

This was published 3 years ago

Shameful treatment of Biloela family hits new low

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox.

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox.Credit:

It is not often that I feel ashamed to be an Australian but the news that the youngest daughter of the Biloela family, along with her mother, has been transferred to a Perth hospital for intravenous treatment of septicaemia is deeply distressing (“‘Biloela family’ daughter flown to Perth hospital after 10-day illness”, June 8). The child had reportedly been increasingly unwell for several days before being transferred, which brings to mind the delayed transfer of an asylum seeker being transferred from Manus Island to Port Moresby with septicaemia and dying shortly thereafter as a result of delayed hospital treatment. Keeping the family of four on Christmas Island has cost the Australian taxpayer millions of dollars. Surely the time has come for Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews to let the family return, united, to their Queensland home and end this disgraceful situation that reflects very badly on the minister and the Australian government. Ian Arthur, Sawtell

The shameful detention of the Biloela family has reached a new low, with news the youngest daughter has a serious blood infection that was ignored for 10 days. Along with a reported vitamin deficiency and a previous concussion, which was also initially ignored, their cruel and senseless incarceration achieves nothing besides causing the family great misery and Australia great shame. Any politician that allows this situation to continue can neither claim to be a Christian, nor claim a sense of humanity or common decency. Frances Marel, North Curl Curl

How much more inhumanity will be shown to the Biloela family by our federal government? In these difficult pandemic times, it would be a welcome gesture for some compassion to be shown and for the family released into the community. Sandra Burke, North Sydney

I was so distressed to read of this little girl’s suffering due to negligence, compounded with isolated incarceration. Now I am angry that a PM who exudes moral, evangelical righteousness keeps this tortuous situation going. There is faster and better medical intervention in a jail on the mainland. Helen Lewin, Tumbi Umbi

What further suffering will it take for the Biloela family to be released? A miracle, PM? Vicky Marquis, Glebe

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

Release this family from Christmas Island and back to the Biloela community. They have suffered more than we can morally accept. Nicole Oldfield, Wahroonga

Enough is enough: compassion is not a weakness. Kim Quinn, Armidale

It seems doubly cruel to allow a medical evacuation for just the ill child and mother, leaving behind the father and other Australian-born daughter. Surely there are votes in bringing the entire Bileola family back permanently to Australia, particularly in these times of stress and continued suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic. Christine Perrott, Armidale


While this government stubbornly adheres to its border protection policy, this family continues to suffer. Is it really worth the negative publicity and taxpayer dollars to continue the inhumane treatment of a family who just want to return to live and work in Biloela? It’s time to use your ministerial discretion, Minister Andrews. Judith Reynolds, Leura

Political games, poor government policy settings, demonising language ... all landing on the small shoulders of young Tharnicaa. Judith Fleming, Sawtell

Purpose-built facilities would be safer than hotels

The Berejiklian government is obviously held in thrall to the Australian Hotels Association NSW which is desperate to maintain its cash windfalls from COVID quarantine in Sydney (“Alternative plans for quarantine are long overdue”, June 8). By rejecting urgently needed purpose-built facilities, this government is not only risking people’s lives but financial disaster from the inevitable lockdowns caused by the much more infectious variants that are now endemic. The Premier’s justification that no facilities can be completely safe conveniently misses the fact that the well-designed Howard Springs facility has had no escaped cases, while most hotels are completely unable to provide safe protection from aerosol transmission, and indeed are infecting otherwise healthy people. Berejiklian’s refusal to accept health advice is unconscionable. Darrall Cutting, Forestville

On the same day it’s reported 51-year old Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk was vaccinated with Pfizer after previously declining the AstraZeneca vaccine because she did not want to jump the queue, it’s reported Queensland Health is allowing age 50+ people to walk in to a vaccine clinic and get Pfizer (“Jab delayed when dog bit the hand that feeds it”, June 8). With Queensland complaining so much about leaks from hotel quarantine, surely they did not forget Australia is facing a public health emergency that requires vaccinating the country as quickly as possible, and there is a shortage of Pfizer? By all means, don’t waste unused doses of Pfizer, but give them to younger people for whom AstraZeneca is not recommended. Nobody should be jumping the queue. David Hirsch, Killarney Heights

I don’t give a tuppeny stuff if the Queensland Premier had an Astra-Pfizer or a Fizzy-Zeneca, as long as she was seen getting her jab. What are we, toddlers whingeing because a sibling’s slice of cake had more icing? Rosemary O’Brien, Ashfield

GPs and other community services have been vaccinating the community year-in and year-out for many years (Letters, June 7). Without fanfare without fuss and without headlines, including aged care facilities, group homes, isolated residents and Aboriginal communities. If only the government had stopped trying to get all the glory, butted out and given us the vaccines along our usual tried and tested pathways of supply, I am confident the vaccination task would be a lot further along the path than where it is now. Trevor Smith, Culburra Beach

Anyone who thinks that Victoria should not have locked down, and that includes Scott Morrison, should be asked what would have happened if they hadn’t. John Christie, Oatley

Patience for patients benefits wellbeing of all

It is good for all of us to be reminded how much our health professionals invest personally in the care of their patients (“Going to my patient’s funeral honoured our bond”, June 8). Not just the long years of training and their knowledge and skills, but also their empathy. So, on behalf of your patients’ families, thank you to Ian Kerridge and to all doctors. We travel the same journey with our loved ones and with you, and are indeed grateful. And we, in turn, invest as much of ourselves and our love as we can in the funerals we arrange. We are so very glad to share that time with the doctors who have played such an important role in our lives. Margaret Johnston, Paddington

Last year my father was cared for by Dr Ian Kerridge and his team at Royal North Shore Hospital. Over a period of nearly 12 months, his life was extended as a result of the generous and compassionate treatment he received and a strong mutual bond was developed with Dr Kerridge and the many nurses caring for him. Special mention was made of these wonderful and dedicated people at his funeral, but in hindsight this simple statement was not enough for a group of people who featured so significantly in the final chapter of his life. Every patient’s loss is felt keenly and a mechanism needs to be developed to offer the opportunity for all these carers to join with families as we celebrate the lives of our loved ones. Simon Ingham, Haberfield

Dr Kerridge reminded me of an old GP who used to like discussing a wide range of subjects. On one occasion he described a painting of an old sailing vessel. Two weeks later he began the conversation where it had finished on the previous visit. He said, “I think he painted the boom on the wrong side”. For this GP, I was never defined by my ailment. He loved to share a joke and he was always behind schedule. His many patients kept coming to him for many years as he was well into his nineties when he retired. For him, medicine was not a mechanical, assembly-line process driven by financial gain. Mark Porter, New Lambton

Bright idea

The NSW Treasurer Perrottet says coal should not be “demonised”, as if the little black rock has feelings (“Coal industry could die by 2047: report”, June 8). It is the local communities devastated by climate change’s bushfires, floods, and droughts that should drive NSW government policy, not coal. We need to get our skates on, creating new jobs as old jobs evaporate and investing in solar and wind power. Alison Orme, Marrickville

With NSW coal jobs likely to disappear entirely within 20 years and only about 22,000 people employed in this fading industry, it’s unbelievable that the Labor Party – both state and federal – jeopardises its election chances by fence-sitting on this critical issue. Climate change action is what the majority want and it’s the ethical thing to do. Labor’s fence-sitting by-election disappointment in the Upper Hunter should be a sharp lesson. Stop second guessing the electorate and develop positive policies – and forward-thinking people will vote for you. Alison Stewart, Riverview

A place of one’s own

Falling homeownership is the direct result of unfair tax laws that favour home investors and exacerbate the wealth divide (“Drop in homeownership to affect budget”, June 8). As a result, many more people will need public housing, which will weigh on the state budget. People have low incomes or are welfare-dependent through life’s circumstances over which they have little control. In the future, they will be stigmatised as “home bludgers” as well as “dole bludgers”. Geoff Black, Caves Beach

Following the trail

The government is fighting an unwinnable battle despite its recourse to secrecy (“Democracy dies in the darkness”, June 8). Thanks to Bernard Collaery’s courage, the incredible helium story is finally coming out. The definition of petroleum was changed in the 2002 Timor Sea Treaty between Australia and Timor-Leste, as mention of helium, so essential to medicine and defence, was omitted. Result? The oil companies get the lot, sell it to large trading partners such as China and Japan, and we Australians buy it back. Stupidity? Ineptitude? Carted around in the pockets of petroleum companies? Whatever the reason, it is clear why the government wants the Collaery prosecution to be secret. This omnishambles makes one wonder whether the government itself is a threat to national security. Susan Connelly, Lakemba

Dollars and sense

It is surprising to see that the best paid people in the country are neurosurgeons (“Entry fee to the 1% club starts at $350,000”, June 8). When you read of the eye-watering dollar amounts arising from defamation cases, it is even more surprising to note the absence of barristers from the club.
Could it be that they are more au fait with the rules and regulations governing tax deductibility? Cornelius van der Weyden, Balmain East

A two-way street

While there’s much debate about the access to the Harbour Bridge dedicated bike path at the north, little has been said about the south (“‘Understandably concerned’: Liberal MP sides with residents over Harbour Bridge cycleway plans”,, June 7). At the southern end, it runs through the Fort Street Primary school zone then onto a shared path and bridge crossing over the Cahill Expressway. It is extremely narrow and has blind corners, all in breach of the Austroads guidelines. Unless otherwise sign-posted, the speed limit on a shared path is the same as the adjacent road. Children as young as five are required to share this footpath with cyclists travelling at very high speeds. The NSW Government must fix this issue (long before worrying about the northern access) before someone is killed or seriously injured. Harold Scruby, Pedestrian Council of Australia CEO

Eye on the prize?

Yesterday I accidentally uncovered an ants’ nest and saw Sydney’s future (Letters, June 8). Ken Pares, Forster

Royal shuffle

Californian residents Archie and Lilibet are seventh and eighth in line to become Australia’s Head of State (“Lilibet eighth in line for throne, demotes uncle Andrew to ninth”, June 8). Time for another look at our constitution? Rick Johnston, Potts Point

Lilibet – despite the name’s royal connection, it’s so very La La Land. Helen Moran, Woollahra

In a word

On the subject of Ulladulla, I once had a visitor from the UK who called it You-lad-you-la (Letters, June 8). Lorna Jones, Ryde

Now that we’ve established that “Jarvis” is the preferred option, can we agree on “clark” when pronouncing “clerk”? Elizabeth Maher, Bangor

Open and closed

This year I think we can probably confidently call it the French Closed (“Roger Federer pulls out of French Open before fourth round”, June 8). Megan Heaney, Kincumber

Political dinosaurs

If scientists have only just discovered the existence of dinosaurs of considerable size in Queensland, we must assume they haven’t taken much interest in politics (“Call that a dinosaur: Giant sauropod breaks scales”, June 8). Peter Fyfe, Enmore

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Australia’s 1 per cent: Budget reliance on high and middle income earners grows
From Sheila Martin: ″⁣Clearly Australia needs to start taxing wealth as opposed to income. People need income to live. Wealth just compounds, and should be taxed.″⁣

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