This was published 4 years ago
A battle for the nation's memory fought over Australian War Memorial
The longest day of Colonel Susan Neuhaus' life started on a cold February morning in 2009 in Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan, when a suicide bomber attacked a nearby police barracks.
Neuhaus, dealing with unfamiliar staff and medications labelled in Dutch, worked fast to triage casualties and direct others in the sole surgical team as gravely wounded victims poured through the door. A blur of decisions and urgent treatment stretched through the night and beyond the next sunrise.
Susan Neuhaus: one day in Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan, changed her view of her service - and herself.Credit: Sitthixay Ditthavong
A decade later Neuhaus, now a surgeon, gripped a black marker and added her name to the "TK" wall at Canberra's Australian War Memorial.
"After many years of service, despite three overseas tours, having a successful career and being a senior army officer I had a sense of feeling weighted down by being ‘just’ – just a girl, just a doctor, just a special service officer, just, for part of my career, a reservist – which was lifted off my shoulders in that moment," Neuhaus says.
It was the first time she felt truly valued and accepted for her service.
"The memorial is a national grave, it’s a shrine, it’s a place where you stand and you run your fingers over the brass letters of someone that you loved, someone you knew. But beyond that, we’ve got a responsibility to tell the stories of those people so that you can connect with them in a way. That's something that creates closure for many people."
In 2018 Neuhaus was appointed a council member of the AWM. It's a more complicated job than it used to be.
In recent years the AWM has been accused of overstepping its charter, which requires it to "remember, interpret and understand" Australian war experiences.
It has begun to hold exhibitions about current conflicts. It has accepted sponsorship from weapons maker BAE Systems. Most controversially of all, it is now the subject of a bitter battle over a $500million redevelopment plan that Brendon Kelson (a director of the Memorial in the 1990s who is not to be confused with Brendan Nelson) has described as an "act of architectural vandalism".
All this raises significant questions about how the Memorial should contribute to our understanding of conflict. How do you fund public institutions in the midst of a recession? How do you recognise multi-faceted modern conflict, including peacekeeping, that escapes the historical definition of war? And is our most famous museum a shrine to sacrifice or a tourist attraction that glorifies war?
On one side is the AWM's powerful chairman, media and mining baron Kerry Stokes, and former AWM director Brendan Nelson, the driving force behind the memorial's expansionist stance during his seven-year tenure, which ended late last year. On the other stand historians and some veterans, as other Canberra institutions face budget pressures with scarce resources available.
Admiral Chris Barrie, a former chief of the Australian Defence Force, has heard from many veterans who find they are dragged down rather than uplifted by big memorials and commemorations.
"[The government] builds more edifices like the Monash Centre on the Western Front and this sort of thing – that’s not helping them, that’s not helping their families, it’s not helping to repair the damage we’ve done," Barrie says.
The $498 million set aside for the 10-year development was announced in 2018 and is backed by both major parties. The plan is to expand the exhibition space by 80 per cent to add galleries about the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts, East Timor mission and peacekeeping and humanitarian operations. There will also be a new underground entrance and car park while the administrative and curation functions and research centre would move out of the main building.
Former ADF chief Admiral Chris Barrie is among critics of a $500 million expansion of the Australian War Memorial.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen
Controversially, the expansion involves demolishing the award-winning $12 million Anzac Hall behind the main building, which was only completed in 2004. A new, larger Anzac Hall will be built along with a glazed walkway to link it to the main building.
AWM director Matt Anderson says the development is vital to keep the Memorial relevant and tell the stories of those who put themselves in harm’s way for Australia. He argues updating and improving the museum areas deepens the commemorative experience.
"The deeper the understanding, the more meaningful the commemoration. So that when people get up into the commemorative area and into the Tomb of the Unknown Australian Soldier, it’s a far more meaningful reflection and commemoration than would otherwise be the case."
While the expansion is under scrutiny from parliament’s public works committee, there’s no suggestion the $500 million won’t be spent. Nevertheless, there is unrest about the size of this expense both among those who are against the development and some who support it. One argument is that the funding should be matched or partially diverted to mental health initiatives for veterans.
"I’m not opposed to the expansion but I just didn't want to see it come at the cost of other veterans’ initiatives because there’s just so much bloody work to do in the veterans sector," says former Army officer James Brown, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan and is a past president of the NSW RSL.
He’s waiting on the appointment of the inaugural national commissioner for Defence and veteran suicide prevention, announced in February, and wants fixing veterans' entitlements to be a top priority, saying those things will have more far-reaching benefits for veterans than anything that happens at the Memorial.
Neuhaus says the institution does play a role in the healing process – although it makes no claims to have specific therapeutic value. A key part of the plans are reflective spaces within the Memorial for visitors, away from the thousands of school pupils who are among the million visitors each year.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison says "not one cent" being spent on the AWM expansion would otherwise have gone to veterans' services. But Barrie wants the government to prioritise spending on the latter just as highly. He leads PTSD Australia-New Zealand and its outreach program FearLess, which has been advocating for five years for a national centre of research into post-traumatic stress, its treatment and potential cures. Coincidentally, the cost of establishing such a centre is estimated at $500 million.
About 1.5 million people suffer from PTSD, including about 70,000 veterans. The others come from all walks of life; police, emergency services, victims of domestic violence and other violent crimes, people hit by natural disasters. Barrie says while the government has promised millions in new mental health services for veterans, many don’t want to be singled out for treatment separate from civilians.
Veterans Affairs Minister Darren Chester says the government expects to spend $100 billion on support for veterans and their families over the same 10-year period as the construction at the Memorial. That figure includes the $11.5 billion annual bill for veterans’ benefits and pensions, and $230 million a year in uncapped mental health funding.
He also points to investment in the Phoenix Australia centre for post-traumatic mental health in partnership with the University of Melbourne, and programs that provide peer networks and assistance dogs.
Official war correspondent Charles Bean developed the idea for an Australian War Memorial while on the Western Front in 1916. By the time it was built in 1941, the nation was in the midst of another conflict and, as Anderson puts it, "it already needed to catch up".
Over the past two decades, some 100,000 young Australians have been deployed overseas, primarily to conflicts in the Middle East and Afghanistan but also in dozens of peacekeeping missions. The Memorial wants to tell their stories.
Australian soldiers in Afghanistan.Credit: ADF
Nelson first raised the idea of a significant expansion when he opened the Afghanistan exhibition in 2013. One of his final acts as director was to unveil the development’s official plans in late 2019. He’s proud of bringing an Afghanistan exhibition to fruition but describes it as incredibly small.
"There are 43 funeral shrouds representing the 43 dead in Afghanistan and Iraq and they’re on a shelf in a corridor on the way to the shop," Nelson says. "The space allocated [to peacekeeping] is about the size of the prime minister's office."
Senior Labor frontbencher Joel Fitzgibbon, who was defence minister in the first years of the Rudd government, says it’s vital to correct this but it takes time.
"Veterans of our more recent conflicts are as deserving of recognition as those who served the nation in earlier conflicts. Appropriate recognition doesn't come cheap and to put costs ahead of what is appropriate recognition would be a disrespectful undervaluing of their deeds."
Stokes has been a strong proponent of the plan and has even given the government a personal pledge the project won't go over budget. He spent $740,000 on the lavish invitation-only launch at Parliament House – attended by Morrison and business and cultural leaders – and has previously donated items to the AWM collection, including three Victoria Cross medals.
Chair of the Australian War Memorial Kerry Stokes and Christine Simpson Stokes lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Australian Soldier in Canberra in April.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen
Stokes' commitment extended to flying back from Brussels to brief another former director, Major-General Steve Gower, on the plans shortly after the project's launch in late 2018 – although Gower told a parliamentary committee in July that the more he heard about the plan, the more he decided he was completely opposed.
Gower is concerned about the heritage aspects of the site, including the changed vista up Anzac Parade, and doesn't think the massive increase to gallery space is needed. He also disagrees with Nelson's characterisation of the Afghanistan space as a corridor.
War historian Joan Beaumont has concerns about the opaque way the $500 million was allocated, especially when other institutions like the National Archives, National Gallery and National Library are cutting staff, collections and services. The National Gallery has recently called for redundancies from its 300 staff, with one in 10 jobs to go. The Library has stopped collecting material on Japan, Korea and mainland South-east Asia and is also likely to shed jobs in a major restructure.
Beaumont says the "memory boom" of the World War I centenary, under Nelson’s leadership, positioned the Memorial prominently in Australia’s national culture.
"There’s an ongoing debate here as to whether we should be remembering other narratives of Australian history and why we commemorate war as central to our national identity and culture," she says. "I’m one who thinks that this is done in part to ensure that there is public support for military deployments in the future.
"Others would say it’s honouring the nation’s debt to those who serve in the defence forces, it’s honouring their sacrifice, it’s honouring their commitment to serve the nation.
"I recognise and respect this but, as an historian who’s considered the political processes that have shaped the construction of national identity in the past, I have my reservations about that exercise."
Members of the Heritage Guardians group campaigning against the development told the parliamentary committee in a July hearing they believed the expansion would in part serve as a personal legacy for Nelson. Former AWM principal historian Professor Peter Stanley decried it to the committee as "a slapdash and, frankly, unprofessional proposal".
Critics also raise Nelson's role in accepting donations from weapons makers including Lockheed Martin, Thales, BAE Systems, Boeing and Leidos, which some feel is inappropriate for a site commemorating those who died in war. Boeing made Nelson president of its Australian, New Zealand and South Pacific operations in January, after he left the Memorial.
Nelson responded with a written submission that said detractors of the development appeared to be motivated by resentment of changes he made to the revered institution. He declined to comment further to The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age regarding the personal criticisms of his involvement.
Brown says the institution has to walk a fine line between the veterans whose stories need telling and the tourists those stories are told to.
"They just need to make sure that they’re hewing more towards the veterans, I think, than the tourists," he says. "I’m not an opponent of the expansion, I just want to see that it’s done in the right way."