

This was published 4 years ago


One night of terror when I was firefighting keeps coming back to me

The NSW Bushfire Inquiry report is a sobering read and the 76 recommendations cover a wide range of issues. It debunks a lot of myths, deals with some difficult issues such as hazard reduction, and recommends operational changes such as more finessed use of a different range of firefighting aircraft. Former deputy police commissioner Dave Owens and former NSW chief scientist Mary O’Kane have done a commendable job and should be congratulated.

The report explains in detail how climate change has forced us into a new, far more dangerous era of bushfire risk. Scientists have been warning about this for decades, and former fire and emergency chiefs tried to warn the federal government back in early 2019 that we were facing a bushfire catastrophe, fuelled by climate change.

Neither were listened to, however, the Prime Minister conceded upon his return from an overseas holiday in December last year that climate change was "a factor" in the seriousness of the bushfires.

He further stated, when setting up the Royal Commission into Natural Disaster Arrangements, that the impacts of climate change were "a given". Unfortunately, such statements have yet to be matched with a credible national plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that are driving increasingly extreme weather.

Ominously, both the NSW report and the independent bushfire report prepared for the South Australian government warn that while not every year produces catastrophic bushfires, continued global warming is making serious fire seasons more frequent and intense, and from now on we can expect to periodically experience the same, or worse, bushfire conditions as those we endured during our Black Summer. The report details how hazard reduction has little effect on days of Extreme and Catastrophic fire danger, which now occur more frequently than in the past.

It explains how weather-driven fires like those we experienced quickly devour crops, lawns, scrub and forest, with spot fires up to 12 kilometres ahead. Reducing fuel loads does not slow them down under extreme conditions, but can reduce fire intensity and give firefighters a chance close to buildings.

The one thing that is not covered, and was not in the inquiry terms of reference, is what we must now do about the fundamental problem: climate change. Last week the National Farmers' Federation, not particularly radical folk, called upon the federal government to speed up emissions reduction efforts and to adopt a net zero emissions target, just as all states and territories have done.

Firefighters battle a blaze near Mangrove Mountain in December.

Firefighters battle a blaze near Mangrove Mountain in December. Credit: Wolter Peeters

Farmers, like fire chiefs and scientists, can see what is happening on the land and they know that urgent action is needed. The response from Canberra was an aggressive admonishment for "not having a plan" to reach a zero emissions future.


An interesting response, given that most might expect national plans to come from our national government, not from people like fire chiefs, scientists, farmers, economists and others who have offered expert advice, but thus far have been largely ignored. Our national government has a moral obligation to stop the obfuscation and take the necessary actions to protect us from worsening extreme weather that is driving more frequent and intense droughts, heatwaves, bushfires, flooding rains, and storms.

We must not forget, as we watch California burn in unprecedented weather conditions also driven by climate change, that we too will see fires return at some stage, hopefully not this year.


We must reject lazy, unimaginative proposals for a "gas-led recovery". As 25 senior scientists warned this week, new fossil fuel developments will see us exceed our Paris target and lock in decades of increased dangerous warming. Instead, we must pursue a renewables-led recovery, based on research such as the Climate Council’s plan for 76,000 new clean jobs.

As a firefighter, I recall the terror one night in the 1980s when a colleague and I became trapped above a blazing shop, watching the floor beneath our feet starting to burn through. Our survival depended on other firefighters attacking the source of the heat below us, because our escape route was blocked.

It reminds me of the situation the world is in now, but nobody in the federal government seems willing to help put out the climate change "fire".

If we take anything from the NSW Bushfire Inquiry report, it is this: action on emissions is urgent if we are to tackle the increasing long-term bushfire risk, and it is unacceptable for those in Canberra to continue ignoring the growing threat.

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