabinet - are released 30 years after their creation. I had the cabinet book of 1963 at the time of the assassination of US President Kennedy made public, and it showed debate by the then Menzies cabinet on whether it would be a good time to make trade gains at America’s expense.


The latest papers released on January 1 cover one of the most controversial and important periods in recent political history.

2001, the final year of the second term of the Howard government, started with the Coalition well behind in the polls to the point it lost the safe Liberal seat of Ryan in Brisbane in March.

Following policy reversals (ending the six-monthly increase in excise on petrol), the Coalition was making headway against Kim Beazley’s Labor Party.

But then came the arrival in Australian waters of Norwegian freighter Tampa with 433 asylum seekers. The Howard government sent SAS troops to the ship to prevent the men, women and children from arriving in Australia.

Three weeks later, the world was turned on its head by the September 11 attacks across Washington and New York. For the first time, the ANZUS Treaty was invoked amid fears the terrorist attacks could be the start of a global assault on Western democracies.


A month later, the events that would become known as the Children Overboard affair were played out north of Christmas Island.

All issues would be key factors at the November 10 election at which John Howard achieved a 1.9 per cent swing to the Coalition, delivering him his third term in office.

The papers released on January 1 clearly show the change in policy towards asylum seekers and the early move to the so-called “Pacific Solution”. They also show the machinations behind the change in petrol excise.

There is little on the September 11 attacks - partly because John Howard was in Washington at the time of the attacks. Much was done on the fly as the government, like governments around the world, struggled to come to terms with those tragic events.

The papers also give insights into long-forgotten decisions - such as the move to keep boxer Mike Tyson out of the country (while allowing into the nation rapper Eminem).


The work of the National Archives is most in the public’s mind when the cabinet papers are released on January 1. But as Katina Curtis and I have reported over the past year, the Archives has faced an uphill battle to carry out its core business.

Years of funding and staff cuts meant the Archives faced losing hundreds of thousands of documents including recordings of war-time speeches made by John Curtin and a register of births, deaths and marriages from descendants of the Bounty mutiny.

After a series of stories about the situation (which attracted the interest of Prince Charles), extra funding was promised by the federal government.

It’s enough to save particular at-risk documents but there is still a mountain of information that needs to be protected and catalogued.

The Archives’ vast collection goes to the heart of Australian history. Without it, history will literally fade away or turn to dust. Without documented history, national stories will go untold. And a country without stories and history is destined for failure.

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