This was published 5 years ago
Labor refers Tim Wilson to police over claims he shared voter details with fund manager
By Eryk Bagshaw
The chair of a taxpayer funded government inquiry has been referred by Labor to the Australian Federal Police after being accused of sharing the details of voters with a high-profile fund manager as part of a co-ordinated campaign against Labor's franking credit policy.
Multiple voters who registered to attend the parliamentary inquiry are outraged that they are now receiving advertising material from Wilson Asset Management, a company that has $3 billion in funds under management, some of which could be put at risk if Labor wins the next election.
Mr Wilson and his distant relative Geoff Wilson, who owns Wilson Asset Management, have co-ordinated protests, petitions and voter information to maximise the political hit on Labor's policy that would see up to 900,000 retired non-taxpaying shareholders lose a tax refund worth thousands of dollars each year. Mr Wilson has also declared his investment in two seperate funds run by Wilson Asset Management.
Momentum is gathering within Parliament to refer Mr Wilson to the privileges committee when it returns next week. Labor and the Greens have called for Mr Wilson to resign while independent Kerryn Phelps has also indicated her concerns.
"I don’t support Labor’s planned changes to franking credits but nor do I support Tim Wilson’s disgracefully partisan use of this parliamentary committee," said Dr Phelps.
Liberal MPs have thrown their support behind Mr Wilson. North Sydney MP Trent Zimmerman, who used taxpayer funding to robocall voters in his electorate said the tactics had resulted in strong attendance at Friday's meeting in Chatswood, which began with a protester labelling the hearing a "scam".
"It is a role model for future inquiries," said Mr Zimmerman.
Liberal MP Jason Falinksi said there was no politicking involved. "The inquiry is a straight-up inquiry," he said.
Liberal MP Craig Kelly, another member of the committee, said he thought it was perfectly reasonable for the party to raise funds off the back of the taxpayer-funded $160,000 inquiry after The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age revealed the Liberal Party was using it to drive donations.
"Everyone is free to attend," he said. "They can stand here and hand out forms for the Labor Party, for GetUp! and for One Nation or for the Greens."
Labor leader Bill Shorten said he would pursue the investigation of Mr Wilson in Parliament.
"This tainted inquiry has been dodgy from day one and it's just gone from bad to worse," he said. "I think it is breathtaking that the Liberal politicians are colluding with their friends in the banking and investment community to protect existing business models."
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said he no intention of referring Mr Wilson to the privileges committee, which could rule if he has a conflict of interest.
"He has my support," he said. "Tim Wilson has done one thing, he has got under the nose of Chris Bowen and the Labor Party. They are coming after retirees and they will regret it."
The committee's deputy chair, Labor's Matt Thistlethwaite, wrote to Australian Federal Police Commissioner Andrew Colvin on Friday, asking him to urgently investigate whether an offence had been committed by Mr Wilson through the sharing of voters data with Wilson Asset Management.
Mr Wilson has denied sharing any details from the electoral roll.
"Labor’s ongoing smear campaign won’t work," he said.
"The allegations that data has been transferred are false. The only reason that Wilson Assset Management have any data is because people have chosen to send it to them by signing Wilson Assset Management's petition against the retirement tax. That is their choice, and we respect that.”
Half-a-dozen voters who either live in Mr Wilson's electorate or registered to attend the inquiry have complained of receiving unsolicited correspondence from the fund manager promoting their product and urging them to campaign against Labor's policy.
Correspondence seen by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age shows Wilson Asset portfolio managers touting their outlooks to voters, following emails from Geoff Wilson urging people to attend the inquiry and invitations from the Liberal Party to attend $220-a-head Liberal fundraiser on the back of the inquiry.
In one email to a constituent related to the inquiry Mr Wilson said he had "a big influence over finance and tax since I am the chair of the House committee on economics".
Geoff Wilson confirmed late on Friday that he had partly funded the government website.
He said he had only communicated “with signatories of our petition”. The petition on the government website is directly linked to the Wilson Asset Management petition.
The government's Stop the Retirement tax website and Wilson Asset Management's are hosted by the same firm, Tango Technology, which specialises in financial services web hosting. The Stop the Retirement tax website contains no privacy policy, an omission that experts believe could put them in breach of the privacy act.
with Michael Koziol