

This was published 4 years ago

Uni fee overhaul connotes shallow view of education

Your editorial makes a strong case for increased investment in all sorts of education and training, rather than trying to steer students into degrees considered to have better job prospects (“The agony and ecstasy of a degree in humanities”, June 20-21). It’s interesting that the Morrison government’s pricing changes will hit business, law and arts students when Education Minister Dan Tehan has degrees in arts, foreign affairs and international relations ("Funding overhaul to shape degree choices", June 19). Seven of the last nine prime ministers were arts or social science graduates. It’s no surprise that conservatives are usually wary of universities, as graduates are more likely to vote for progressive parties with strong policies on social justice and climate change. - James Moore, Kogarah

Illustration: Michael Leunig

Illustration: Michael LeunigCredit:

Withdrawal of government funding has already marginalised institutions like the CSIRO, the ABC, the Australia Council for the Arts and their associated cultural and research programs. Now impoverished universities are expected to focus on the development of skills as their primary purpose. We need a skilled workforce but not at the expense of new ideas, informed debate and cultural enrichment. Whatever happened to Menzies’ belief that a university education based on the humanities is essential for civilisation to flourish? - Tanya Crothers, Mosman

As one of many angry arts graduates debating the devaluation of studies in humanities, I would also argue that Minister Tehan’s comment encouraging students to pick up skills in other disciplines and not “silo” their degree, is the opposite of what will actually happen ("Writers savage plans to double humanities fees", June 20-21). Any course with prescribed set subjects, such as many of the science degrees, are effectively discipline silos. I strongly suggest that the teaching of ethics and critical thinking should at the least be mandatory in such courses. - Suzan Fayle, Rozelle

Tehan, like many so-called pragmatists, fails to understand the quintessentially vocational utility of humanities disciplines. Anyone in sales who has a background in anthropology and sociology has the advantage of being able to contextualise a sales pitch based upon known traditions, customs and rituals of customers. Add psychology and you have the ultimate selling superstar. Philosophy, of course, is a fundamental workplace necessity. Pared down, this discipline provides anyone on the corporate promotion ladder with deadly skills. It goes almost without saying that history and geography are more than handy when you are tempted to blow up artefacts that are at least 40,000 years old. If the fees for any courses need to be reduced, it is obviously these. - Mark d’Arbon, Chittaway Bay

Tim Soutphommasane echoes my disquiet regarding the overhaul of university courses ("Proposal is nothing short of radical", June 20-21). Minister Tehan seems to value "job relevant" courses. Is an understanding of history, logic, literature, philosophy and critical thinking somehow not relevant in today's employment environment? I would've thought, given the institutional failings detailed in recent royal commissions, at least the study of ethics would be an essential prerequisite for any qualification. Does the Minister fear the quiet folk may occasionally challenge or question our political leadership? He and the government may need a few lessons in respectful argument supported by robust evidence. Oh, wait. You learn those skills by studying humanities and social sciences. - Adrienne Berkman, Northbridge

This has to be the most anti-female change to fees ever proposed. We now have a majority female population among the students who are doing those degrees that will get the biggest fee increases. I hope the Senate will be sensible and defer implementation of these fees for five years to give the current cohort certainty and allow the year 7 students time to switch tracks to the favoured disciplines. All of those young women who were intending to study law or languages will be seriously disadvantaged. - Alan Stanley, Upper Corindi

We allow football crowds back but discourage protestors. We take advice from scientists on the pandemic but not on climate change. We give JobKeeper to out-of-work employees but not to freelancers in the arts. We subsidise homeowners but not tenants. We support white citizens but not our Indigenous people. And we favour practical degrees over the more free-thinking and esoteric courses. Australia, the not-so-clever country. - Margaret Grove, Abbotsford

It is good that the price has come down for some subjects but not at the expense of the humanities. All graduates from whatever subject need some humanities in their degree and not being forced to pay double the cost. What the government is trying to do is social engineering at its worst. - Laurie Urane, Haberfield

Australia 2021. Welcome to the land of the philistines! - Ann Brindle, Beverly Hills


I read that Nobel Peace Prize winner, Malala Yousafzai, had graduated from Oxford University with a PPE degree: philosophy, politics and economics. It was established in 1921 and is highly sought-after. This degree combination is available here. A University of New South Wales website states it: “… provides graduates with a powerful combination of intellectual tools to understand and act in the world … and draws together the perspective of three crucial academic disciplines to address contemporary national and global issues, such as justice, inequality and climate change.” Perhaps this is the government’s underlying reason to inhibit students from studying many arts subjects, let alone afford a humanities degree. If anything speaks more of blinkered vision and thinking, and using income to limit student’s abilities and contributions, then this is it. It is Orwellian in its assault on our basic freedoms and participation. Significantly, it is also discriminatory against those socially and economically disadvantaged, many of whom are in minorities. - Jennifer Fergus, Manly

Many universities are working closely with industry stakeholders to develop graduate capability frameworks that equip students for a progressively better future. Critical, ethical thinking and global citizenship – along with enterprise skills – coexist in such frameworks yet, to me, the government's new move views capability from a lens that inhibits our development as a progressive country. - Chris Bilsland, Lane Cove

To reinforce Richard Flanagan’s argument that “nothing is more helpful in preparing the road to authoritarianism” than doubling the cost of humanities degrees, such an action will also act as a disincentive for individuals undertaking history teaching, as this requires a double degree in teaching and humanities. Such a decision significantly concerns me, as what the current tearing down of racist historical structures tells us is that what we need most in schools are passionate history teachers who are going to actively work to decolonise their classrooms, question the dominant hegemonies of the curriculum, and place minority historical voices prominently within educational spaces. - Amelia Pitney, Pymble

Why is it that our governments (particularly conservative ones) consider education at all levels as a cost to government and taxpayers? They know full well that good education is the cornerstone of a free, egalitarian and productive society and as such benefits us all. What will it take to convince our leaders that education for all is a productive investment, made by our government, on behalf of the entire nation? - Tony Heathwood, Kiama Downs

My most valuable life and career lessons at UNSW over 40 years ago came not from the technical subjects of the civil engineering degree, but from the compulsory humanities half-subjects that I chose: philosophy, history, psychology and, especially, applied logic. - Peter Allen, Castle Cove

Coincidence that in your Careers page ("The art of being versatile", June 20) you feature visual arts teacher, Miriam Fee. In it she describes the transferable skills including "starting points, brainstorming, researching", the list went on. Why should these students have to pay more? - Gail Grogan, Constitution Hill

Throughout my many years as a lecturer in accounting I consulted with the profession as to their chief concern about the skills of new graduates. Time and again their criticism was that they could not write a coherent one page summary of financial reports. Academics have tried to raise this aspect of our students development by setting essay assignments. But this is not enough to counter their lack of literacy. They need to study the humanities. - Cecilia Spence, Bawley Point

Steamed up over Powerhouse loss

I am close to tears after reading Elizabeth Farrelly’s article ("Powerhouse will run out of puff in Parramatta", June 20-21). Clearly no Morrison miracle will materialise to prevent our beloved and marvellous Powerhouse Museum meeting the same sad fate as so much else of our rich heritage. The pattern of scandalous and wilful destruction continues and flies in the face of the people's wishes. The cynic in me also notes the Powerhouse closing date is the day before the start of the school holidays, neatly preventing last-chance visits which would have given our young people life-long memories of a disappearing past. - Joy Nason, Mona Vale

Having been a loyal Powerhouse Museum member for well over 20 years, I was saddened and angered to think that this weekend’s visit may well be my last. My sons developed a genuine love of science thanks to our many visits to their favourite venue. If ever there was a time when young people need to become aware of the nature of things scientific, now is that time. By all means construct a new cutting-edge facility at Parramatta, but please save the Powerhouse. - Steven Baker, Engadine

The fate of the Boulton and Watt steam engine is in the balance. Originally installed in a London brewery in 1785, this workhorse of the Industrial Revolution came to Sydney by ship in 1888, only to lie dormant in boxes for 100 years until reassembled and fired up by the Museum Of Applied Arts and Sciences at Ultimo in 1988. What a sacrilege it would now be to pack this jewel of the steam age back into boxes. - Ian Ferrier, Paddington

I was standing watching a demonstration of the Boulton and Watt steam engine a couple of years ago. Beside me was a suited English gentleman who turned to me and said “I’m from Leeds University and we don’t have one of these”. - Marcia Horvai, Pennant Hills

The Premier and her band of philistine ministers will be forever known as the perpetrators of one of the world’s most despicable acts of cultural vandalism. Almost as terrible as the WA government authorising the destruction of 46,000-year-old sacred Indigenous sites. - Nick Sharp, Warrawong

No other sites were considered for the Powerhouse yet there is a wonderful place crying out for a new role. Callan Park is empty and neglected. The stone buildings there are beautiful and enormous — more than enough for three Powerhouse museums — and it is only minutes from the CBD. Refurbishment would come at a fraction of the cost of the move to the proposed ghastly edifice at Parramatta. - Hans Knutzelius, Balmain

How disappointing that the Herald and Elizabeth Farrelly continue to campaign against a tier 1 cultural facility in Western Sydney. Our "friends" in the east will just have to discover there is a diverse communities of Sydneysiders far beyond Ultimo that deserve access to a world-class cultural facility. Bring on the Powerhouse Parramatta! - Chris Taylor, Lakemba

Way off track with fare hikes

Oh, you have to love our quirky state government ("Peak-hour tweak to cost commuters", June 20-21). When so many other cities have introduced congestion taxes on private cars entering the CBD in peak hour, our government has come straight out of left field with a tax on public transport in peak hour. Raising fares at this stage looks more like a revenue grab than a health measure. - John Mizon, Collaroy

Most Monday-to-Friday commuters will face a public transport price hit from July 6, but it doesn't compare with the 287 per cent price hike in the cost of adult Sunday fares. Adult fares will rise from a capped $2.80 (all day travel) to $8.05 (and children's fares will go from $2.80 to $4). This means a family of four will be paying $24.10 instead of $11.20 for a Sunday outing on our public transport system. People may stay home rather than exploring Sydney and its environs or return to using their cars. - Evelyn Palmer, Vaucluse

Mad about the Boyd

Ben Boyd brought his first shipment of Islanders to NSW in 1847 (Letters, June 20-21). The slave trade had been abolished in the British empire in 1807 and slavery in 1833. Even in the context of his time, Boyd’s actions were illegal. Statues provide a very selective picture of Australia’s history: that of a predominantly white, wealthy and male perspective. Even though the context in which they were built was racist and misogynistic, by maintaining such a pitiful imbalance, we perpetuate a society that limits our perception of what it is to be worthy of commemoration. - Isobel Page, Hornsby Heights

Boyd was controversial in his own time (Letters, June 20-21). Slavery was technically illegal in Australia and Boyd's charitable works were funded by defrauding the Royal Bank of Australia. As with Queen's Birthday Honours, statues are often given to the wrong person for the wrong reason. If removing them is rewriting history, then so be it. Sometimes the written record needs to be corrected. - Ben Aveling, Alexandria

Boyd's behaviour is not merely unacceptable today, but was deemed so by the NSW Legislative Council in his lifetime. Yet a public park was named in his honour in 1971 – 120 years after he permanently left Australia. - Al Svirskis, Mount Druitt

Size doesn't matter

That offended "small percentage", Rosemary O’Brien (Letters, June 20-21), has been here for about 60,000 more years than the rest of us. They had their land stolen from them, they have had their children ripped from them, and they even fought for this nation in world wars at a time when they were not deemed eligible for citizenship. To cap it off, they are forced to reckon with an Australia Day celebration each year that reminds them of all these wrongs. I don’t care how small the percentage is, it’s the height of absurdity that we continue to do nothing to remedy any of this. It makes me deeply, deeply ashamed. - Angela Namoi, Crows Nest

There is a statue of the famous Aboriginal woman Mum Shirl (Shirley Smith) at Redfern beside St Vincent’s Catholic Church (Letters, June 20-21). Mum Shirl was an Aboriginal activist, a powerful advocate for Indigenous rights and welfare. The statue was done by sculptor Bill Clements. - Esmey Herscovitch, Vaucluse

Leave it a-loan

The soap opera playing out in the District Court between friends who fell out over a trivial loan is nothing if not amusing ("Truth of deal between Adler, Kaftel 'left in a cafe somewhere'", June 20-21). But I do hope the real costs of this stoush will be fully met by the antagonists, not by the citizens of NSW. Why did this frivolity ever reach a court and require a 12-person jury to spend several days listening to arguments about a loan of less than $25,000? - Philip Bell, Bronte

Hothousing smothers

There is one omission from Malcolm Knox's account of the decline in numbers of those playing cricket in his excellent article on the sport's malaise ("Chief's axing just a symptom of a malaise that is infecting cricket", June 20-21). Selfish, tunnel-visioned administrators in many sports, but most conspicuously the football codes, have extended their seasons so that by the time they finish primary school, capable young players are locked into a single sport to their developmental and social detriment. The old patterns of summer cricket/winter football, netball or hockey have been broken, disadvantaging all sports and the people who play them. - Gary Ireland, Elderslie

Time for tech check

We’re seeing an increasing number of children at risk of significant harm ("Maltreatment of children at 'confronting' levels: report", June 20-21). Why are things so different now? Reporting of child maltreatment might be up because we’re more aware of child abuse. But I also suspect something else has changed – the extent to which technology use is affecting the ability of parents to attend to their children. I am not saying that smartphones are the boogie man but, they must be a significant factor. Everywhere I look these days, I’m seeing parents buried in their devices (not looking at their young children) and kids craning their necks to get the attention they yearn for. I suspect this lack of connection goes some way to explain why some parents may be finding it harder to act more kindly towards their children. - Michael Hawton, Byron Bay

PR's time has come

Frequently, factionalism has given rise to the perversion of democracy, branch-stacking and various forms of skulduggery in both major parties. The possibility of more diverse democratic representation through proportional representation would remove these undesirable features and lead to much greater transparency. Its advantages, especially the "party list" system used in 89 countries, in which voters have just one vote, are far superior to the existing system. No pork-barrelling, no byelections, multi-member electorates and majority government. Really, how much longer are Australians prepared to suffer the existing political mess? - Klaas Woldring, Pearl Beach

A bridge too far-fetched

Providing inducements for students to move from the humanities to more practical, economy- boosting subjects could have its problems ("Proposal is nothing short of radical", June 20-21). If a theological aspirant switches to engineering so he can create bridges, will speeding motorists be required to have faith that the bridges actually exist in a physical form? - Dave Watts, Avalon

So the government wants the next generation of baristas to have STEM degrees? - Alex Jones, Kirribilli

To borrow a phrase from George Santayana, those who seek to make the past 113 per cent more expensive "are condemned to repeat it”. - Daniel Fleming, Surry Hills

Not long ago, the government's mantra was "we want lifters, not leaners". Now, by cutting funding to the arts, the mantra is "we want doers, not thinkers". - Ian Brennan, Wareemba

An alliterative appellation

Peter Hull of Hat Head should change his first name to Harry so he would become Harry Hull of Hat Head (Letters, June 20-21). He would then join Peter Pitt of Potts Point as a champion of alliteration. - Peter Kamenyitzky, Castle Hill

Royal address

I'm a republican who lives in Prince Street. Not happy (Letters, June 20-21). - Ian Factor, Mittagong

Priorities in perspective

The goal of privileged residents of Sydney is to have a view of water, sparkling in the sunlight, for which some will battle tooth and nail. For many in several parts of the world, the goal is to have a view of clean, safe water coming out of a tap, for which they also battle, but mostly in vain (“War over Vaucluse views", June 20-21). Joan Brown, Orange

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