It’s a no-brainer that salaries for public school teachers need to increase and workloads need to be reduced to attract more people to the profession (“No silver bullet for teacher crisis”, August 12). There is also a crisis in the provision of adequate public school infrastructure. Funding for the sector may not require additional budget allocations at state and federal level, if governments go back to the fundamental principles outlined in the Gonski report – education funding should be allocated on the basis of need. Currently, rich private schools receive funding that they obviously don’t need to provide adequate education to their students as they are able to use school fees and donations to construct opulent infrastructure which is not essential. Elizabeth Elenius, Pyrmont
Chris Bonnor’s idea to redistribute teachers more equitably across the education system has merit and points to one of the causes of social inequality (“A teacher surplus may be hiding in plain sight”, August 12). However, one wonders how the average public school would benefit from the slew of rugby coaches, rowing co-ordinators, wellness development specialists and other assorted extraneous staff that might be released from the private sector schools under such a scheme.
Peter Cooper-Southam, Frenchs Forest
Bonnor identifies a probable 8000 excess teachers employed in private schools. To get some of these teachers to move would require the private schools to have their funding cut. This is not going to happen, not while politicians and their families send their children to such schools. Ross Hudson, Mount Martha (Vic)
As an ex-teacher, I can’t see how a pay rise is going to fix the staffing shortage (Letters, August 12). Stress is the issue, not money. Other than teaching, I have worked as a carpenter, a logger, a musician and a process engineer. I even sold real estate. Of all those jobs Teaching was by far the most stressful. Every time you walk into a classroom you put your personality and credibility on the line, in an environment which denies you any serious authority. No amount of money alters that. Gary Stowe, Springwood
Apart from higher wage, there’s a simple solution to end the teacher crisis: provide more clerical staff to assist teachers. Sonia Borenstein, Mullumbimby
Schools are a microcosm of the greater world. Our children learn more than the curriculum. They learn friendship, social interaction, emotional regulation, conflict resolution, leadership, teamwork, how to win graciously and lose gracefully. They learn tolerance, patience and intelligence. And who is there monitoring, promoting and nurturing imparting these life skills? Teachers. We relinquish, indeed entrust the responsibility for our children to teachers for more than 76 per cent of the year during our children’s most formative period. I can’t think of a profession charged with a more important job. Fiona Reid, Bilgola Plateau
Too much to bear in the pit
As the Perrottet government slowly implodes, it is revealed that being a schoolyard bully is probably suitable training to be a member of the NSW parliament (“Bullying and sex file rocks NSW MPs,” August 12). If you happen to have an inclination to use political power to sexually harass fellow members or vulnerable public servants, then you might be eminently qualified. Don’t these people realise the people of NSW, who they are supposed to represent, also pay their wages, and have unwritten expectations of the standards of behaviour which ought to apply to parliamentary representatives? The NSW parliament is often referred to as the “bear pit”. Perhaps a more suitable title would be “the cesspool”. Derrick Mason, Boorowa
As a public servant of 42 years I know there are guidelines already in place to deal with the many issues that confront day-to-day work between colleagues in the public service workplace. It’s a pity many politicians don’t follow these guidelines. The requirements of behaviour in teaching, nursing and policing have tightened over recent years and new procedures have been adopted. It seems a tragic failure that our politicians have not been as consistent with their own personal follow-through of the rules they insist public servants beneath them follow to the full. The moral fibre of this government is certainly in question on every level. Robert Mulas, Corlette
The premier, speaking on the Broderick report, said that “change will happen”. Really, premier? Are you saying that neither you or your predecessor, nor members of your governments, had any knowledge of instances of sexual harassment and bullying prior to the situations that led to the report being commissioned? Kevin Farrell, Beelbangera
These revelations will come as no surprise to anyone who has watched parliamentarians in parliament. Make parliamentarians and staff subject to similar behaviour required of police, or public servants at the very least. There must be mechanisms for complaints to be dealt with and complainants to have protections. Oversight has to be independent and have teeth. We have the ICAC to watch corruption issues, Law Enforcement Conduct Commission to watch over police and a range of watchdogs in the state. How about some judicial oversight of behaviour and some demonstrable integrity among our elected representatives? Geoff Nilon, Mascot
Unjoyful strains
Our current anthem is full of cliches, a certain amount of jingoism and untruths (Letters, August 12). I stopped students singing “for those who’ve come across the seas/we’ve boundless plains to share”. Try telling that to the Biloela family or any number of other incomers who are met with hostility and bureaucracy from the highest level. And how can we seriously say “our land abounds in nature’s gifts/of beauty rich and rare” when we are slowly destroying our land, our flora, our fauna, our environment, our forests, our Aboriginal sites (such as the Juukan Gorge, dating back 46,000 years)? I believe your correspondent gets it right with his offering of I Am Australian. But – please – whatever you do, do not let a bureaucrat loose on it. Find a good Australian poet. Tony Butler, North Sydney
If we have to have a pop-song anthem, what about Gang Gajang’s Sounds of Then (This Is Australia)? A good, easy tune and beat, lyrics that mean something about us. We don’t need another banal dirge. Tom Mangan, Woy Woy Bay
Keep the words but sing it to the tune of Jimmy Barnes’ Working Class Man. Adam Hills has a great version that can be found online. Bill Gillis, Hallidays Point
Best we be on the sidelines if US, China come to blows
Waleed Aly correctly points out that Australia has, for all practical purposes, chosen to side with the USA in its dispute with China (“Bipartisan US tilt carries risk”, August 12). I, for one, am glad that Australia has not formally committed itself in this regard. For the sake of peace, Australia should commit itself to, for once, not joining the USA in its next military adventure. That just might persuade the USA of the foolishness of its confrontational stance. The USA is likely to come off worse if an actual military engagement does take place. Better for Australia not to be involved.
Nick Deane, Marrickville
Aly’s sensible article on the One China Policy refers, of course, to our position of “strategic ambiguity”. Perhaps a better phrase would be “masterful inactivity”. Alas, we don’t seem to be masterful or inactive. As Aly opines, we lean, in no uncertain terms, to assuming that “American power will hold sway … and we’ll be safest behind US shields”. I don’t have a solution and I’ll probably be dead before what seems to be an inevitable conflict begins. Sorry, next generation.
Ian McNeilly, Darlinghurst
Help our veterans
Medical discharge from the ADF must involve multiple compounding losses for veterans, and current strategies to help are not working (“Rate of veteran suicide is now a national disgrace”, August 12). Could not veterans who are no longer able to deploy to war zones be retained in the ADF in a civil defence battalion, and thus maintain their identity, their livelihood and the support of their colleagues? It’s not as though such a corps will not be needed into the future, with the effects of climate change also compounding. Jennifer Briggs, Kilaben Bay
I admire Jacqui Lambie for helping to initiate the current inquiry. The victims of depression are not in a position to advocate for themselves. All Australians owe a debt to our veterans, who have helped to keep us safe. These veterans have often gone through physical and mental suffering that has shortened their lives and left them with physical and mental scars. Bill McMahon, Lennox Head
Wind of change
The Labor government is intending to build wind farms off our coast (Letters, August 12). Our ancestors polluted the land and now the government is going to cause visual pollution by building wind farms. We have the most beautiful beaches in the world and they would be ruined by this ugliness. I have done my bit for the planet by installing solar panels. Christine Samuels, Casuarina
In answer to your correspondent’s questions, research has shown that painting one of the windmill blades black will deter birds from flying near them. Also, I think whales have a pretty good navigation system to be able to get around them. Bring on the wind farms, they work in Europe and they will work here. Richard Spencer, Artarmon
It’s a no-brainer
The current discussion about “inquiry-based learning” for mathematics has a long history in educational research (Letters, August 12). Since the 1960s, opponents of traditional teaching methods have been adept in branding their alternative approaches to teaching with warm, fuzzy names. “Student-centred”, “discovery”, “cooperative/collaborative”, “self-directed” and “holistic” learning all sounded nicer than teacher-centred, teacher-directed or content-based learning. They wrote under the “humanist” then the “post-modernist” banners. They advocated qualitative v quantitative/empirical research methodology (which means they didn’t believe in the mathematics of science). They gave us nearly half a century of “death by group work” and “whole language” v phonics for reading. Inquiry-based maths teaching is like inquiry-based brain surgery training – both literally no-brainers. Peter Russell, Coogee
The profits tell the story
Steven Hamilton says the unions’ jobs plan is a facile fantasy (Letters, August 12). Professor, you don’t live in the world of the poor, or those just above the poverty line. CBA’s profit after tax last financial year was $9.6 billion, up 11 per cent. How many other large entities also made similar large profits? Did low-paid workers get a pay rise of 11 per cent?
Costs of living have grown disproportionately to ordinary workers’ wages during the past few years. When the top tier of the wealthiest are doing pretty well, why wouldn’t the unions want a slice of the profits for their members?
As for immigration, no influential body has yet established the population size our country can sustain. Most immigrants stay in the cities, and who can blame them? We don’t need increased populations in our cities. Just think how stretched and broken our services are already in health, schools, roads, transport. Maybe some ACTU proposals are impractical but at least they are a starting point for deliberations. The “trickle-down” situation can’t remain static. The finance is just not “trickling down”.Barbara Grant, Castle Hill
Park this idea
The Darling Point Society has been fighting for six years to stop a skateboard park being erected in Rushcutters Bay Park (Letters, August 12). Our purpose is to save the magnificent harbour foreshore green space from concrete, noise and ugliness. In Darling Point we agree that more youth facilities are needed and skateboards can be great for the young. The current plan is to build the facility close to the park entry, where the first sight is our magnificent harbour, boats, masts, birds, green space and people, and replace this beauty with a large, concrete slab at the cost of close to $1.8 million.
At its meeting on August 4, Woollahra Council considered a rate rise for the municipality. The rate rise is 10 per cent to kick off, and will partly go towards improving recreation facilities, such as the skate park. Charlotte Feldman, Darling Point Society
Inflation frustration
Repeated Blunders Agency (“RBA too slow to act on inflation: Eslake”, August 12). Mustafa Erem, Terrigal
Simple pleasures
A dip in the ocean is exhilarating and a joyful experience to share (“Memory of Marrickville’s own mermaid about to make waves”, August 12). I smile as I watch surfies attempt to hold a towel around themselves as they wiggle, twist and jiggle to remove their wetsuits after a surf. They smile and laugh with fellow surfies, male and female. I’m sure it would bring a smile to Annette Kellerman too. The best things in life are still free. Bea Hodgson, Gerringong
Lucky break
Yes, 1963 was a good year for kindly bank managers (Letters, August 12). That year we had the chance to buy our rented cottage in Forest Lodge, but needed a 50 pound deposit. While my husband was at work, it was my job to visit the bank. I, and small child in a push chair, were ushered into the bank manager’s office. He turned out to be charming, and after I explained I was there to ask for a 50 pound loan, he asked what collateral I had. I wracked my brains, and could only think of my precious sewing machine. It somehow worked and he granted the loan. We were forever grateful, but I doubt if that would work nowadays. Lorna Denham, Cardiff Heights
Correspondents were elated by the federal government’s decision to finally grant the Nadesalingam family permanent visas, after years of unnecessary mental and physical anguish. Justice had prevailed, they wrote, “thanks to a lot of decent people who never gave up on them”. How painful was the decision after all and did the sky fall in, asked Michael McMullan of Avoca Beach. Many hoped the same compassion would now be shown to other refugees.
Letter writers expressed their disappointment, though not surprise, that developers are planning to construct a 20-storey building at Barangaroo, on land previously reserved for parkland. All agreed that dollars drive these decisions more than good sense. “We need more trees, not more buildings, ” Karen Eldridge of Leichhardt added. Others discussed the shortage of teachers, with all agreeing that a pay rise alone is not the solution. “Stress is the issue, not money” they wrote, and teachers need support to allow them to do their job properly.
As the state government’s troubles worsened, Mark d’Arbon of Chittaway Bay explained that cushy appointments have always been a carrot for influential pollies who rock the party boat. He suggested “anyone interested in getting their head around a NSW political environment should watch Yes Minister, Utopia and Frontline as documentaries. They are uncomfortably apropos.”
The death of Judith Durham early in the week saddened correspondents, and many joined millions worldwide telling of their memories of Grease and Xanadu star Olivia Newton-John after her death mid-week. The women were thanked by letter writers for the part they played in our lives. “Their wonderful voices, and memorable songs, will continue to live in our memories,” wrote John Cotterill of Kingsford. Pat Stringa, letters editor
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