

Rebels celebrate taking key border town, Thailand left scrambling

Rebels celebrate taking key border town, Thailand left scrambling

Concerns of a Myanmar military counter-offensive at the border has drawn neighbouring Thailand closer to the conflict.

  • by Zach Hope


Julie Bishop named United Nations special envoy for Myanmar

Julie Bishop named United Nations special envoy for Myanmar

Myanmar has been locked in civil war since the army took power from Aung Suu Kyi’s elected government in 2021.

  • by Michael Mehr and John Kidman
China’s cash promises in South-East Asia are coming up short, report says

China’s cash promises in South-East Asia are coming up short, report says

President Xi Jinping launched the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013, immediately winning over many foreign governments with promises of unprecedented investment.

  • by Zach Hope
Dozens of Rohingya refugees feared dead in boat tragedy off Indonesia

Dozens of Rohingya refugees feared dead in boat tragedy off Indonesia

Asian news agencies, one citing an Indonesian official, reported the boat was headed to Australia. Border Force said this was not true.

  • by Zach Hope and Karuni Rompies
This novel is inspired by George Orwell - but don’t call it Orwellian

This novel is inspired by George Orwell - but don’t call it Orwellian

The American writer’s latest novel imagines the days when George Orwell was a policeman in Burma.

  • by JP O'Malley
Speaking up in Australia, risking retribution against their families in Asia

Speaking up in Australia, risking retribution against their families in Asia

Hundreds rallied on the steps of Victorian parliament to protest against human rights abuses in South-East Asian nations ahead of a diplomatic summit in Melbourne.

  • by Alex Crowe
‘Mines against humanity’: The scale of Australian investment in Myanmar revealed

‘Mines against humanity’: The scale of Australian investment in Myanmar revealed

Democracy activists are demanding the Commonwealth follow its closest international allies by imposing widespread sanctions against the military and its conglomerates.

  • by Sumeyya Ilanbey and Nick McKenzie
Why is Christian persecution often met with indifference?

Why is Christian persecution often met with indifference?

A charity has reported a sevenfold increase in attacks globally on Christian churches, schools and hospitals in the past year – but it gets little attention in the West.

  • by Barney Zwartz
Shane Warne and the China factor: One reporter’s tour of South-East Asia

Shane Warne and the China factor: One reporter’s tour of South-East Asia

From covering Shane Warne’s tragic death to travelling with Penny Wong to her home town, Chris Barrett saw a bit of everything.

  • by Chris Barrett
Sean Turnell spent 650 days in a Myanmar jail. His humour survived

Sean Turnell spent 650 days in a Myanmar jail. His humour survived

The Sydney economist is no Jason Bourne, but as an adviser to Aung San Suu Kyi’s government he was in the junta’s sights soon after the 2021 coup.

  • by Michael Ruffles
Australia may be next for Rohingya refugees ‘running out of places to go’

Australia may be next for Rohingya refugees ‘running out of places to go’

Fleeing violence and squalid conditions in the world’s largest refugee camp in Bangladesh, the persecuted Muslim minority from Myanmar is desperate.

  • by Chris Barrett

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