

This was published 4 years ago


Lots of much-needed sugar hits – but not much meat

The Morrison government has crafted a solid treatment and recovery plan to nurse Australia back to economic health over the next couple of years, but ducked history's invitation to reform it for the next couple of decades.

It's a plan loaded with sugary stimulants to get the system moving by the next election, but without a long-run muscle-building program for the years beyond.

Australia's economy is seriously sick with the virus, and the government is injecting a correspondingly big stimulus to get it moving.

How big? The conservatives made an art form out of bemoaning Labor's fiscal recklessness. They made Gough Whitlam's name a byword for sheer irresponsibility. Yet he was a tightwad compared to Scott Morrison. Whitlam's biggest budget deficit was equal to 1.8 per cent of GDP. Paul Keating's was 4.1, during Australia's last recession.

And today's? This budget expects to be in deficit by 11 per cent of GDP, or $213 billion. It is an extraordinary deficit and it will usher in an era of extraordinary debt. And you wouldn't quibble with any of it.

With backdated tax cuts for most workers, a $200 a week payment to companies for each new person they hire under the age of 30, and a super-generous investment incentive available to all companies except the very biggest, the government is adding $98 billion in new support measures. On top of its earlier COVID-era measures, it brings Morrison's total emergency support to $397 billion.

Politically, the immediate beneficiaries will be middle Australia. The extraordinary welfare payments will taper off but the benefits to workers earning $40,000 to $100,000 will endure. They will be the major winners proportionately, although workers earning higher incomes will also benefit. That is, of course, only if you have a job.

Australia's national balance sheet is one of the stronger ones among nations, and the government has taken advantage. All of this is intended to bring the economy back. The government reckons it'll power a short-run boom to turn a 1.5 per cent contraction this financial year into mini-boom of nearly 5 per cent growth next year. It expects to bring unemployment below 6 per cent within two years.


It's probably not entirely coincidental that the timing would bring the fastest phase of the recovery before the next federal election, after which the temporary investment and wage subsidy plans are set to expire.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg calls this "a plan to rebuild our economy and to create jobs". If you thought Australia's economy was in perfect condition last year, then rebuilding would be just fine. But it was not perfect. It was well into a substandard era approaching stagnation. The better plan would be to "build back better", the Jacinda Ardern recovery motto.

Could the government have done more? Absolutely. No prime minister will ever have a better opportunity to engineer a major rejuvenation. Instead, Morrison and Frydenberg have devised a temporary stimulus plan to restore the status quo ante.

"An opportunity has been missed," says the chief economist for Industry Super Australia, Stephen Anthony. "What we need is a private investment-driven economic reform plan – we needed one before COVID and we need it now."

He's right. Capital investment in Australia has been increasingly feeble in recent years. Adding stimulus to the demand side of the economy – giving people money to spend – is necessary but not sufficient. Only new investment can add to the supply side – adding to the country's productive capacity.

The government will point to its business investment allowance, expected to support some $200 billion in new investment and add 50,000 jobs over the next couple of years. "That's good," says Anthony, "and the bigger the better." But it's a temporary measure.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison carrying an umbrella arrives for breakfast television interviews on the front lawn of Parliament House on Wednesday.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison carrying an umbrella arrives for breakfast television interviews on the front lawn of Parliament House on Wednesday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The real test for Morrison was set out by Reserve Bank's governor Philip Lowe last year: "The best option is creating an environment where firms want to innovate, invest, expand and hire people. I think that's the best option. I'm sure at the analytical level the government would agree. The challenge they have is to develop a program to do that."

The budget is not that program. Innovation policy remains stunted; the investment incentive is temporary. And there are no structural reforms to the economy, the sort of reforms that would open new vistas for entrepreneurs and growth industries.

And it's missed the chance for visionary infrastructure investment. A 10-year plan to invest $100 billion has been incrementally expanded to $110 billion.

The government's reminiscent of the cocoon-building spider. It has a fixed pattern of behaviour. It starts to build its cocoon, floor first, walls next, in one place and, if it's picked up and put somewhere quite different, picks up from exactly where it left off.

After a couple of years of extraordinary short-term measures, the government, post-pandemic, plans to go back to essentially the same program it had pre-pandemic. For Australia's economic future, it's necessary, but not sufficient.

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