This was published 6 years ago
Merchants of death should not be funding Australian War Memorial
By Douglas Newton
This weekend the nation will mark the centenary of the Armistice of 1918. This year the weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin has a "partnership" with the Australian War Memorial to support the commemorations.
In recent years at least six arms firms have been sponsoring exhibitions and contributing funds to the overall budget of the memorial. Some commentators see no problem. They argue that, because arms firms profit from preparation for conflict, and from war itself, it is only right that they help to defray the costs of running the memorial or major commemorative events.
Australian war memorial director Dr Brendan Nelson is upfront about pursuing donations from arms manufacturers.Credit: Fairfax Media
This is twisted logic. To fund worthy causes such as a national commemoration, mounted in all our names, is why we have governments and taxation. Meeting the cost should not be an opportunity for arms firms to indulge in feel-good philanthropy, while promoting their brand names.
Museum director Brendan Nelson is proud of his pursuit of donations from armaments firms - on top of achieving $500 million in public funds for the enlarging of the museum.
Earlier this year, he scolded those firms yet to donate, arguing that they "have a responsibility itself to completing the loop, to explaining what is being done in the name of our country".
Clearly, the "loop" includes benefits for these firms. Donors are publicly honoured, and even accorded naming rights, at the memorial.
Controversy has erupted. A public campaign is building around the slogan "Commemorate Don’t Commercialise". A petition is circulating through The Action Network.
How can it be contemplated for a moment that weapons manufacturers should fund a shrine and museum that plays such a pivotal role in shaping our national memory of war? How is it respectful of those who have died?
A glaring problem stands out: conflict of interest.
The AWM is probably more influential in shaping the Australian public’s understanding of war than any book, film, or documentary produced in this country. More than a million people visit the AWM each year.
Almost 150,000 schoolchildren visit. Their faces are filled with wide-eyed wonderment in weaponry, because these days the grounds and galleries of the AWM are littered with the trophies and weapons of war – and more are planned. Gallery storyboards seldom offer more than childlike simplicities in discussing the hardest questions of all. How do we get into war? For what precise aims did our soldiers die?
Our exhibitions should be free to explore fearlessly the deepest problems of war. They should probe well beyond how we fought. Exhibitions might well explore the forces making for war in the broadest sense, the problematic history of our nation’s choices for war, and the neglected issues of war aims and the persistence of war.
Surely it is naive to imagine that the power of the AWM to mount such probing exhibitions will not be compromised in any way by accepting donations from those who have an interest in ever-expanding military budgets.
In taking the money, the AWM ignores the sordid history of private arms manufacturing for more than a century.
The Australian War Memorial in Canberra.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen
From about 1900, tooling up for war became immensely profitable. The arms bazaar was international in scope and financing. Banks, steel firms, and arms firms were often interconnected. Scandals proliferated, often involving bribery in pursuit of military contracts and price-gouging in the supply of armaments. It is a sorry history.
Thus, the arms trade itself might conceivably feature in a special exhibition at the AWM. Is that likely to happen in galleries funded by arms firms?
Let us consider a conflict still painful in popular memory – Vietnam. The historian Greg Lockhart, himself a Vietnam Veteran, reveals that in 1967 the First Australian Task Force laid over 21,000 US-made M16 "Jumping Jack" mines in Long Dat District, Vietnam, as a "barrier minefield". Many of these mines were subsequently lifted and turned against the Australians.
Over the next four years, writes Lockhart, "fifty-five 1ATF soldiers (including five New Zealanders) were killed and some 250 dismembered and wounded (including thirteen New Zealanders) on M16 mines that had their origins in the 'barrier minefield'". The dead and maimed made up 10 per cent of all Australia’s casualties in Vietnam – but over 50 per cent of the casualties of 1ATF in 1969-70.
Multiple US firms assembled these mines. Many are still in business. Should they be asked to fund our exhibition spaces at the AWM? Should they fund galleries tasked with, in Dr Nelson’s words, "explaining what is being done in the name of our country"? A gallery on Vietnam perhaps?
Imagine wheel-chair-bound Vietnam Veterans wheeling themselves into spaces at the AWM named after the firms that produced the weapons that maimed them. Would that be respectful? It is grotesque.
Douglas Newton is a historian.