

This was published 3 years ago

‘Louder calls to improve gender equality’: push for female federal budget focus

By Jennifer Duke

A pink-collar recovery built on childcare reforms, superannuation and female-focused stimulus measures is being demanded by leading researchers to help women recover from the coronavirus pandemic.

Economists, think tanks and industry groups are using International Women’s Day to call on the Morrison government to overhaul a suite of policies they say will help offset the damaging effects of the nation’s first recession in 30 years.

A female-focused recovery package is on the wishlist for the federal budget.

A female-focused recovery package is on the wishlist for the federal budget.Credit: Andrew Dyson

Australia’s overall economic recovery is widely agreed to be beneficial for men and women, but there are ongoing concerns about the long-lasting effects of the pandemic on women’s work security, the gender pay gap and retirement outcomes.

The detrimental effects of the 2020 crisis on women is what public policy think tank the Grattan Institute is calling a “triple whammy”. Women lost more jobs at the peak of the crisis, took on more unpaid work such as caring and teaching, and were less likely to receive or be eligible for emergency government support.

Grattan chief executive Danielle Wood said the government needed to provide more funding for services sectors, childcare and aged care and create a recovery plan with women in mind. The recovery package has been criticised by unions and women’s advocacy groups for largely benefiting male-dominated industries.

“Policymakers seemed oblivious to the fact that this recession was different to previous crises – women now make up almost half the workforce, and they are overwhelmingly employed in the industries that were hit hardest by the government-imposed lockdowns, such as hospitality, tourism, and higher education,” Ms Wood said.

“Australia needs a new recession playbook, so women aren’t overlooked or forced to fall further behind,” she said, adding longer-term investment in childcare is a critical way to help boost women’s workforce participation. Grattan’s researchers previously called for childcare to be made free permanently, following a short period of fee relief during the crisis.

Risk assessment firm Moody’s is also anticipating a growing interest in female-focused recovery plans at a government level across the world. A report, led by its managing director Atsi Sheth, said there were macroeconomic and social benefits available from narrowing gender gaps.

“Going forward, governments and investors are also likely to focus on increasing gender inclusion, particularly after COVID-19,” Ms Sheth said.


“With the economic crisis triggered by COVID-19 disproportionately affecting women, we expect louder calls in some countries for targeted steps to improve gender equality as part of economic recovery plans.”

Issues disrupting women’s working lives has also prompted Industry Super Australia to raise alarm over gender equality in retirement. New research from the superannuation lobby group shows three quarters of women are unlikely to retire with 40 years worth of super.

For women in the bottom fifth of wage earners, there is less than a 5 per cent chance they will receive super for the full period. Across all income groups women on average contribute 30 years worth of super to their retirement compared to 36 years for men, with time off to raise children one of the factors. Women are also more likely to have multiple part-time jobs where the income from each falls below the superannuation contribution threshold of $450 a month.

Industry Super Australia strategic engagement director Gemma Pinnell said the gender gap needed to be bridged. She said until inequities were fixed, including scrapping the threshold, “we will continue to see women retiring with balances that are persistently lower than men”.

A report from property data provider CoreLogic has also raised concerns about women’s financial security after analysing property ownership by gender.


About a quarter of homes were owned solely by women compared to about 30 per cent for men, despite sole female households making up the majority of single-parent or sole person households.

CoreLogic head of research Eliza Owen said the findings had “implications for institutional response” for the $7 trillion sector.

“Given there’s a high level of equity held in real estate, if you don’t own property, that’s a big source of household wealth and security you don’t have access to,” Ms Owen said.

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