

This was published 4 years ago


Roberts axing symptomatic of cricket's wider malaise

When the world is worried about people who carry a disease but show no symptoms, what do you do with someone who hasn’t caught the disease but is coughing, spluttering, sweating, and keeling over as if drawing their last breath?

Yes, it’s Cricket Australia, the ‘worried well’ of the sporting world. While it has suffered no financial loss (yet) to the COVID crisis, cricket has suffered all the pain: mass redundancies, state programs cut, players alienated, an undermined Sheffield Shield, inequitable ‘sharing’ of sacrifices, workers sent off to Woolworths to get a real job, and now the chief executive following them out.

The patient is in intensive care, but the swabs keep coming up negative. So what is really going on down there?

At one level, it was a simple matter of getting rid of an accident-prone CEO. Kevin Roberts’s cards were marked when the players’ association and the states opted to deal with the likeable and trustworthy board chairman, Earl Eddings, rather than Roberts. If the CEO wasn’t able to perform the tasks that came with his salary, what was the point of him?

Communications were bungled at every step. Getting the message out, whatever that message was, was so inept that you were often left scratching your head and knowing that this unfortunate little phase would soon pass. The board of CA were the last people in the Australian cricket world to realise change was needed, but they eventually got there.

But the CEO was only the face, not the problem.

Cricket’s biggest challenge might be COVID-aggravated, but it’s not COVID-caused. It’s that fewer and fewer Australians are committed to the game. As this newspaper revealed a year ago, cricket had for years been overstating its participation numbers by hundreds of thousands. When it claimed 700,000 players in organised 11-a-side competitions, a search of the players’ names revealed 250,000. Its boast of 1.6 million Australians playing the game, counting every schoolkid who batted in a day clinic (and then counting her again when she had a bowl) was a running joke.

Kevin Roberts' eventual replacement will have plenty of work to do uniting all facets of the game.

Kevin Roberts' eventual replacement will have plenty of work to do uniting all facets of the game.Credit: Getty

Roberts made a token effort to dodge the issue (which was not of his making, but rather one of the legacies of James Sutherland’s 17-year tenure) by undertaking to find more names, perhaps ten or twenty thousand. But he wasn’t going to find another million cricketers, and now, with cost cuts to the central organisation, nobody will be looking.


The credibility issue goes to the financial elephant in the room, which is the prospect of Channel Seven and Foxtel renegotiating their broadcast contracts with CA. Cricket’s cost-cutting rampage can only be explained by insecurity over its broadcast revenue. A 50 per cent drop is what Cricket Australia has been planning for, and in his management of superfluities, Roberts discovered himself to be one of them.

One reason the broadcasters overpaid for cricket rights is that they were sold a game played by those fictitious 1.6 million Australians. Cricket can only repay a 10-figure investment if there is a massive undeveloped audience, and if the broadcasters’ model enables them to carry a gigantic loss leader.

Mitchell Starc said ‘community cricket is a huge part of our game’. No – community cricket is your game.

Neither is the case.

Cricket can’t do much about its broadcasters’ issues, but how is it going to address its own? As far as leadership is concerned, few want their name attached to a losing cause.

Roberts was one of many administrators who wanted their smiling faces connected to women’s cricket, popular junior formats, (limited) advances in diversity, and the on-field resurgence of the Australian men’s team. Who wanted to be associated with the gritty problem of losing teenagers and adults, year after year, from club and school cricket? Who wants to grasp that nettle now? Who wants to save cricket?

Like many sporting bodies, years of steepling broadcast income left Cricket Australia with an identity crisis. What is it, a corporation or a secretariat? A not-for-profit body, a collecting and distribution agency for revenue, or an all-controlling money-making mothership? It doesn’t seem to quite know. After the Argus review in 2011, it entered a cycle where independent directors with business backgrounds took board positions from long-serving state cricket volunteers, a victory for so-called rationalism. With that, however, came a head office that modelled itself on successful corporate business-cults, obsessed with its own growth and, just like a business, investing its surplus in the stock market.

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon LetchCredit:

Yet too many people working to improve cricket – you know, putting teams on the field, organising competitions, phoning players, hiring grounds and umpires - felt like Cricket Australia was part of the problem, interfering too much and helping too little. Structurally, cricket has to rebuild its base. This can only be done by state and local associations. National teams are an attractive flagship, but only the states can co-ordinate fleets of clubs and schools in attracting and retaining players. Rugby union has become a textbook case of the failure of a top-down strategy, and cricket has shown signs of going the same way, neglecting the grassroots while over-cultivating the top.

Bureaucracy has created a condescending term, ‘community cricket’, to describe the 99.9 per cent of players and teams outside the elites, as if they were an annoying add-on to the real business. You would think that the present moment would be a perfect time to regenerate cricket from the grassroots up, but instead ‘community’ and ‘development’ positions in some states have been the first to suffer cuts when they should be the last.

Protesting against the cuts, Mitchell Starc said ‘community cricket is a huge part of our game’. No – community cricket is your game. Elite players aren’t a separate breed, they’re just the best community cricketers we have.

The Australian team losing its batting coach will cause a hiccup for five minutes. The de-funding of people who are helping teams get on the field across the country will set the game back a generation, perhaps permanently.


When Cricket Australia finds a new chief executive officer, I hope he or she is given two freedoms. One is to be able to do the executive’s job. The other is harder: the freedom to get down in the weeds in the thankless and unglamorous work of building the game up or at least stopping the drain, and to listen to all those volunteers who have felt for too long that they are trying to save cricket not for, but from, CA. Buzzwords and photo ops and corporate branding and selfies with Pat Cummins can be thrown out with the rest of head office’s pretensions.

Sorry, CA, you’re not Google. The great service cricket’s leaders can do for the sport is to get off their national teams’ bandwagons, let the elite players enjoy their own success, and instead open their ears and start helping the many good people who are struggling unnoticed across the country to keep their great game alive.

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