

This was published 3 years ago

Too many questions surrounding vaccine efficacy

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

I am confused about the objective of the vaccination program, if it ever gets started (''Tourism reels at border forecast'', January 19). We are now being told that it will likely not prevent infection, it will likely not prevent spreading of infection. Various domestic restrictions are likely to remain in place. The international borders will remain closed to all but sports stars, movie stars, former PMs acting on behalf of foreign governments and business leaders travelling first class. Either a mass vaccination program will allow a return to some type of pre-COVID normality or why are we doing it? There need to be clearly stated, honest answers given to the public if we are expected to line up to be vaccinated. Paul Pearce, Bronte

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Josh Frydenberg clearly fails to understand what it is like for the unemployed, especially middle-aged Australians who have lost a long-standing job. For those working in international tourism the outlook is bleak, as the work of years disappeared virtually overnight. Grand pronouncements from Canberra do nothing. What is needed is realistic support, such as JobKeeper, for at least another twelve months. Philip Cooney, Wentworth Falls

The NSW Premier wants to allow businesses to "make up their own rules" when it comes to COVID (''Border blues costing state $180m a week'', January 19)? Why not? All the Premiers and the PM makes up their own rules, every day, and they have all got away with it so far. David McKenzie, Beaconsfield (VIC)

A pub that requires COVID vaccination is my kind of pub. The wussy alternatives will be full of whining, climate-denying anti-vaxxers who reckon Trump was robbed - selfish prats not smart enough to avoid an unpleasant and fatal disease. John Brady, Lane Cove West

The anti-vaccine cohort will be clapping their hands in glee at reports that 33 deaths may be associated with the Pfizer vaccine (''Elderly likely to receive Pfizer vaccine despite concerns'', January 19). Given herd immunity is dependant upon a maximum public uptake of vaccinations, taking already very sick elderly deaths and reporting an association with the Pfizer vaccine when not proven is unhelpful and irresponsible. Elizabeth Kroon, Randwick

I am intrigued by the reports about the deaths of old Norwegians after receiving the vaccine: "They were elderly and frail with only weeks or months to live." Oh well, bad luck; it doesn't really matter. What's a few weeks or months? Well, as an older person I can only respond by saying that for me, every day is a gift. Michael Walsh, Croydon

Where is the science showing that masks are effective and to which standards are the tests done? So far all we have is anecdotal "proof", or, "they must be better than nothing" (''Not fall face masks are up to stopping the spread'', January 19). Environmental air filtration was one of my vocational endeavours so for masks to have no labelling or claim to comply with any standard is driving me mad. Alice Clarke has offered a simple test of trying to blow a candle out while wearing a mask, but the test is useless. I offer another: if you can smell cigarette smoke through a mask then the virus could come along with it. Is that sobering? Richard Lynch, Belbora

Whingeing tennis pros can like it or lump it


Rah, rah to Tony Wright for his pithy tome about the woes of the international tennis elite who expected to be treated better than all of us mere mortals (''Dr Djokovic pens cure to lockdown fever blues'', January 19). While Australian has more than 40,000 real Aussies trying like hell to get back to their home country, these "poor" tennis players have taken up precious seats on airlines coming into Australia, bleated about their conditions and demanded special treatment. All the while bringing more of this virus into Australia. Send them all back home, without any of them playing a set here, and without all the money they expected to earn and let Australia get on with beating the virus at home. Pamela Wood, McMahons Point

And which Melburnians with their own tennis courts would be prepared to accommodate these spoilt, entitled tennis players who may be potential COVID carriers? What a Djoke! Rob Phillips, North Epping

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Much has been written about the privileged rich kids who are still flitting around the world in the midst of a global pandemic, but I think the ultimate whinge must go to Vanessa Sierra, the girlfriend of Bernard Tomic (''Tomic unable to train ahead of Australian Open, girlfriend says'', January 19). As if it isn't punishment enough to be holed up in a confined space with Tomic, we are tragically informed that Sierra will be unable to wash her hair for two weeks. Why? Because she usually goes to a hairdresser twice a week for her hair to be washed. Quelle horreur! How fortunate for Sierra that she wasn't trapped in the protracted lockdown last year in Melbourne. Then again, does she even know, or care, that no one in Melbourne could attend a hairdresser for many months. Kim Hobbs, Kings Langley

Tomic has been spending 11 hours a day playing World of Warcraft while in quarantine ahead of the Australian Open. This is shaping up as one of his best preparations ever. I wish he had taken other tournaments as seriously. Stephen Driscoll, Castle Hill

Just as Nero et al realised the importance of keeping the citizens contented by programming regular "sport" in the Colosseum, so our governments are determined to allow big sports events to proceed, supposedly to create welcome diversions for the populace (Letters, January 19). Oh, and the revenue thus generated. Tony Everett, Wareemba

Those well-paid tennis players and their entourages with their "poor me" tweets have only themselves to blame for becoming for the public an umbrage tree to climb. Tony Nicod, Collaroy

The standard of democracy we walk by

Peter Hartcher is on the money, with his warning that “the survival of human liberty is at stake" ("Global threat from strongmen", January 19). As the world enters the “15th year of democratic recession”, we need to restore our once-high standards of political integrity. Government ministers were once required to resign if they misled Parliament. Truth and integrity mattered, and spreading lies and disinformation would not be tolerated. Government contracts were issued after a transparent tender process and grants were given where needed most, not to supporters and donors. Tertiary education was once free, whereas now it has been made unaffordable for many. Government policy should be determined using the best technical and scientific information available, not influenced by lobbyists and vested business interests. Every slip in standards that is allowed to stand diminishes our democracy and our future liberty. Alan Marel, North Curl Curl

Dated thinking

Shane Fitzsimmons has suggested a new Indigenous version of the national anthem be learnt and sung by all Australians ("Ex-RFS boss embraces anthem for all", January 19). Although this will probably be music to the ears of our Prime Minister it does not address the main point of contention among our First Nation people – it's the date of fervent over-the-top flag-waving that's the problem. Stewart Smith, Tea Gardens

Karen Mundine, Reconciliation Australia chief, is absolutely right when she states that some bravery is needed to move this important issue forward ("Voices grow for truth, rights equality and end to racism", January 19). However, if she expects this bravery from Scott Morrison, she's got to be dreaming.

He had his chance to show real leadership and bravery when the Black Lives Matter marches occurred at the height of the pandemic. This could have been shown by him saying: "While I don't approve of these marches, I understand why they are happening. I also will pledge to do everything in my power to see that the Uluru Statement from the Heart is passed at an election this term." Robert Dillon, Bathurst

Quote me on this

Good on you, Josh Bornstein ("Voltaire would applaud Twitter ban", January 19). So many have wrongly attributed to Voltaire a quote belonging to Evelyn Beatrice Hall (1906), "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Bornstein applauds what Voltaire actually said: "The supposed right of intolerance is absurd and barbaric. It is the right of the tiger; nay, it is far worse, for tigers do but tear in order to have food, while we rend each other for paragraphs." As Dionysius of Halicarnassus said many centuries before, "Let thy speech be better than silence, or be silent." Annette Johnson, Brighton Le Sands

Talking Trump

Now, at the end of Trump’s presidency, the experts are coming out stridently condemning his response to the pandemic (“‘Blood on hands’: Experts lash President”, January 19). How much of the tragic death toll was partly the result of experts being so cowed by his bullying manner, or the risk of being fired, that they dared not challenge him? Joan Brown, Orange

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

A Latin proverb summarises the PM"s view: "He who is silent, when he ought to have spoken and was able to, is taken to agree" ("Morrison criticises incitement of riots without naming Trump", January 19). Morrison is well skilled at this cunning, marketing ploy. John Millard, Mullumbimby

When the concept of issuing presidential pardons was incorporated into the US constitution in the 18th century, did the founding fathers ever dream that greedy, manipulative pardon brokers would emerge in the 21st century? ("Meet Trump's pardon brokers, lobbyists asking for up to $2m from felons", January 19). Through my Australian eyes the practice seems perverse, anachronistic and the antithesis of democracy. Lorraine Hickey, Green Point

Extinction danger

NSW Forestry Corporation argued for jobs over ecology ("Forestry Corp wans EPA logging curbs will mean job losses", January 19). If people in Australia lose their job for a while, there's a safety net. There is no safety net for species extinction. Wrong priorities, forestry. Dick Clarke, Elanora Heights

No credit to the feds

One seriously has to wonder what the point is of having a federal government these days ("Companies scramble for carbon credit", January 19). It is obvious the states have been doing all the heavy lifting in regards to the pandemic crisis, as well as dealing with the effects of natural disasters due to our changing climate. I now read that due to the complete absence of a cogent energy policy from Canberra, local companies are now bypassing the federal government and purchasing carbon credits in order to be ready for the global low-carbon future we all know is coming. Those occupying the green and red benches in Canberra should just get out of the way and allow the progressive thinkers in the states to get on with the job. Bill Young, Killcare Heights

Browbeaten track?

Why build 23km of railway lane when Leppington station terminal is much closer (“Rail tunnel keeps land in hand for billionaires”, January 19)? Maybe no lobbying political donors were found for this route. Alberto Bizcarra, Rozelle

Flock together?

Pity for a pigeon – and I speak as one who feeds the colony under the Macdonaldtown Station rail bridge every day, but no regrets for asylum seekers who have lived in limbo for years with still no resolution for their plight, no light at the end of the tunnel (“A tumbler, not a racer: pigeon that flew the coop finds a home”, January 19). We are a curious lot we homo sapiens. Genevieve Milton, Newtown

Tedious tomes

Kate Bush's rendition of Wuthering Heights more than makes up for the tedium of reading the book (Letters, January 19). Derek Howe, Glen Alpine

My thanks for mentioning Lincoln in the Bardo. I made the mistake of breaking my rule never to read any novels published after 1925. I will never get back the several hours of purgatory spent reading that preposterous award winner. Jim Russell, Balmain

Support local products: I read Patrick White’s The Tree of Man - once. Only once. Flora Fisk, Bowral

As a fellow electrical engineer I can assure David Gordon that after page 2 that thermodynamics textbook really heated up. Michael Britt, MacMasters Beach

The best sleep-inducing textbook I ever knew was an economics text - and that was when preparing the lesson I had to teach the next day. Ann Clydsdale, Bathurst

One of the most memorable first lines is in Lisa Alther's Kinflicks: "My family has always been into death" . Sue Adams, Dulwich Hill

The most engaging first line must be: ''Once upon a time''. Vicky Marquis, Glebe

No wish to upset your correspondent from Kiama, but I once picked up that same book and it was definitely a brown cover. Rosemary O'Brien, Ashfield

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
No farewell parade: Trump’s dawn departure to be a subdued affair
From The Doc: ‘‘There are times in our lives when intestinal fortitude is needed to face up to unpleasant circumstances. Trump’s inability or unwillingness to call Biden and congratulate him on his victory coupled with his refusal to attend Biden’s inauguration show what a stunted personality he is and how totally unsuited he was for the position given to him by the American people.’’

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