

This was published 4 years ago

Beijing's Belt and Road push 'exploits' leadership tensions worldwide

By Anthony Galloway and Eryk Bagshaw

Beijing is exploiting differences within countries and regions over the Belt and Road Initiative all over the world, national security experts warn, as it ramps up its push to become a global health and infrastructure leader in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

Victoria is now in an escalating feud with the Morrison government and the Department of Foreign Affairs over its decision to sign on to the $1.5 trillion global infrastructure initiative, which will allow for Chinese investment in Victoria and for Victorian companies to participate in Chinese government projects overseas.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews faces questions about the state's Belt and Road agreement with China.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews faces questions about the state's Belt and Road agreement with China.Credit: James Ross

There is now a growing a concern, held at the highest levels of the Morrison government, that China will use the Victorian agreement as a propaganda win to claim the Victorian government has broken ranks with Australia's China policy.

Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas sparked controversy earlier this month when he accused the federal government of vilifying China and engaging in "dangerous, damaging and irresponsible" diplomacy in singling out Beijing for its role in the pandemic.

Mr Pallas’ comments – which strayed from a focus on economic benefits in Victoria and into foreign policy – infuriated Canberra. The Morrison government is concerned the Belt and Road Initiative could load up poorer countries with debt and reduce Australia’s influence in the region.

The Victorian Treasurer’s intervention has reflected what has played out in Europe, with member states that have signed up to the Belt and Road Initiative declining to adopt the European Union’s more strident position towards China.

While the EU now describes China as a "systemic rival", Italy’s Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said the country had invested in its friendship with China and it had paid off with medical supplies. Despite the EU’s concerns, the country became the first G7 nation to join the initiative in 2019.

"There are no geopolitical risks, there are only friendly relations," Mr Di Maio said in March as Italy responded to the coronavirus outbreak. The country has recorded almost 38,000 deaths from the coronavirus.

Turkey, which has recorded more than 160,000 cases of the disease, has put aside historical tensions with its closest superpower since signing a Belt and Road agreement that includes construction of a $2.65 billion bridge. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has praised China for its "all-out efforts" to produce and provide anti-epidemic medical supplies for the world.


Bangladesh, which is also working on a bridge through the program, worth $1.7 billion, said it was "deeply grateful" for China’s support and assistance and echoed China’s Foreign Ministry – which has pushed back against perceptions of China’s role in the initial outbreak and maintained "COVID-19 is a global issue that requires a collective response".

Hungary’s Viktor Orban echoed the sentiment and extended congratulations to the Chinese people on "successfully controlling the situation after arduous efforts", as did Sri Lanka’s President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

Pakistan’s Imran Khan – who has one of the largest exposures to the Belt and Road Initiative through a $94.7 billion Pakistan-China economic corridor – noted China's effective prevention and control efforts had "curbed the spread of the virus globally".

Beijing has been criticised by Australia and the United States for initially resisting an independent inquiry and censoring doctors' concerns in the first stages of the outbreak in December.

Herve Lemahieu, director of the power and diplomacy program at the Lowy Institute, said the EU was hardening its line on China but individual member states were not yet on board with the new program, "especially central and eastern European countries and Italy, which have signed up to BRI".

Mr Lemahieu said China was also looking to exploit differences in the US, targeting politicians in California who did not adopt Washington’s more strident approach towards Beijing.

He said Victoria’s position on Belt and Road was a "propaganda win" for Beijing, but as long as no projects were built under the banner further damage could be mitigated.

"In substance the agreement is legally non-enforceable and it doesn’t carry any strategically significant forms of co-operation," he said.

"I think the concern has only grown as the relationship with Beijing has soured. China is seeking to ingratiate itself with the state-level politicians. Many will see the BRI agreement with Victoria as a sign of China’s potential exploitation of differences."

Mr Lemahieu said state politicians needed to consider broader geo-strategic implications when signing up to such agreements, which was "something they have been largely naive about and disinterested in".

"Australia is not the only country where China is seeking to ingratiate itself with sub-state politicians – it’s happening in the United States as well. In California, the seat of so many Silicon Valley giants, they have a very different view of the relationship with China than Washington," he said.

While Beijing has convinced nations across Asia, Africa and eastern Europe to sign on to the initiative, some developing nations have pushed back after being unable to convince China to change the wording to respect their values and sovereignty.

India chose not to sign up to Belt and Road after a breakdown in negotiations. In May 2017 India announced it would not be joining, saying any agreement must be based on "international norms, good governance, rule of law, openness, transparency and equality".

Rory Medcalf, head of the National Security College at the Australian National University, said Victoria and New Zealand had handed Chinese President Xi Jinping a propaganda victory by signing up to Belt and Road.

Professor Medcalf, a former diplomat and intelligence analyst who is author of the recent book Contest for the Indo-Pacific, said Mr Xi could brandish the "drafted-in Beijing" agreements to the Chinese people as evidence the world was signing up to the new China world order.

Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Chinese President Xi Jinping.Credit: AP

He said Victoria and New Zealand had also done a major disservice to developing nations in the Pacific and elsewhere "because it lowers the bar for the conditions on which more vulnerable countries may be encouraged to sign".

"It makes it harder for developing nations to influence the terms on which Chinese government banks are indebting them," he said.

"The BRI MOUs are basically texts drafted in Beijing and not negotiated. It's one of the reasons why the Australian government has never signed a formal MOU for BRI projects in Australia, because of China's unwillingness to negotiate the details.

"These agreements don’t cover basic concerns about human rights, environmental sustainability, or accountability of governance, even all of the factors you would expect in a basic local development application for a small town council.”

Professor Medcalf said internal dissent and differences, such as between Victoria and Canberra, were "very welcome for Beijing".

"The Chinese state media will exploit this to again amplify the view of the Victorian government and argue that it in fact reflects true will of the Australian people," he said.

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