

This was published 2 years ago

All teachers should be paid ‘outstanding’ wages

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Illustration: Jim PavlidisCredit:

It would be interesting to define the outstanding teacher now that the minister has proposed paying them higher wages (“Bid to give top teachers $130k”, August 11). Is it the kindergarten teacher who takes a motley bunch of very young children, shapes them into a group of students who work collaboratively and teaches them to read along the way? Is it the primary teacher who instils in them a love of learning and curiosity, showing them the wonder of our world along the way? Is it the secondary teacher who has a more specialised field of learning, or the teacher of an HSC class who puts the icing on their learning cakes for the final sprint of their school days?
Please treat all teachers as outstanding, and acknowledge they all do a great job, even if they play different roles in the students’ education. To retain our teachers, they need to be appreciated, respected and rewarded appropriately for the fantastic job they do. Mia David, Wollongong

Another proposal to fix the school teacher “crisis” by throwing money at it. Sure, pay teachers more, but fix the problems that are plaguing the day-to-day work of the teacher. Teachers shouldn’t have to deal with all that paperwork, they shouldn’t have to be social workers or business managers or behaviour management experts. They should just be able to teach. Throw money at hiring people trained in social work and management and hire more school counsellors. Get the monkeys off teacher’s backs. Garry Feeney, Kingsgrove

In my high school teaching experience, I observed that the profession makes up a lot for parental deficiencies and care, in private and public systems. I was always amazed at the resilience of children and their positive response to a bit of educated TLC. At your reported $130,000, society is getting a bargain, as we all pay in the end when our youth suffer inadequate schooling. Ian Muldoon, Coffs Harbour

It was interesting to read the article that criticised “inquiry-based learning” (“Maths teachers urged use proven methods”, August 11). One would expect that the main aim of maths teaching is understanding. Given that some ideas in maths have taken centuries to develop, it is not always practicable to use an inquiry-based approach. Explanation of complicated topics is necessary to enable students to make progress and solve problems. Improving student interest in mathematics is important for the future of Australia and the world in general. Things that might increase students’ understanding — and particularly their interest in maths and its applications — is to introduce aspects of its history and include carefully chosen and annotated references in maths textbooks. Chris Phillips, Killara

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

Has Education Minister Sarah Mitchell come up with a single initiative of her own since assuming the portfolio? All she seems to do is cite “education experts” and announce “sweeping reforms” to NSW education. How about the minister starts using the expertise and knowledge of competent current and recently retired classroom teachers and executives as consultants to advise bureaucrats and so-called experts about the workings of state schools, to develop and improve standards, outcomes, working conditions and teachers’ pay? George Zivkovic, Northmead

Having just received our latest bill from an electrician, I wonder why anyone would want to be a teacher. Robyn Lewis, Raglan


Democracies must learn from their mistakes

Mick Ryan is right when he says the world’s democracies must prepare themselves for increasingly hostile actions from Russia and China (“Bearing down on democracies”, August 11). It’s now clear that a resort to force is considered an option by these powerful world actors.

But let us not forget our immediate past. The democracies Ryan calls to arms have also resorted to force to protect their perceived national interest, whether it be in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya or Serbia. How can we expect peaceful behaviour from autocratic governments when we have violently imposed our will on sovereign nations?

Ryan suggests governments must inform their citizens about the virtue of protecting democracy. This is not enough. We must give our citizens a stake in our societies. This is not about concepts such as universal suffrage but about access to a living wage, decent housing, healthcare, and equality of opportunity. How can we expect our youth to protect our democratic values when we don’t provide them with stable jobs, affordable housing and equitable education?

I agree with Ryan, but the task is far harder than he suggests. We must acknowledge our own missteps and recommit to peace. And then, importantly, we must give our youth a true stake in our society. Vincent Sicari, Haberfield

Ryan implores us to value democracy more and face down autocrats with might. Perhaps we would if we could see it. Political rorts for electorates are small change compared with those benefiting from tax concessions and accelerated tax deductions for investors, corporations, and the wealthy. Developers destroy our environment and build low energy-quality housing while subverting intelligent town planning and corrupting local government. A third of households who pay rent are increasingly homeless because we cannot “afford” to finance affordable public housing.

Wage earners have not had a real increase in income for decades while corporate profits have risen to historically high levels. Tax cuts for the well-off are prioritised by government while our health care and public education systems are starved of funding. Private schools fund extravagant capital works with taxpayer dollars. Welfare for the dispossessed and disabled are subject to punitive “mutual obligation” controls disguised as integrity measures. Our elders are devalued and denied dignified and supportive aged care.

Retiring politicians slide effortlessly into sinecures with corporations, or on the taxpayer dollar as “public servants”, while already enjoying generous pension schemes. Retiring senior public servants share this gravy train too. How do we separate the privilege of the powerful from that of the autocrat? Vested interests have captured governments at all levels and devalued our vote. The corruption of the polity seems complete. Is this the democracy we are being asked to value? Victor Boase, Narraweena

For most of the life of the democratic United States, it has engaged in overseas conflicts with coups, bombing and invasions, including some for democracies that were seen as too left-wing. They have military bases all over the world and are not afraid to use them with Australia happy to join in on each military fiasco. Are we really in a position to lecture other countries on their behaviour when our democratic defence policies seem to be written by the military-industrial complex? Graeme Finn, Summer Hill

We’re old enough to have lost two young uncles in the last great conflagration of dictatorial stupidity - one in Europe, the other in the Pacific. How do I feel when I view the dictators march again? How dare they. Have they forgotten we were allies then and millions died from the democracies that saved them? You’d think a burning planet would draw us all together in common cause. Sue Young, Bensville

Winds of change arrive at last

I was happy to read that at last we may be seeing wind turbines off our coastline (“Giant wind turbines on horizon”, August 11). Australia is seriously lagging in installing these and if this plan goes ahead, those who have opposed them in the past will no longer be able to complain about visual and aural pollution. Dorothy Gliksman, Cedar Brush Creek

NSW residents have already successfully campaigned against oil rigs along the coastline and there is a danger that wind turbines will be similarly resisted. Rather than the comparison chart, perhaps it would be better to include images of similar installations in Europe. These often feature in telecasts of the Tour de France or drama programs and the visual impact varies depending on the number of turbines, the distance from the shore and the coastal topography. With careful planning, they will be a welcome addition to the state’s renewable power generation. Philip Cooney, Wentworth Falls

While I wholeheartedly support the move to offshore wind farms, it does concern me that seabird populations and marine animals will be impacted by these structures. How will birds in flight be protected from the giant rotating blades? How will migrating whales navigate the embedded pillars? Stuart Laurence, Cammeray

State of the unions

Unlike Steven Hamilton, I am not too young to recall a time of full employment with fair wages, a time when education was seen as a societal investment rather than an economic expense, a time when an expectation of security of tenure was regarded as reasonable, a time when housing was affordable, a time before we were all patiently anticipating the glorious effect of trickle down (“Unions’ jobs plan a facile fantasy”, August 11). It was a time before trade unions were forcibly reduced to the economic fringes by neo-liberal thinking governments. The consequences of this ideological approach is now patently evident in the Australia of today. James Laukka, Epping

Unions do not oppose immigration. What they do oppose are: exploitative labour practices, unsafe working conditions, wages below the award, and any rorting that weakens the economy through labour-hire loopholes. Unfortunately, our overseas friends are often the victims of such workplace abuse. Michael Wheatley, Rock Forest

Driving progress

Electric vehicles beat internal combustion engines (ICE) on all fronts (Letters, August 11). Even using electricity from the grid, EVs use far less energy and cause far less atmospheric pollution than ICE vehicles. This is largely because an ICE vehicle wastes 70 per cent of its expended energy in heat and internal mechanical movement and only uses 30 percent of the energy to move the vehicle. EVs use nearly all of the battery energy to move the vehicle forward. Paul Gannon, Coopers Shoot

In praise of vaccines

It is disturbing to see reports on the rise of the entirely preventable polio in London (“Polio shot to be offered to children in London after more virus found”,, August 11). My mother had polio as a child and although she was a lucky survivor, the long stay in isolation in hospital as a young child, a persistent limp and weakness in one side, and in her later years post-polio syndrome, ensured life-long after effects. She used to say no polio survivor would be anti-vaccination and her hero was Jonas Salk, who developed the vaccine and never patented it so that it could be available to all. Mary Anne Kennan, Burwood

Trumpet of doom?

Forget North Korea and China. Forget Russia and Iran. The biggest threat to American peace and security is the narcissist in the big mansion in Palm Beach, Florida. It is past time they swooped on Mar-a-Lago. The only question the FBI needs to answer is what took so long (“Raid on Trump home galvanises supporters,” August 11). Richard Keyes, Enfield

Trump had frequently asked Hillary Clinton to be locked up for her alleged mishandling of official documents. To turn around and accuse the FBI of a “witch hunt” now that he is under investigation for the same transgression is hypocrisy.

If Trump genuinely believes he’s been wronged, his lawyers could have filed an emergency motion of temporary restraining order in court to stop the FBI from reviewing the seized contents or even challenge the warrant itself. But they chose to only complain on cable TV. That should tell us the validity of their arguments. Han Yang, North Turramurra

If he goes to prison, will it be Donald Trump’s first complete sentence? Chris Roylance, Paddington

No nonsense

The recent spate of letters regarding the non-approval of loans to women reminded me of the time in 1976 when I was attending a university as a student (Letters, August 11). The first day back after the summer break, I was called to the office of the head of the campus. He inquired as to when my baby was due and asked when I would be taking leave from my studies. When I said that I had not planned to take leave – apart from two to three days in hospital after the birth – he stated that while he was head honcho he would not have pregnant women walking around his campus. I held my ground and he did not have a leg to stand on. Helen Russell, Leichhardt

Two much, two soon

Your writer left out the most important one (“Top tips for skiing with kids”, August 11). Don’t expect a two-year-old to learn how to ski. We had a number of good skiing holidays with our kids, but they didn’t start until the age of five. Stick to the beach until your children are old enough to start co-ordinating a complex procedure like skiing. Phillip Kerrigan, Mortlake

In tune with the nation

A dirge indeed (Letters, August 11). There are many more stirring anthems: the Welsh belting out Land of My Fathers at football matches or the Canadians proudly singing Oh Canada. I Am Australian would certainly capture the moment. At least most of us know the words. Patricia Slidziunas, Woonona

Your correspondent needs to visit my granddaughters’ primary school during assembly. The anthem version they play is in an up-beat, faster tempo complete with didgeridoo accompaniment. To see nearly 500 young kids and their teachers rocking the anthem brings a smile to this old nonna, and seems a positive way to end education week. Helen Lewin, Tumbi Umbi

Points on the board

I’m with Serena. I have now “evolved” from my job into the old age pension (“For Serena, saying goodbye may be just the latest reinvention”, August 11). Trevor Sheridan, Charmhaven

Building a view

The cartoon by John Shakespeare (Letters, August 11) of a developer’s building flipping the bird to Sydney reminds me of Titus Groan, the 1946 novel by Mervyn Peake: “This tower … arose like a mutilated finger from among the fists of knuckled masonry and pointed blasphemously at heaven. At night the owls made of it an echoing throat; by day it stood voiceless and cast its long shadow.” Steve Coates, Port Macquarie

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
China’s ambassador backs the right to take control of Taiwan by force
From sporran: “I’m concerned at the increasingly loose usage of words. The words are certainly blunt, unambiguous, undiplomatic. They are not what we want to hear but they are honest and tell us nothing has changed from Beijing – the status quo continues.”

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