

This was published 3 years ago

Wealth gap driving division


Credit: Illustration: Alan Moir

It is clear that Donald Trump and his followers are deluded, unhinged and a danger to democracy. As Peter Hartcher says (‘‘Democracy is a mindset – the US is losing it’’, January 8) ‘‘the deepening bitterness, expressed in economic, race and cultural wars, is the acid eating away at American democracy’’. The gap between wealthy and poor has become more profound, as exemplified by the film Nomadland, which depicts homeless older people who are obliged to travel the US in search of menial jobs in order to survive. At the same time, the wealthy have grown their fortunes to a record of $10.2 trillion during COVID-19. Unless these injustices, and the greed of individuals and corporations are addressed in social policy terms, America is on the way to becoming a basket case. Pam Hawkins, Lakemba

That a small percentage of the American population owns the vast majority of that nation’s wealth must surely be one of the foundation reasons Americans are at each other’s throats. Unbridled greed is tearing them apart. The Republican aristocratic denialists and their self-serving behaviours only reinforce this abhorrence. The French, hundreds of years back, did something about it – horribly so. Self-righteous, unbendable aristocrats appear to choose to learn the harder way. Let us hope we in Australia are learning from these irksome and stomach-turning behaviours. All this is a harsh reminder happiness is not to be found in wealth. Some, though, will never learn. Neville Williams, Darlinghurst

I heard that President-elect Joe Biden is going to build a big, beautiful wall right around Capitol Hill and that he’s going to make the Republicans pay for it. Don Squires, Lake Cathie

Pursuit of liberty can warp ideal of freedom

Joe Biden has a massive task ahead, and I hope he can play the long game (‘‘Trump stirs revolt’’, January 8). Thomas Jefferson’s (reputed) quote that, ‘‘Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty’’ can backfire. It can just produce thousands of vigilantes at your doorstep. The real price of liberty is better education. Peter Russell, Coogee

Donald Trump must be held accountable for the riot he provoked and then let play out. He should be removed from office because he is a clear and present danger who has no control over his anger. Who knows what carnage he will wreak in the remaining days of his presidency? Mark Porter, New Lambton

Such an inspiring statesman-like response from President-elect Joe Biden to the storming of the Capitol by Trump terrorists, inspired by words from a blackguard. But the responses from our Prime Minister and Opposition Leader were just so ho-hum, pedestrian and ordinary. There would be no fear of insurrection here. Would there? Helen Lewin, Tumbi Umbi

There’s been too much talk about an attack on democracy. At the US Capitol building, there was no planned attempt to replace the government with an alternative. There was no leadership. There was no manifesto of aims. There was no attempt to bring the army or police on side. It was merely a rabble keen to make a noise, let off steam, have some excited fun, be disruptive and disrespectful and get on the news. It was no more a threat to democracy than an egg-thrower or a rowdy group in the parliamentary gallery shouting slogans before being ejected. Barry Lamb, Heidelberg West (Vic)

Trump has put the final nail in the coffin of the word ‘‘love’’ (‘‘Twitter suspends Trump amid Capitol violence’’, January 8). His request to his mob, to ‘‘Go home. We love you’’ means we will have to find a new word for this sentiment. He has tarnished it forever. Kath Maher, Lidcombe


Will the US be invading the US to restore democracy? Alan Egan, Paddington (Qld)

‘‘Mission Accomplished.’’ The whole world is talking about Donald. How good is that for a narcissist? With reckless disregard for the damage done, Trump has achieved his goal: his name will go down in history. Kathleen Hollins, Northmead

Donald, where’s yer troosers? Jim Dewar, North Gosford

Where is Sir John Kerr, now that the US needs him? Daniel Hales, Epping

A humn for Him

For churchgoers unable to sing hymns in church because of COVID-19, I suggest hymns be replaced by humns. Humns comply with law and grace and may in fact help as one cannot hum with an open mouth. O for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer’s praise would take on new meaning as a humn. Ivan Head, Burradoo

Too much to mask?

To those who do not wish to wear masks, a question. How would you feel if you were to have an operation and your surgeon decided they would not wear a mask because it was too uncomfortable?
Jean Jenkins, Balmain

Let young go first

I am over 70 and think younger, working people should be vaccinated for COVID-19 before us ‘‘oldies’’ (‘‘All hands on deck as Pfizer prepares to ship vaccine’’, January 8). Patrick St George, Goulburn

Being in the age group to receive a priority COVID-19 vaccination gives me no joy. I’ve lived my life and someone younger in a more productive and/or vulnerable role should have the benefit before me. It is their lives that matter. Vicky Marquis, Glebe

Hot out of the oven

Is this a record? Hot cross buns are already stacked on supermarket shelves. Crikey. Rose Panidis, Graceville (Qld)

Do your job PM and call out Trumps’s deplorable action

Far be it from me, Prime Minister, to tell you your job but, as the leader of our democratically elected government, it is up to you ‘‘to offer commentary on world leaders’’ when they incite mob violence against the seat of their government (‘‘Watching world reacts with disgust’’, January 8).
Like you, President-elect Joe Biden has been called upon to lead his country through a free and fair election. Like you, he deserves the full support of other democratically elected parties and their leaders. Call out the wannabe tinpot Donald Trump. Your silence gives him tacit support and the majority of Australians – who you supposedly represent – don’t agree. Elisabeth Goodsall, Wahroonga

How weak-kneed was Morrison’s response to the attack on the US Capitol? Call it out for what it was: an incitement to overthrow the democratic rights of the citizens of one of the most powerful countries of modern times to elect the representatives of their choice. Shame, PM, shame. Patricia Slidziunas, Woonona

Morrison does not condemn President Trump but will accept a military medal even though he has never served in the military. Michael Bluestone, Leichhardt

I missed the bit where our Prime Minister returned the medal given to him by President Trump.
Tom Lockley, Pyrmont

Truth is essential

Scott Morrison is doing the cause of protecting ‘‘free speech’’ no favours by using it as a cover to defend dangerous lies and smears (‘‘PM must fight disinformation, from friends and foes alike’’, January 8). Graeme Finn, St Peters

Following the events in Washington it is now up to Scott Morrison to stop George Christensen and Craig Kelly making any further claims that the US election was stolen. We have seen in the US what happens when statements known to be false are promoted to the public. It is not only a question of free speech but telling the truth, rather than allow lies and conspiracy theories to take hold.
We need Morrison to lead and rebuke those who talk in falsehoods, so that his party understands there are certain standards to be upheld by its members. Andrew Sciberras, Kogarah

Politicians such as Craig Kelly and George Christensen are allowed by the leaders of their parties to spout as many lies as they wish. Because such behaviour is not stamped upon, we can only assume it is condoned and this puts us on the same dangerous path as America. Peter Nash, Fairlight

Yes, it is up to you, Mr Morrison, to ‘‘offer commentary’’ on other leaders, especially when they wantonly enable domestic terrorists, white supremacists and conspiracy theorists to trash the United States, our once great ally. And it is also up to you to publicly rebuke George Christensen and Craig Kelly for the lies and disinformation they have spread in their slavish devotion to Trump. They are members of your government, so start standing up for the reputation of this country. Wendy Atkins, Cooks Hill

Republic, not Republican

Your correspondent (Letters, January 8) has reminded those who do not understand the difference in Australia becoming a republic from the Republican Party in the US. Australia becoming a republic simply means removing an English monarch as our head of state and replacing the Governor-General with an Australian president. The biggest debate becomes how this apolitical president is chosen. Robyn Lewis, Raglan

The Australian republican movement is not advocating a US-style elected presidency. The preferred model is a president chosen by a two-third vote of both houses of parliament from public nominees. Our President would thus have no constituency or policy agenda, just as our Governor-General does not now. The only difference is our head of state would be Australian. Andrew Taubman, Queens Park

Big ideas, bold moves

COVID-19 and climate change will be two big issues of 2021. What role will the Morrison government play in managing them? Based on current performance, other than media events, almost nothing. For COVID-19, the National Cabinet is meeting to discuss international travel. Curious, given the abrogation by Morrison of quarantine operations to state governments.
The 2021 vaccination campaign will also see little involvement, other than the odd media event, with states driving this process. Indeed, managing the COVID-19 pandemic has seen the Commonwealth struggling to have a role against the increasing importance of the states. Climate change also manifests this trend with Morrison and Angus Taylor having little to say (other than the odd snipe). It’s time for them to grow backbones, stare down Coalition deniers and make bold, courageous decisions. But the Coalition has always been about small ideas rather than big ones. Ian Caddy, Cheltenham

Compassion goes missing

Thank you to your correspondents (Letters, January 8 and earlier) for support of the Sri Lankan family imprisoned at Christmas Island at the atrocious cost of $4.5 million. I despair at why Australia has done this and my inability as an 80-year-old woman with no power to prevent it. What has been done to this family is unconscionable and unforgivable. My letters to the prime minister (he doesn’t deserve capitals) and other reader’s letters to the Herald go unregarded. Surely there is some form of international human rights individuals or organisations who can act compassionately and stop this travesty of justice? Margaret-Anne Hayes, Turramurra

Let us avoid the dark road America treads

The warnings of your columnists, Bob Carr (‘‘Capitol chaos only the first act’’, January 8) and Emma Shortis (‘‘Australia gave comfort to American carnage’’, January 8), that the US is becoming an illiberal nation and one that Australia should not blindly bind its future to need to be heeded.
Two-thirds of eligible US voters actually voted in the 2020 US presidential election, with Trump winning 46 per cent of votes cast. These figures mean that about 64 per cent of eligible voters voted for Trump, did not feel sufficiently motivated to take part and vote against him, or were unable to vote at all because of impediments US voters face in being able to vote. The values fuelling this election outcome are not values Australians need. Peter Geelan-Small, Glebe

Emma Shortis is right. NBN News showed the reactions of many world leaders to the events in Washington. All but one were critical, in the strongest terms, of Trump. Scott Morrison said it was ‘‘terribly distressing, terribly concerning’’. Such understated loyalty from a guest of honour at a Presidential state dinner and recipient of the US Legion of Merit medal. Leonie Royle, Worrowing Heights

Lifeless literature

There have been many worthy nominations for the most unreadable novel. Most males, especially teenage boys studying for the HSC, will agree reading anything by Jane Austen is akin to wading through waist-high treacle. Grant Heaton, Port Macquarie

I also suffered Silas Marner, only to have my teacher tell us how wonderful it was. At university, studying engineering, we had to do a year of English literature. One book was The New Men by C.P. Snow. The lecturer started with: ‘‘This is the worst piece of literature I have even read.’’ All 100 or so of us gave a tremendous cheer. Bill McCaffrey, Concord

Why complain about Joyce’s Ulysses being boring? I’ve read it many times and even got to page 10 once. Dave Callan, Holder (ACT)

Is it time to reassess Agatha Christie’s murder mysteries? If she were just starting to write now, would she find a publisher? Ted Richards, Batemans Bay

I’ve never tried Silas Marner or Bleak House for my insomnia, but I can thoroughly recommend the soporific benefits of Tony Abbott’s Battlelines and Kevin Rudd’s Not for the Faint-Hearted. Col Burns, Lugarno

Somehow throughout my literary life I have managed to not read any of the books mentioned. I must be doing something right. John Swanton, Coogee

‘‘Boring classical music’’ (Letters, January 8)? Forget it, there’s no such thing. Mike Phillips, Yaroomba (Qld)

Boring plays? The story goes that a production of The Diary of Anne Frank was so boring that, when the German officers arrived, a member of the audience called out, ‘‘She’s in the attic!’’ Richard Barraclough, Chisholm (ACT)

Hard to go past and even harder to listen to, the minimalist music of Philip Glass. The endless repetition of short phrases is the very epitome of boredom. John Christie, Oatley


Still falls the rain, and the letters followed, this week. Many letters but only a few subjects. At the beginning of the week, the letter writers were pleased the Premier had finally seen the sense of their months of suggesting – through to nagging, imploring and demanding – and made masks mandatory on public transport and in public places. However, then there was the SCG cricket and masking to worry about. Opinion was strong with the writers on that, too: ‘‘just say no’’. It was considered ridiculous to have suburbs locked down but let many thousands of people sit around a sporting oval all day, masked or not. The government’s gradual restrictions and more buses, then the suggestion that everyone should drive to the cricket ground after all, were not taken well – although there was much hilarity about the idea that residents of Rookwood would be among those dis-allowed entrance.
Then the writers moved on to President Trump and his actions in Washington as America scrambled over the last hurdle on the rocky road to a new president. It’s a pity Mr Trump probably doesn’t read the Herald, because the writers were ready and delighted to tell him home truths, advise him on the best way to leave (quickly) and exactly what they thought of his actions, beliefs and true believers. His ears must be burning like an unraked Californian forest floor.
The discussion about the world’s most boring book has continued enthusiastically. There have been more contenders but Joyce’s Ulysses is now in front. There are now also letters asking for nominations for the most boring piece of classical music and the most boring play.
Harriet Veitch, acting letters editor

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