

This was published 14 years ago

It's a war of nerves as Labor gets the jitters

While the US maintains pressure on Australia to put more Diggers on the ground in Afghanistan, it can no longer count on our bipartisan support for the operation.

By Paul Daley

From the outset, a distinct murkiness of purpose surrounded Australia's participation in the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Not only did the operation lack a clear objective beyond toppling Saddam Hussein but the stated aim of disarming the tyrant of weapons of mass destruction was based on the flimsiest of purported evidence. There was always the sense that – based on much that our then prime minister John Howard said at the time – that “alliance building” between Australia and the United States was too critical a factor in Australia's participation.

And then there was the absence of a clear stabilisation and rebuilding strategy – a fact that would not become truly apparent until the allied death toll mounted as jihadi fighters flooded into Iraq and sectarian violence thwarted attempts to gain anything resembling governance. It was viewed as “the bad war”.

Conversely, however, many who opposed the Iraq war viewed allied operations in Afghanistan as the “good war”. The logic behind the invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, seemed – and still seems to me – to be crystal clear. Taliban-controlled Afghanistan had harboured al-Qaeda, which had just launched its devastating September 11 attacks on America. The Taliban was a danger to America and its allies and it had to be dealt with.

Such clear moral purpose, however, distracted from the medium-term political considerations that must underpin all successful military operations – not least the necessity for a clearly enunciated exit strategy that is firmly linked to a defined military “success” in the theatre of combat. In fairness, the Iraq invasion – which came more than a year after the operations against the Taliban – effectively thwarted an early chance of success in Afghanistan, such was the squeeze on allied military resources. At one point in 2004, commensurate with the redeployment of American forces to Iraq, only one Australian soldier was stationed in Afghanistan. The Taliban was allowed to regroup and flourish again, thanks to the allied obsession with toppling Saddam.

Since 2001 almost 2000 coalition soldiers have been killed there. The death toll includes more than 900 Americans, 330 British and 150 Canadians. Today Australia has 1550 military personnel in Afghanistan. Some are at the forefront of highly dangerous special forces operations against the Taliban, while most are engaged in the increasingly parlous business of training and mentoring the Afghan army so that it might in a few years help to become responsible for its country's own security.

So far 21 Australians have lost their lives and about 150 have been injured, some of them so seriously that they will be permanently disabled. It makes sense that the more troops you have exposed to front-line operations, the higher your casualty rate will be.

That is why, despite a long series of indirect and very direct requests from American commanders to contribute more troops, Australia – under prime ministers Howard and Kevin Rudd, and now Julia Gillard – has largely resisted.

Political support for the deployment has always been largely bipartisan, with the main parties in fairly solid agreement that – in the enduring words of Rudd – Australia's troop commitment is “about right”. But it is now becoming clear that – reflecting a general global Left-Right political divide on the issue – that enthusiasm for the Afghanistan operation is much softer within the Labor Party than in Coalition ranks.

The waning Australian bipartisanship surrounding Afghanistan stems from a tacit understanding of the political dangers of becoming stuck in an open-ended war with a mounting death toll. Each time we lose a soldier, Australians are appropriately exposed to gestures of public mourning from their political leaders. They attend the funerals of all of the dead, when possible, while newspaper, radio and television stories remind us that those killed are more than mere statistics.


The same is not the case in America or Britain, where the funerals of those killed in combat in Afghanistan now largely pass without the public mourning of the political leaders whose decisions put them in harm's way in the first place.

Australians are shocked when one of their own dies in combat. Americans, Britons and Canadians are not. Would the Australian prime minister attend the funeral of every Digger if the death toll climbed into the hundreds? Doubtful.

The Australian Greens, opposed to the war and the key proponents of a full withdrawal, have used their enhanced political influence to secure an open parliamentary debate on the Afghanistan deployment. Almost simultaneously, the Coalition is calling for Australia to enhance its commitment to Afghanistan with 360 more military personnel. It also wants Australia to commits its own tanks and helicopters.

This position is a response to a view among Australian troops that they are, indeed, too thinly spread in Afghanistan and should be able to rely on their own armour and air support during combat and training operations.

Tasmanian independent MP Andrew Wilkie labelled the Coalition's position – as put by the opposition defence spokesman Senator David Johnston – as reckless and irresponsible, apparently because it pre-empts the parliamentary debate planned for later this year.

Never mind that Wilkie himself seized the opportunity, no less pre-emptory, to espouse his position “to get the troops out as soon as possible, rather than build them up” and expanded upon this in his maiden parliamentary speech. Everybody listening?

As combat operations in Afghanistan intensify, Australia will meet increasing US demands to up the number of Diggers on the ground. This weekend Gillard is expected to reiterate Labor's support for the job that Australia's personnel are doing.

But privately Labor, cognisant of the increasing human and political cost of the deployment, is hosting an increasingly energetic internal debate on Afghanistan. The pre-election resignation of the last defence minister, John Faulkner, is a sign of nothing less.

Labor is at a crossroads in Afghanistan, torn between American entreaties to commit more troops and thereby finish the job earlier, and the Greens who want out now. It can't stand still for long.

As if to remind the new government of Afghanistan's political pitfalls, came the news that Australian soldiers would be charged in relation to the deaths of Afghan civilians during a raid in February 2009. Should we really be surprised? Unfortunately, no.

When a country goes to war it must accept the terrible unpredictable consequences, for all their moral complexity. Afghanistan is no different.

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