

This was published 14 years ago

Call for daring reform can carry a price

Electoral cynicism has crippled Julia Gillard's major reform plans for the economy. What's worse, the nation – having elected a hung parliament – has shown its apathy and tuned out.

By Paul Daley

IT'S difficult to pinpoint when Australia's political orbit turned so radically on its axis.

But today there can be little doubt we inhabit a vastly different political neighbourhood to the one in which we lived 10, five or even two years ago.

The orthodoxies we once took for granted – party leadership is usually good for at least a full term; a federal government ordinarily enjoys a solid working majority; a government will genuinely seek to implement rather than blithely jettison election promises in difficult times; and a prime minister who drags his party from the Siberia of opposition should be given another election – have been discarded.

Perhaps the great turning point came in late 2007 when the most aloof, least popular although clearly the most driven man in Caucus teamed up with his leadership nemesis, who happened to be the most articulate, accessible and politically deft woman in the Labor Party, to knock-off our second longest-serving prime minister, John Howard.

Maybe it was at Federal Parliament's night of nights, the Mid-Winter Ball in 2009, when Kevin Rudd took that infamous happy snap of Malcolm Turnbull confronting the PM's adviser on the back of some fallacious advice from a bloke called Godwin Grech about government financing for the auto industry.

For my money it was late 2009, when the Liberal frontbencher Andrew Robb re-emerged from the leave he had taken to combat serious depression, to torpedo his leader, Malcolm Turnbull, over the latter's support for the government's proposed Emissions Trading Scheme, thereby giving rise to the leadership of Tony Abbott.

From that point Labor was spooked on reform. Policies were ditched overboard left, right and centre as Labor's pragmatists, including Julia Gillard, pushed Rudd to keep up with fast-footed Abbott.

Conviction all but deserted the Australian political stage – ironic given Abbott and Gillard were always labelled the key conviction politicians of their generation.

Regardless of precisely when the big change came, the resulting electoral cynicism has now delivered us a hung parliament and a dramatic reversal of electoral faith, the likes of which this generation of political professionals has never experienced.

Julia Gillard, like Tony Abbott, has been pivotal to the great sea change in the conduct of our public debate. However, signs are emerging that not only does she get what has happened but that she is also deeply concerned about it.


Critics will dismiss her as being little more than a key contributor to the problem but there seems little doubt she is now pedalling frantically in search of a response that will help her government – and her flagging party – recover public confidence.

She knows it is going to be very difficult. For the voters' part . . . well, they clearly are not yet willing to invest their trust. For our new PM has talked the talk – plenty – on reform, on her burning desire to escape the tentacles of machine politics and to be au naturel. But will she actually walk the walk and prove she genuinely aspires to being much more than an extremely adept political fixer, a skilled arbiter and a consensus maker?

Advocating visionary, daring reform can carry an exacting price. It is often electorally unpopular and risks dividing the leader's political base. Ask John Hewson. Ask John Howard. Ask Paul Keating. And yes, ask Kevin Rudd, who was strong on vision but short on the political skill that Gillard has in spades.

Modern politicians like to bemoan the difficulties of pitching messages into the 24-hour news cycle. But now the news cycle is at once infinitesimally longer and much shorter.

Today there are news cycles within news cycles: a single political announcement will bounce from a website to Twitter and to Facebook, on to radio and into the hands of a horde of bloggers before being endlessly dissected by the talking heads on the TV news channels, and then reported and analysed in print. It is first consumed within minutes, regurgitated and then re-masticated endlessly.

Everyone wants a new angle, a new talking point, a new piece of the same thing. Politicians naturally feel pressured to oblige. So they ultimately fashion their product into over-produced bite-sized, homogenised, pasteurised packages – neat and easy to swallow for a nation of TV cook-off enthusiasts, perhaps, but inadequate for voters who bristle at the condescension.

It makes it tough if you're a politician with a big plan or even a vision on your horizon. In what may become a defining moment in her prime ministership (should it endure for anything resembling a full parliamentary term), Gillard has spoken of her desire for economic reform. In the same speech last week she vowed to provide visionary leadership, even though she heads a minority government.

The cynics among you (the last election and the more recent opinion polls attest there are many) are probably laughing. Rudd and Gillard Labor shied from the golden opportunity to campaign on visionary economic reform from an electoral position of towering strength because their advisers thought it too politically dangerous – so why should we believe she genuinely wants to do it now from such a weak parliamentary base?

The words of one Labor MP of influence tell the story: “Again and again since then [the election] voters are saying, 'We want leaders who'll task a risk on [reform] – even if we don't agree, we want leaders who'll put it on the line for something they care about.' It's how real leaders ultimately define [themselves].”

In Queensland last week Gillard said she was planning “some very tough reform conversations with the Australian community” and would have to “persuade people about the benefits of reform”.

She conceded that disseminating a reform message in the “new media” environment poses big problems.

“Not everything can be reduced to a tweet . . . As you're doing the press conference, someone is tweeting about it. Whilst you're doing the press conference a journalist is doing a standup using you as a backdrop.

"By the time you've walked back to your office, journalists are interviewing journalists about what the announcement may or may not mean – two hours later someone is ringing my press secretary saying, 'Have you got a story for us?' ”

The wisest press secretaries customarily impart a simple message to new ministers.

“Decide what you stand for. Say what you mean. And stick to the story.”

It's very good advice.

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