

This was published 3 years ago

Stalking horse or fact-minding mission? Retirement income review exposes super fault lines

By Jennifer Duke

When Mike Callaghan handed his 638-page report on the nation's retirement system to Treasurer Josh Frydenberg in July, it felt as if he were presenting his own newborn for scrutiny.

"This is your child, you want to see how people are reacting to your baby," the former Treasury deputy secretary says about the retirement income review made public last week. "The problem we've had in the debate is, to date, people make assertions without looking at the evidence."

Retirement income review chairman Mike Callaghan is disparaging of claims the review was solely to justify government moves to tinker with the $3 trillion super sector.

Retirement income review chairman Mike Callaghan is disparaging of claims the review was solely to justify government moves to tinker with the $3 trillion super sector. Credit: Michel O'Sullivan

Callaghan, who worked as chief of staff to then-treasurer Peter Costello in 1999-2000, believes his panel has authored the most comprehensive report to date examining how Australians financially plan for their retirement.

He hoped it would improve the discourse about superannuation, property investment and the role of the age pension. But already he is frustrated by the response from some, including suggestions his review made recommendations about how to improve the system. A read through the voluminous document provides endless observations about pensions, voluntary savings and super. It does not, however, suggest policy changes.

Despite aiming to provide objective observations about how the system is performing, the report has sparked fierce debate.

The super system has become politicised in recent years and now ranks alongside energy policy for its ability to incite vitriol. On one side of the debate are industry super funds, Labor and the unions, which deserve much of the credit for building compulsory super during the 1990s. They want more pay siphoned into retirement accounts to provide a bigger safety net and for these accounts to remain untouched until retirement. The super industry manages $2.9 trillion in assets on behalf of 16 million Australians and charges fees in excess of $30 billion a year. It's big business, and the industry funds and unions now find themselves in the odd position of being the establishment.

On the other side are some Liberal MPs and economists who think the funds have become bloated, inflexible, wield too much power and don't always act in the interests of members. Rather than the objective discussion Callaghan hoped to encourage, his report has exposed these fault lines.

Even the unsurprising observation that home owners are more comfortable than renters in retirement has proved to be divisive.


An idea floated by Liberal backbenchers – that people should be able to dip into their super for a house deposit – was supported by former Reserve Bank governor Bernie Fraser, whose comments came as a surprise given he is considered one of industry super's founding fathers, and enough crossbenchers to give the federal government confidence it could push through changes in the Senate if it so chose. The government is yet to provide a formal response to the review.


But the Labor party, former prime ministers Paul Keating and Kevin Rudd, and the super industry are vehemently opposed to the proposal on the basis it could further inflate property prices, lower the investment performance of the funds and undermine the retirement system.

"We need a superannuation system that provides for a decent standard of living in retirement in addition to measures enabling home ownership for Australians," Industry Super Australia chairman Greg Combet said in a column for the Herald, which noted federal MPs have "seized on the report to open up yet another old division".

Callaghan says generating these discussions is entirely the point of the report: "That's a healthy part of a debate that's coming out of a better understanding of what the components are that make an adequate retirement income."

Not everyone agrees.

A frank campaign

If Liberal backbencher Tim Wilson knows one thing for certain, it's the power of a strong campaign. His 2019 push against Labor's franking credit policy, which would've removed refunds from 900,000 retiree shareholders who did not pay tax, became a major political battleground during the federal election. His attacks were described as a scare campaign but they damaged Labor's reputation and played a role in Bill Shorten's surprise defeat.

We shouldn't be surprised that those few people that have never supported super are ... pretending it says the whole thing has failed.

Industry Super Australia CEO Bernie Dean

"The last [franking credits campaign] was about giving the people about to lose a third of their income overnight a voice," Wilson says. "I underestimated the full extent of the power of it."

He's trying to replicate this political success. Three days after the Callaghan review was released, he posted videos on social media launching a new campaign with the slogan "Home First, Super Second". Basically, prioritise buying a home over contributing to super and let first-time buyers dip into their account for a deposit. He says he has spent years considering affordability problems in major cities. His electorate of Goldstein includes bayside Melbourne suburbs where median prices surpass $1 million.


"This is about giving young Australians a voice, their fair go, and their capacity for the Australian dream," he says.

He denies he is anti-super and insists housing affordability is a real problem striking a chord with younger voters. Workers could soon be putting a bigger proportion of their wages into super, with the super guarantee legislated to rise from 9.5 per cent to 12 per cent by 2025. Wilson is one of a dozen Coalition backbenchers who don't support this increase, which he says will further reduce the amount of money young people can save for a home. Federal MPs are paid 15.4 per cent of their wages as super.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has previously said the super guarantee rise is being reviewed, with a decision to be made next year. Assistant Minister for Superannuation Jane Hume has acknowledged the arguments made by the RBA, the Grattan Institute and others that employers could hold back wage rises to cover the increase but is similarly tight-lipped about the government's position.

Liberal senator Andrew Bragg, another opponent of the super guarantee hike, also thinks more should be done to allow super to be accessed for housing. His recent book, Bad Egg, proposes first-home buyers should be able to use their super for a deposit. He says the existing First Home Super Saver Scheme, which allows first-time home buyers to withdraw their voluntary super contributions up to $30,000 to help with a deposit, should be expanded to make mandatory super contributions accessible as well.

Senior sources in the super industry regard Wilson and Bragg as troublemakers. They say the Liberal MPs don't want to help young people buy homes and are instead trying to dismantle compulsory super.

Keating, who built the super system in the 1990s, argues the next scheduled 0.5 per cent increase in the super guarantee represents just $8, or "two coffees", for a worker on $80,000 a year. He also makes the point there were no corresponding wage rises when Costello delayed the increase. Costello is the chairman of Nine Entertainment Co, owner of this masthead.

Industry Super chief executive Bernie Dean says the Callaghan report did not say dipping into super for housing would be a silver bullet for affordability. "It's pretty transparent that those pushing for change here are promoting an alternate version of the report which suits their own ideological purposes," Dean says. "We shouldn't be surprised that those few people that have never supported super are a bit miffed by the report and are pretending it says the whole thing has failed and should be dismantled."

Effective, sound and sustainable

It was the first line of the retirement income review that Keating was particularly intent on quoting during an interview on the ABC program 7.30 on Monday night. "The retirement income system is effective, sound and its costs are broadly sustainable," he said, reading from a printed copy he had brought into the studio. "They [the Morrison government] wanted the report to say super was in trouble."


Despite the review finding the evidence "suggests the majority of superannuation guarantee increases are paid for through lower growth in wages", Keating believes a trade-off with wages is "nonsense". He further warns the government wants to force retirees to "eat" their own house with a reverse mortgage. One of the findings in the review was that the current super guarantee rate could provide an adequate retirement, particularly if assets such as equity in the family home are more effectively used. Keating has declined multiple requests to be interviewed and invitations to write opinion pieces for this masthead.

On the same day, Labor superannuation spokesman Stephen Jones warned his Twitter followers the Liberals "want you to sell [your home] to pay for retirement". Hume hit back at Labor for "paranoid conspiracy" theories and believing the "sky is falling" whenever the government puts forward legislation on super.

But there is a possibility the backbench campaign to prioritise home ownership above super could backfire on the Morrison government. Labor has been sharpening its own strategy for the past few months and the Liberal backbench push could fuel views the Liberals want to undermine super and backflip on an election promise to increase the super guarantee.

Jones certainly believes the backbenchers dislike super and says their idea is a "backdoor way for them to destroy the system". He says Labor is committed to a "bare-knuckle fight" if the government attempts to stop the super guarantee increases or let people take home deposits out of their super.

The best use of the review is if it makes people think, question, have a better understanding, get a better debate.

Retirement income review chairman Mike Callaghan

Combet has described the campaign as an attempt to undermine super, while Rudd says it is just the latest move from "right-wing ideologues … to hollow out the savings of working families" and the report is their stalking horse.

Callaghan is disparaging of claims the review was solely to justify government moves to tinker with the $3 trillion super sector. "Throughout it all, there is nothing that justifies that view."


Regardless of the political battles being waged, the most important question for the public, and those on both sides of the debate, is what is best for Australians' retirement?

The review is an extensive analysis of the system that identifies areas for improvement. After leading the project for months, Callaghan doesn't want this chance to be wasted. "In terms of the best use of the review now, the issue has been: Is this just a flash in the pan or does it have a long burn?"

"The best use [of the review] is if it makes people think, question, have a better understanding, get a better debate," he says. "We've laid out the facts and people looking at them can come to [their own] conclusions of what should be done."

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