


Why do we need vaccine boosters and how do they work?

What does the science say about boosters? How do they hold up against Omicron? And how many are we likely to need?


In June 2021, Israel’s early lead in the world vaccination race seemed to be crumbling. Months earlier it had been the real-world laboratory that showed the effectiveness of vaccines in crushing COVID-19 outbreaks. But now a surge of the faster-moving Delta variant was taking hold, including among the double-jabbed. Data indicated that people vaccinated back in January were more likely to catch COVID than those vaccinated later. Protection from the vaccines seemed to wane after six months.

By September, with new cases topping 10,000 a day, Israel had started rolling out booster shots. At the time, scientists were split over whether a third dose was needed – and the World Health Organisation warned against using up vaccine on boosters while so much of the developing world was still without a single dose.

But, for Israel’s caseload at least, it paid off. The numbers fell again, and studies have since shown that a booster of mRNA sharply lowers the likelihood of COVID infection. With another variant, Omicron, on the loose, the UK, the US, Europe, and now Australia are also turning to boosters, as early evidence points to a third dose significantly improving reduced vaccine protection against the new strain.

So what does the science say about boosters, why are we mixing and matching vaccine brands and how many more are we likely to need?

Prime Minister Scott Morrison (left) and Jane Malysiak (right) receiving their COVID-19 boosters in November 2021.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison (left) and Jane Malysiak (right) receiving their COVID-19 boosters in November 2021.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Why do we need boosters?

Vaccines teach your body to make special immune cells that can defeat the virus fast if it gets into your system (those are proteins known as antibodies to gum up the virus and killer T-cells to hunt down infected cells). “However healthy your immune system, your body still takes a while to recognise and fight a new threat like [COVID],” says Professor Seshadri Vasan who has spent the pandemic trialling vaccines and tracking coronavirus mutations at the CSIRO’s dangerous-pathogens lab.


Two doses of vaccine give you a big surge in these antibodies as well as longer-lasting memory B and T cells to patrol your body for future infections. A fortnight after full vaccination, the two mRNA vaccines Pfizer and Moderna are about 90 per cent effective at stopping symptomatic COVID cases, and AstraZeneca about 70 per cent, even against Delta. But the real strength of all the approved vaccines is in stopping severe disease from the virus – on that measure, they are close to 100 per cent effective. A US study found that an unvaccinated person was 29 times more likely to end up in hospital from COVID than someone who was vaccinated, while almost all the COVID patients in intensive care during Australia’s delta surge haven’t been vaccinated.

Still, this immune memory does fade over time, particularly in older people. And now the Omicron variant, which is twice as mutated as Delta, is showing particular resistance to vaccines. Early studies in Israel, South Africa and from Pfizer itself has shown that two doses do not hold up as well against the strain, but three doses do still offer “significant protection”. Experts say this is encouraging, turbocharging the case for boosters, as vaccine makers mull developing new formulas altogether against the variant.

“The scientific community has actually [already been] debating whether three doses [instead of two] should have been the primary dose schedule all along,” says Vasan.

Respiratory viruses such as COVID are notoriously difficult to immunise against to begin with, adds infectious disease physician Associate Professor Paul Griffin. “We don’t tend to get lifelong protection, even after we catch the common, milder coronaviruses that give us colds. So we always thought we’d need boosters to top up our immunity. What we didn’t know was when.”

COVID boosters can get immunity levels up even higher than where they were two weeks after the second dose.

Many existing vaccines need boosters – they both build up antibody levels again and improve the body’s longer-lasting immune defences. COVID boosters can get immunity levels up even higher than where they were two weeks after the second dose – that’s why a third dose seems to fare better against Omicron.

But, while people have a higher chance of being infected with COVID six months or more after their second dose, protection against developing a severe case does not decline nearly as fast (and against Omicron early results indicate it holds up better too). To gauge the effectiveness of a vaccine, scientists usually measure antibody levels in someone’s blood. But Griffin says this doesn’t give the complete picture. Antibodies naturally wane over time. “It doesn’t mean the capacity to produce them has gone,” he says. And, while falls in antibody levels may make it easier for a virus to gain a foothold in the body, there will likely still be T cells on the prowl – which are harder to measure but particularly important at stopping severe disease.


In May, Australian researchers calculated that when a vaccinated person’s antibody levels fell to about 20 per cent of their previous level, protection against getting COVID dropped to 50 per cent. But protection against a severe case didn’t fall to 50 per cent until those antibody levels had plunged to just 3 per cent of what they had been.

When should you have a booster?

Based on both trials and real-world data overseas, Griffin says six months after a second dose has emerged as the standard time to get a booster in Western countries with good access to vaccines such as Australia and the US. (The WHO has yet to recommend widespread boosters.)

In November, Australia followed Israel in opening up boosters to every adult six months after their second dose, no matter what vaccine they had already had. But when Omicron appeared, our expert vaccine advisory group ATAGI initially resisted copying the UK (which has now seen hospitalisations and a death from the variant) in bringing the entire boosters program forward from six months to three.

Then, on December 11, after more data emerged about vaccine effectiveness, ATAGI shortened that interval to five months after the second dose. While the group noted “there is limited evidence to inform the optimal interval between primary and booster doses”, what we know so far suggests that a booster “increases antibody levels substantially and this will likely offer protection against both Delta and the new Omicron variant”.

Boosters are not mandatory in Australia, but they are strongly recommended (even if you’ve already recovered from a case of COVID, a federal department of health spokeswoman confirmed). While in countries such as Israel the definition of “fully vaccinated” has now shifted from the original two doses to three, the Australian government has so far said two doses is still enough to access vaccinated-only spaces in the reopening such as bars and restaurants. Reminders for people to book in their third dose will be sent to millions of Australians via the MyGov government portal, and the government says its modelling shows that there will not be supply shortfalls again.

As of December 12, more than 683,000 people had already had a third dose, including vulnerable groups such as older people, frontline workers and those with compromised immune systems.

A man shows his green pass as  proof of COVID-19 vaccination at the Jerusalem Khan Theatre in Israel.

A man shows his green pass as proof of COVID-19 vaccination at the Jerusalem Khan Theatre in Israel.Credit: AP

Are the boosters updated to cover new variants?

Not so far. Vaccine makers have been preparing how best to tweak vaccines for new variants for many months now. But when many existing formulas were found to still work well against the now dominant Delta strain (which emerged in late 2020), regulators approved them as third dose boosters. Some experts have since wondered if that was a missed opportunity but Dr Peter Marks at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US, where both Pfizer and Moderna are made, has said that changing formulas only when it is really necessary means less “churn and burn” on manufacturing, and so fewer delays in getting boosters out.


Now, scientists around the world, including Vasan at the CSIRO, are poring over samples of the new variant Omicron to see if a tweak is needed this time. Omicron has about 34 mutations in the crucial spike protein that the virus uses to hack into our cells. But it is still unclear how that will change its behaviour in patients. Vasan describes it this way: “Just because you might understand individual personality traits, doesn’t mean you can predict exactly how someone will behave. We understand a lot about some of these mutations because we’ve encountered them before in other variants, but Omicron has new ones too, and how they all work together could be different.”

So far, South African doctors report many of the new Omicron cases are mild (though there have been hospitalisations and now a death in the UK). The speed at which the new strain has exploded across the continent suggests it is highly infectious, and scientists are particularly concerned the new variant’s spike might have changed shape so much that antibodies can no longer stop it in its tracks (this would explain why vaccine effectiveness appears lower and reinfection more likely with Omicron than Delta). But Vasan adds, “There’s not a one-to-one correlation between the number of mutations and resistance to vaccines.”

There’s also no set threshold of protection against a variant below which vaccines are said to need updating. This is evolving itself, Griffin says. “Most of us are expecting at some point we’ll have to tweak. And whether Omicron is the time or not, people will be surprised how fast it can happen.”


The mRNA vaccines are the easiest to adapt, he says. They show our body a tiny segment of the virus’s genetic code (known as RNA) – in this case, the spike protein – to train our immune system to make the right antibodies to fight it if it ever shows up for real.

To tweak the vaccine, scientists just need to swap out the original spike RNA for a mutated Omicron version in its nanoparticle casing. BioNTech, which makes Pfizer, says it can produce and ship an updated version of its vaccine within 100 days if Omicron requires it (by March).

In Australia, tens of millions of the booster doses on order are not expected to arrive until next year, and those may be tweaked if companies such as Pfizer decide that an update against variants is needed. Department of Health secretary Professor Brendan Murphy told a senate committee on December 7 that the country’s contracts already “envisage that if a very different vaccine is required those advance purchase agreements cover that”.

Rosie Gibuma receives a vaccination on Boigu Island in the Torres Strait. Experts say vaccines being developed for storage at warmer temperatures will improve coverage in remote parts of  Australia and elsewhere.

Rosie Gibuma receives a vaccination on Boigu Island in the Torres Strait. Experts say vaccines being developed for storage at warmer temperatures will improve coverage in remote parts of Australia and elsewhere.Credit: Brook Mitchell/Getty Images

Is mixing vaccines safe? What about side effects?

Yes. In fact, in some cases, studies show it conveys even stronger or broader immunity to swap vaccine types for the second or third dose. While the mRNA vaccines are notable for producing the highest antibody levels, the vaccines by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson are known for producing particularly high levels of T cells – these brands use a harmless virus known as a vector to deliver the coronavirus spike into our cells and so kickstart our immune defences.

Changing the method of vaccine delivery between doses may offer “the best of both worlds”, experts say, and stop the immune system from getting distracted by the vaccine’s packaging. After a few doses of the AstraZeneca viral vector shot, for example, some experts wonder if the body will start to produce antibodies against the viral vector itself, not just COVID, reducing the vaccine’s effectiveness.


A recent study in The Lancet has found that most of the approved vaccines are safe and work very well as mixed boosters, including Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, and the protein vaccine Novavax. Some countries, such as the UK, are now recommending swapping, particularly for people who have had AstraZeneca for their initial course.

Professor Johnathan Ball at the University of Nottingham notes that studies so far show an mRNA booster works best overall, even if you’ve already had two doses of the same vaccine, and stimulates a strong T cell response as well as antibodies. (Mixing the mRNA vaccines doesn’t produce much of a difference, Griffin adds, as both Pfizer and Moderna use the same technology.)


Sometimes switching vaccine platforms can come with a slight increase in mild side effects such as fever, Griffin says. “But that could be a sign it’s working really well at stimulating your immune system. And we’re not seeing any increased risk for the rarer, adverse events.”

That includes a small number of cases of heart inflammation – myocarditis and pericarditis – linked to the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines, and some cases of clotting after the AstraZeneca vaccine. While both are very rare, the clotting make it unlikely AstraZeneca will be used widely as a booster, says Griffin.

In Australia, Pfizer and now Moderna have been approved so far as boosters (and are considered “equally acceptable” according to ATAGI), while Novavax is being considered by the medical regulator the Therapeutic Goods Administration.People can choose AstraZeneca for their booster if they cannot have Pfizer or Moderna for medical reasons (such as an allergic reaction) or they have already had two doses of AstraZeneca without any side effects.

The government says there is limited data on serious complications following the mRNA boosters, but “evidence from Israel suggests that myocarditis and pericarditis are not more common after the booster dose, compared with the second dose”, and the TGA is closely monitoring the rollout.

How often will we be getting COVID shots?

Flu shot formulas are tweaked twice a year - once to cover new strains emerging in the Northern Hemisphere’s winter, and once for the Southern Hemisphere. “When I moved to Australia in 2019, I’d had the flu shot in England and had to get it again in Australia,” says Vasan. But, given the new coronavirus still mutates at a slower rate than flu, he doesn’t expect updated boosters will be needed that often. “I think we’ll be able to keep up with the variants.”

“It may be that we get an annual shot with the flu strains and a couple of COVID in there as well.”


Scientists are still tracking how long boosters last but Griffin also expects a yearly shot, not another six-month booster, to follow the initial third dose. “It may be that we get an annual shot with the flu strains and a couple of COVID in there as well.” Labs around the world, including Moderna and Novavax, are trialing such combination shots already, to see how it will work. “We already do a few in the flu shot, so it makes sense.”

Or we may find that the vaccine platforms change altogether. Both Vasan and Griffin are running trials for second-generation COVID vaccines, out of many still in development worldwide in the new vaccine innovation boom. (“It’s very exciting,” says Griffin.) Some use nasal sprays and even oral pills instead of injections to try to better stimulate antibodies in the mucus of the nose and throat, where the virus enters the body. “This is a marathon,” Vasan says. “Some will lead in the first five kilometres but then we’ll have new leaders emerge. We need many vaccines in our arsenal to get out of this.”

Second-generation vaccines are an obvious opportunity to add more protection against new variants circulating in different places around the world, he says. (“You don’t want to be wondering, am I still protected in India with a vaccine I got in the UK?” ) But vaccine-makers are also working to improve the durability of protection.And one-dose shots, or those made to survive at warmer temperatures, as one Vasan is trialling does, could help speed up the lagging rollout in the developing world.


Until more of the world is protected, more variants will continue to emerge, Griffin says. While some studies have shown that boosters can help clamp down on outbreaks (and now likely stand as a key defence against variants), rich nations hoarding vaccine supplies have left the virus room to evolve in places struggling to vaccinate, such as Africa.

“We need to address why that [inequity] is still happening,” says Griffin. “I think with all the panic about Omicron, we need to not lose sight of the fact that we can do something to help stop it.”

With additional reporting by Rachel Clun

This article was originally published on December 7 2021 and updated on December 14 to reflect developments.

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