This was published 2 years ago
We must take meaningful action to address the unfolding catastrophe in Myanmar
By Raymond Tint Way and Paul A. Komesaroff
The announcement on Saturday by Myanmar’s military leaders of an amnesty for 814 prisoners has been widely greeted with scepticism and derision. The regime may have hoped it would be seen as a gesture of conciliation towards its opponents. However, observers have noted that previous amnesties quickly emerged as little more than a means to free up prison space for incoming political prisoners and that thousands of people, including Australia’s Professor Sean Turnell, remain in custody, either without charge or facing what are obviously fabricated allegations.
The seemingly endless spiral of brutality, violence and chaos into which the country has descended since the army seized power from the democratically elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi 12 months ago continues unabated.
The savagery of the regime has been extraordinary. More than 1500 people have been killed, 11,000 have been detained or “disappeared” and nearly half a million have been displaced. Arbitrary arrest, torture and rape have become daily occurrences. The tactics deployed so ruthlessly only four years previously against the Rohingya people in the north-east have now been extended to the entire country.
Almost everyone in Myanmar has suffered. Although the country is rich in natural resources, World Bank figures show that over the last year its economy has shrunk by an astounding 18 per cent and 1.6 million jobs have been lost. The UN estimates that the number of people living in poverty has doubled, with nearly 50 per cent of the population now affected.
Health workers have been deliberately targeted. Myanmar had a sophisticated and well-trained, if under-resourced, health care system. In the past 12 months, hundreds of doctors have been arrested and dozens killed. The COVID response established by the civilian government has been largely dismantled and the vaccination program suspended. In the midst of the pandemic, hospitals and ICUs have been closed and public health structures almost completely eliminated. As a result, essential medicines and support systems are either in desperately short supply or are lacking altogether. In the absence of reliable data, the scale of the COVID disaster is impossible to estimate but according to eyewitness reports it has reached catastrophic levels.
It is a sad irony that all this devastation was completely unnecessary. There was no economic or political crisis in Myanmar. There was an efficient government that was overwhelmingly popular, having only months before won an election unanimously validated by international scrutineers. The destruction of the country was motivated by nothing more than the greed and brutality of a small group of unscrupulous generals.
After years of the faltering emergence of democracy the population has refused to accept the re-imposition of dictatorship. A country-wide civil disobedience movement has taken shape and what had been a collection of sporadic resistance groups has now become a federal army of resistance that is threatening to boil over imminently into a full scale civil war. The military has responded by bombing civilian populations and torching entire villages.
There is a global emergency unfolding in Myanmar to which the world community needs to respond. Key Australian allies, including the US, Britain, the EU and Canada, have responded forcefully. Working together, they have imposed multiple sanctions against key junta figures and have taken action to limit arms supplies and prevent companies doing business with the illegal regime. These actions have been strengthened in the past week on the anniversary of the coup.
The Australian Burmese community – which numbers about 250,000 – has struggled on its own to provide humanitarian support and medical supplies for displaced people in border areas. However, despite tough talk about support for democratic values, the Australian government has so far refused to take any meaningful action. The Foreign Minister has done little more than send polite requests to the junta to “engage meaningfully in inclusive dialogue for a peaceful return of Myanmar to the path of democracy”.
It is in Australia’s national interests to support the people of a close neighbour with whom we have deep and abiding cultural and social ties. Ongoing conflict, especially a prolonged, destabilising regional war, would be harmful for all of us.
The government should follow the lead of its allies and take immediate action. It should urgently provide humanitarian and medical aid, through the WHO and other trustworthy NGOs, for those who have fled their villages. This includes COVID vaccines and provision of food, shelter and physical protection, especially to women and children, who are particularly vulnerable.
An immediate and total arms embargo should be imposed on the Myanmar military, all international business activities by army members and their cronies should be frozen and targeted sanctions should be imposed on coup leaders and collaborators.
Our government should advocate for the establishment of a special tribunal to investigate present and past crimes committed by the military, including the Rohingya genocide in 2017, to ensure ultimate accountability. And it should recognise the National Unity Government, composed of the democratically elected representatives of the people, as the lawful and legitimate government of Myanmar.
If our elected representatives take the ethical path to oppose dictatorship, support freedom and democracy and act courageously to head off what could become a long and damaging conflict that destabilises our entire region, the people of both Australia and Myanmar will justifiably be grateful and proud.
Dr Raymond Tint Way is a psychiatrist in Sydney who has over many years cared for Burmese refugees and provided support for Burmese people in both Australia and Myanmar. He is vice-president of the Australia Myanmar Institute.
Professor Paul Komesaroff is a physician, executive director of Global Reconciliation and a board member of the Australia Myanmar Institute.