

This was published 3 years ago


Capitol chaos is just the first act: The Republican party is shattered and civility is not coming back

Nearly all US presidents have been good. Some have been great. Thus runs the mythology. On Inauguration Day the skies have been a wintry grey but when Kennedy or Roosevelt or Reagan stepped to the lectern the sun's brilliant rays shone forth with meteorological magic.

But the squalor of Wednesday in the United States? Years of Trump and the conspiratorial right have eroded the web of conventions that kept a 1780s constitution in some working order. Posters proclaimed "Pelosi is Satan" and "Jesus 2020". Members of Congress were evacuated as if pursued by al-Qaeda. Protesters took turns in the vice-president's chair on the Senate dais, fists raised. Where did this come from?

Simple. From Trump's invitation on December 19 that his supporters flock to Washington on January 6 to block the transfer of power: "Be there, will be wild!" His lawyer Rudy Giuliani whipped them up for "trial by combat". His son, Don jnr, urged them on, swearing: "We're coming for you. And we're going to have a good time doing it."

This verbal recklessness produced mob rule in what official historians might call "the majesty" of the US Capitol.

It advertised one of the powerful truths of fascist thinking: the power of the big lie energetically repeated – in this case, that the election was stolen. And for a majority of demonstrators, stolen by African-Americans. This is now the biggest galvanising force in US politics – if by galvanising one means motivating supporters to change political outcomes with violence.

Australians don't appreciate the racial resentment behind it. US pollsters, however, have charted the growth of the idea that America's minorities are becoming too powerful and that extreme measures may be justified to preserve a traditional America. A big bloc of Republican voters subscribe to it. Even more think the election was stolen.

Raphael Warnock's election took place off the back of Stacey Abrams' enrolment and mobilisation of 1 million black voters. Warnock had preached about dismantling "the value system of the empire" and Republican attack ads reminded white voters of it. But astonishingly Warnock outpolled Biden.

The white veto in Southern politics is passing. To the Trump base this is a unifying trauma.

The violence marking the end of the first Trump presidency suggests some conclusions.


One, the old Republican Party is shattered. There is no voice of authority to take on Trump such as the late John McCain might have provided. Most Republicans are terrified of Trump appearing in their states and mobilising his supporters against them. Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and Marco Rubio pine for a Trump endorsement for the 2024 nomination if the dear leader were not to run himself.

Trump's personality is at the very centre of Republican politics, his genius the creation of a Bonapartist model where the party – its structure, ethos and personnel – are subordinate to the larger-than-life personality of its leader.

Two, American politics is not going to return to civility. Race resentment poisons all. Every item of public policy from face masks to climate change is a salvo in the cultural wars. The polarisation is extreme. It means no co-operation across the aisle in Senate or House. Republicans have a single mission for the next two years: to block Biden's program and politically destroy him and, as soon as they can, Kamala Harris, so they reclaim majorities in 2022 and reinstate a Republican in the White House in 2024.

Only a wobbly one-vote majority in the Senate stands between Biden's program and deadlock. Wise to bet on deadlock driven by polarisation.

Three, none of the above allows Biden or his successors the luxury of ambitious internationalism. A Kennedy or Nixon, a Reagan or Bush could imagine themselves as foreign policy presidents. But with a vengeful Trump staging rolling rallies in states Biden won with narrow majorities and the Republicans in Congress fighting every appointment and bill, Biden is unlikely to be showing up at East Asia summits.

Four, the US may be in transition to an illiberal nation, its politics dominated by white, working-class opposition to demographic and cultural change and all-consuming economic rivalry with China. Its 1780s electoral college and its voter suppression laws always meant it was better viewed as a republic with strong freedom of expression rather than a democracy. But sometimes its mythology soared – as with "Ich bin ein Berliner" and "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall".

Professor Michael Beckley in Foreign Affairs predicts Trump's influence will persist in a US diplomacy owing nothing to liberal internationalism and all to transactional national interest.


Yesterday's chaos on Capitol Hill is a precursor for the fire next time. Levitate above this moment and look at the landscape the Trump forces inherit. There is no resistance in the Republican Party. Name recognition puts Trump or family members Don jnr or Ivanka streets ahead of drowsy, mediocre senators. The 2016 model will work again: mega rallies celebrated on Fox News fuelling primary triumphs. The deadlock and polarisation in Washington feeds grievances.

The German playwright Bertolt Brecht in his satire on the rise of Hitler issued a warning with these brutal lines: "Do not rejoice in his defeat you men/ For though the world stood up and stopped the bastard/ The bitch that bore him is on heat again." In this menacing spirit one of the pro-Trump demonstrators left a note on Nancy Pelosi's desk: "We will not back down."

Bob Carr is a former premier of NSW and former foreign minister of Australia. He is Industry Professor of Climate and Business at the University of Technology Sydney.

Trump Biden 2020

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