

This was published 2 years ago


How to keep us cooking with gas: Albanese’s energy dilemma

One of the answers to the energy crisis is hiding in plain sight in a document Anthony Albanese and his cabinet ministers endorsed only a few years ago when they considered the certain prospect of power shortages and price surges.

At the end of 2018, with union leaders warning that jobs were at stake, Labor agreed to a national platform that promised stricter rules on gas producers to require them to supply more gas to the domestic market. The language was unequivocal about what a Labor government would deliver: a “national interest test reserve policy for new and expanded gas developments” with conditions such as reserving a portion of domestic gas supply for local use.

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon LetchCredit:

The party platform is not a cabinet decision, of course, and the 2019 election forced a reset in most Labor policies. Yet, the idea for a gas reserve survived in the platform agreed in 2021, albeit with softer language. Last year’s platform promised a “price related export control trigger” and domestic reservation policies.

So, when Energy Minister Chris Bowen and Resources Minister Madeleine King emerged from a cabinet meeting on Thursday to announce a review of gas controls, it was pretty clear where they had to go.

Albanese and his ministers are a long way from adopting every pledge made in the party platform. The prime minister is proud, in fact, of the way he cut thousands of words in the latest platform to drop ideas he did not want. But nobody should be surprised when Labor toughens the regulation of the gas market. It will happen. The challenge for the government will be in navigating the conflicting pressures from the unions, manufacturers, gas exporters, the Greens and the independents.


Bowen is right to say the immediate crisis is not about gas but about urgent problems at coal-fired power stations. With some of those generators out of action, more gas-fired power is needed. Gas has increased its share of east-coast electricity generation from 6 per cent this time last year to 9 per cent last month. That looks small, but high gas prices lead to high electricity prices.

There is no doubt about the long-term challenge because Bowen identified it years ago. “Australia’s abundant gas resources could and should be an affordable and relatively clean source of energy for our plants and factories,” he wrote in May 2016. As the shadow treasurer at the time, he co-wrote a call for a reservation policy with Scott McDine, the national secretary of the Australian Workers’ Union.

The Liberals rubbished that idea at the time but stole it a few years later when Australians found they were paying more for gas than Japanese customers. The result was the gas “trigger” known as the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism. The trigger has never been pulled; it is mostly used as a threat to cajole the exporters into sending more gas into the local market. The debate about a better solution is very much alive.


The failure of Australian politics on gas supply has been chronic and expensive. The fundamental decision, under both major parties during the 2000s, was to allow gas projects to go ahead without a national reservation policy. As with submarines, a political system focused on a short-term cycle was woeful at long-term decisions.


Yet the warnings from unions and manufacturers are as relevant now as they were then. McDine’s successor at the AWU, Daniel Walton, wants a “windfall tax” on gas exporters to punish them if they do not supply the domestic market. While Treasurer Jim Chalmers ruled this out on Wednesday, Labor has to find an alternative lever if it is not going to use a tax.

“The oil and gas companies are not going to find a solution unless you drag them kicking and screaming,” says Walton. He wants an outcome that goes beyond the gas “trigger” because he believes the answer has to ensure an affordable price as well as a fair supply. While Labor turned a deaf ear to the AWU when it was last in government, it does not look like doing the same again.

One of the facile claims about the problem is that there is no gas shortage at all – that Australia is swimming in gas. This is only true if the government orders companies such as Chevron, Santos and Woodside to break contracts with customers in Japan, South Korea, China, Singapore and elsewhere. The energy crisis would snowball into a foreign affairs nightmare. Cutting supplies of Australian gas would undermine efforts in Europe to respond to the invasion of Ukraine by reducing the world’s reliance on Russian gas.

There is no surge in Australian supply. The country produced 5377 petajoules of gas last year, up by 1 per cent from the previous year, says Graeme Bethune, the chief executive of EnergyQuest. Total exports of liquefied natural gas were 4413 petajoules, or 82 per cent of production. About a third of the exports were shipped from the east coast while the rest came from Western Australia and the Northern Territory. About 90 to 95 per cent of the exports were shipped under long-term contracts.

While the ideal solution to a gas shortage is to find a renewable alternative to gas, the electricity grid cannot be rewired quickly. And manufacturers rely on gas as a raw material. Inevitably, the argument comes down to whether Labor will support new gas fields.

King is counting on more gas coming online next year. This is based on a plan by Santos to put another gas rig in the Cooper Basin and plans by Beach Energy and Cooper Energy to extract more from the Otway and Bass basins.

There was outrage, however, when she backed a bigger project: the Scarborough field being developed by Woodside off the WA coast. The member for Warringah, Zali Steggall, said it was “madness” to give Scarborough the green light. The member for Kooyong, Monique Ryan, said it was “completely at odds with climate action” to allow the project to go ahead.

What about the Narrabri gas field being developed by Santos in regional NSW? Will Albanese and his ministers support it, as the NSW state government has done, or will they find it too hard to argue the case with voters who believe gas should be left in the ground? Labor cannot win the argument on energy and climate without having a persuasive answer.


Greens leader Adam Bandt has a simple position: no more coal and gas. He hammered this point in the election campaign instead of debating the best target for carbon emissions. And his message lifted the Greens to their best-ever result.

Albanese, who has never been a great friend of the Greens, has to find a way to give the AWU what it wants without losing more voters to the Greens or to independent candidates who will target Labor seats.

The question about domestic reservation has to set up decisions about new gas fields. What is the point if there is no new gas to reserve? While it is risky to apply a reservation policy to old gas fields, it is not too late to apply it to new ones. It is very hard to see Albanese having an answer on energy without supporting new gas production, so Bowen and King are at the start of a rocky process with their new review.

The most logical outcome is for Labor to do what its platform suggests: reserve gas in a way that should have been done in the 2000s. But this also means telling voters something many do not want to hear: not all gas can be left in the ground.

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