

This was published 3 years ago


Why I learnt to love the Queen and church in a hot minute

I am a lifelong republican and an atheist. Although I have met the Queen, who responded candidly when I asked what pyjamas she’d packed for the next stage of her trip (love me a bit of weather chat), and I have also touched the taut upper arm of Diana, Princess of Wales, neither of these encounters made me question my allegiance to an Australian republic.

That, my friends, has now changed. I have signed up to the monarchy.

The Queen was not amused by those who were reluctant to attend the Glasgow COP26 summit. But Scott Morrison has now confirmed his attendance.

The Queen was not amused by those who were reluctant to attend the Glasgow COP26 summit. But Scott Morrison has now confirmed his attendance.Credit: Composite

It took one hot minute for the Prime Minister to decide to attend the climate change conference in Glasgow after news broke both the Queen and her usual follow-up act, Prince Charles, were most displeased at climate inaction by world leaders, in particular our very own Scott Morrison. If only they could sort the Nationals.

Sometimes you just need a higher power to intervene on your behalf and your prayers are answered. By the Queen. Shame the Prime Minister ignores the higher powers of his constituents.

I reckon if She can get Morrison to go to Glasgow, then the monarchy is definitely worth supporting 100 per cent. (Apologies to all First Nations people. I know it looks like I’m siding with the oppressors but unless Morrison goes with an open mind, open heart and real targets to Glasgow, none of us will have Country of any kind.) I am less sorry for my friends in the Australian Republican Movement, invisible since the referendum.

She’s not the only higher power on whom we should rely. If you are my age, you probably haven’t spent much time listening to A Rational Fear, the podcast of Australian comedian Dan Ilic. He has an important higher power, being funny in difficult circumstances. As of last week, his humour is the least important thing about him. He’s single-handedly provided as much negative international publicity for this government’s hopeless environment policy as all our professional environmental campaigners put together by crowdfunding to buy space on the biggest billboard in Times Square, known as Godzilla. For 10 minutes, in New York’s busy entertainment district, he scored all those eyeballs for uncomfortable messages about Australia, climate denial, burning kangaroos and Coal-o-phile Dundee. That had the knock-on effect of delivering Godzillions of extra eyeballs through Ilic’s interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper where the comic told thousands of international viewers Australia was a “global pariah” on the world stage.

“We’re up there with Russia and Saudi Arabia [as the] third largest exporter of fossil fuels. So naturally, we cheat and disassemble and obfuscate our way through these climate talks every time they happen.”

While Ilic wanted to attack the government’s extreme inaction, he was also attempting to defend the two-thirds of Australian voters (and probably 100 per cent of everyone under 18) who want the Coalition to do more: to show this government is not representing the rest of Australia; ″⁣Dear World ... yeah, look ... sorry about our government bullsh--ing you about our emissions targets. Kind regards, People of Australia.″⁣


Turns out he was not kidding. Social researcher Rebecca Huntley, author of How To Talk About Climate Change, has spent 18 months talking to undecided voters in Australia’s rural and regional communities. They aren’t 100 per cent with anointed spokesdenier Barnaby Joyce. Instead, again and again across seats throughout Australia, our citizens want action, she says. In those 18 months, she’s seen a big shift from meh to, ohmigod, we are so behind the rest of the world.


“We don’t want to be Scandinavia, but we don’t want to be the Arab Emirates either,” she says. “We want to be at the party with all the cool people.”

Don’t think the Queen can use her higher powers to excommunicate people even though she’s the supreme governor of the Church of England, but maybe she could call on the one powerful being who knows climate change is a threat: God. Or his earthly representative, the Pope, who dead-set knows we have a climate problem. (Turns out churches in Australia are already on the case.) Maybe Francis can get Barnaby on the line and in line. We’ll need God and Queen if we want to save the country. Sign me up.

Jenna Price is a visiting fellow at the Australian National University.

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