

This was published 7 months ago


For the first time in forever, I feel sorry for Barnaby Joyce

There he is, lying on the footpath. By all appearances, not well. Yes, it’s the perennially entertaining Barnaby Joyce, the eternal cowboy who wanted to alert us to the horrors of free vaccination against the human papillomavirus, the horrors of acting on climate change, the horrors of abortion, and the joys of two-family values.

And yet now, for the first time in forever, I feel sorry for him.

Like the rest of us, Barnaby Joyce doesn’t read the side-effects pamphlet accompanying medication.

Like the rest of us, Barnaby Joyce doesn’t read the side-effects pamphlet accompanying medication.Credit: James Brickwood

He was filmed last week, lying on his back, swearing down the phone. A former deputy prime minister, Joyce claims to have been talking to his wife and former staffer Vikki Campion before he fell off a planter box and lay prostrate in his own profanities. Apparently he was cursing because he hurt himself. He’s also now explained he found himself in this predicament because he mixed alcohol and prescription drugs. I guess, like the rest of us, he doesn’t read the side effects pamphlet accompanying medication.

Parliamentarians and those who work with them need help and support because they are working in high-pressure environments and obviously have no other means of dealing with their stress other than getting munted. I don’t understand why grown adults haven’t found other ways to cope (running, meditating) but they haven’t. And I have a sneaking feeling they don’t want options.

The culture of machismo and booze-fuelled bravado puts us all at risk, but the culture also explains why the Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce, charged with implementing the sterling recommendations of the Jenkins Report, is utterly bogged down. Way too slow on implementation.

The report was drafted in response to myriad revelations about Parliament House culture (drinking culture, sexual assault, drinking culture, wanking on the desk at work, drinking culture, profligate hookups of powerful men with far less powerful women, drinking culture ...). Recommendation number 28 pinged alcohol as a central concern – Commonwealth parliamentary workplaces need an alcohol policy. The former sex discrimination commissioner Kate Jenkins made that crystal clear.

Restrict availability to line up with work, health and safety obligations. Get harm minimisation ducks in order. Explain to these jokers, in words of one syllable, what the expectations are around the use of alcohol. Support those who’ve got a problem. Provide alcohol-free networking opportunities. Jenkins recommended providing further education. I have my doubts. There could not be one person elected to parliament not well-educated enough to know alcohol’s harms.

Maybe, instead, introduce the idea that it is possible to relax without being blind-drunk.


Larissa Waters, Greens senator for Queensland and a taskforce member, was in estimates on Tuesday morning asking Katy Gallagher, the government lead on this project, why progress was so slow.


Gallagher’s answer, says Waters, was troubling to some extent. The government prioritised support for staffers and others who work in Parliament House. Excellent. But still no accountability for politicians. Terrible. Three years after we read the report on disgusting behaviour in Parliament House and politicians have a new code of conduct but no one is enforcing it. I’m trying to imagine what would happen if no one ever got pinged for speeding through a school zone.

“Staff are held to a higher standard than ourselves,” says Waters.

I play fantasy politics sometimes (no worse than fantasy football and less constrained). I imagine governments doing the best they can for voters. That would mean political parties committed to fairness and safety. That would mean ensuring Parliament House was not for sale. For some reason, we can’t know who attends events. Some lobbyists think it’s none of our business and apparently lobbyists’ needs are greater than ours. One of the events held last Wednesday, the day Joyce found himself akimbo on the asphalt, was hosted by the Australian Hotels Association. After the budget last year, the Endeavour Group, the booze arm of Woolies, hosted a party to celebrate. Apparently when you look up fun in the dictionary, it’s spelled E-N-D-E-A-V-O-U-R, according to our prime minister. I suppose Albo is too old to wash his mouth out with soap.

I asked Caterina Giorgi, the chief executive of the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education, if she supported an alcohol ban in Parliament House. No, she says. I tell her I’m disappointed in her response, but then I’m just a grumpy old woman who’s seen enough of this rubbish and wants it to stop, and she’s the expert. Giorgi is, however, totally on board with stopping the merchants getting into the temple. No pushers in parliament. No more DRINKWISE, an organisation dedicated to protecting the interests of the alcohol lobby and certainly none co-hosted by the Parliamentary Friends of Public Health.

So if there’s no evidence a ban would work, let’s adopt a proposal from independent Zali Steggall, the member for Warringah. Drug and alcohol testing for politicians. Steggall is a former elite athlete where that surveillance is necessary for fairness in sport.

“I would happily welcome ad hoc testing. We know many other workplaces where that occurs, and it would put the fear of God into them.”

Exactly what they need. That, and a little support.

Jenna Price is a visiting fellow at the Australian National University and a regular columnist.

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