

Paul Daley is a columnist.

From the Archives, 1999: Australian troops sent to East Timor

From the Archives, 1999: Australian troops sent to East Timor

In 1999, as part of a UN multinational peacekeeping force, Australian troops land in Dili in the biggest Australian military operation in decades.

  • by Lindsay Murdoch and Paul Daley


Abbott in The Lodge by next Christmas?

Abbott in The Lodge by next Christmas?

The Opposition Leader came closer this year to becoming prime minister than he, or anyone else, ever dreamed. Now he must stop running from his policy difficulties.

  • by Paul Daley
Payback for the bad apples of Parliament

Payback for the bad apples of Parliament

Politicians complain they are overworked and underpaid – it's time Australia's public servants fulfilled credentials.

  • by Paul Daley
As long as we always remember them ...

As long as we always remember them ...

Two days of remembrance play different roles in the country's recognition of Australians who have fought for - and the many who have died for - their country.

  • by Paul Daley

Labor searches for the meaning of strife

The ALP managed to retain office but it is behaving more like an opposition by reassessing what the party stands for in the wake of a disastrous election result.

  • by Paul Daley
No time for bickering as new chapter begins

No time for bickering as new chapter begins

Petty squabbling within the Liberal Party is undermining its ability to attack a vulnerable government that must deliver on its reform agenda.

  • by Paul Daley

Call for daring reform can carry a price

Electoral cynicism has crippled Julia Gillard's major reform plans for the economy. What's worse, the nation – having elected a hung parliament – has shown its apathy and tuned out.

  • by Paul Daley
Stop this tit-for-tat and show some courage

Stop this tit-for-tat and show some courage

The latest bout of political point-scoring by the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader has shown them to be sadly wanting when it comes to the bigger picture in Afghanistan.

  • by Paul Daley

It's a war of nerves as Labor gets the jitters

While the US maintains pressure on Australia to put more Diggers on the ground in Afghanistan, it can no longer count on our bipartisan support for the operation.

  • by Paul Daley
Society's greatest taboo demands real debate

Society's greatest taboo demands real debate

Honest discussion – informed by heartbreaking personal experience – is needed when controversy brings voluntary euthanasia back on to the political agenda.

  • by Paul Daley

Bold government can get its House in order

It hasn't taken long for the sniping to resume from the opposition after the pretence of civility during the negotiations with the independents but there's still an opportunity for some daring leadership.

  • by Paul Daley

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