

This was published 3 years ago

Only greedy will benefit from population growth ‘fetish’

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit: Sydney Morning Herald

The NSW Intergenerational Report may have confused cause and effect (“State needs 1.7 million new homes”, June 7). If you regulate immigration and stop building houses for people who aren’t even born yet, NSW can have whatever population it wants by 2061 as long as the federal government is onside. What we don’t seem able to control is building/developer appetite for unbridled growth, which feeds rivers of gold into government and company maws. We also have land speculators who simply make fortunes without building anything at all, apart from wealth. And please don’t bring up the benefit of employment for workers who aren’t even born yet. The “growth fetish” needs rebranding as “greed fetish”. - Simon O’Brien, Rushcutters Bay

Sorry, but the NSW Intergenerational Report doesn’t “reveal” anything. It doesn’t tell us anything that “will” happen. It makes predictions. It’s speculative: a very brave thing to be in these uncertain times of climate change and sudden pandemics. - Richard Mason, Newtown

No, 1.7 million new homes will not be ‘needed’. The demand will be thrust upon us by government policy whether we want it or not. An economic model that requires perpetual growth is not only a lazy model but one that will eventually kill its host. - Graeme Finn, Summer Hill

So we’re going to have 11 million people in NSW by 2061? If no one wants to limit our numbers, could I suggest a dyke across the heads with the water getting pumped out and recycled as drinking water for the new dwellings in Lower Mosman and Under Ryde? - David Neilson, Braitling (NT)

Jane Fitzgerald’s article articulates the preferences of vested interests (“Kick-starting migration safely to reap benefits”, June 7). The Property Council would say that, wouldn’t it? A return to mass immigration post-COVID-19 will mainly benefit property owners and developers by increasing demand for housing. Fitzgerald says we need to focus on bringing back international students as soon as possible, though whether it is really for their sakes or simply to restore our beleaguered universities’ finances, it’s hard to tell. Australia should never have got itself into this vulnerable position. By all means, let a reasonable percentage of students be from overseas, but not so many that things fall apart when borders close with a pandemic.

Illustration by John Shakespeare

Illustration by John ShakespeareCredit: Sydney Morning Herald

As for the egregious term ‘Fortress Australia’, let us have none of that. The borders were closed for health reasons and no other. By all means, let there be a free flow of people when they re-open, but we do not need a return to mass immigration. The bounce-back in the economy with borders closed shows immigration-led population growth is no longer needed for a healthy economy. Indeed, the fall in youth unemployment, thanks to an absence of competition from international students and backpackers for part-time and casual jobs, must be a matter of profound relief to our young people. - Jenny Goldie, president, Sustainable Population Australia

Seldom do you see self-interest so publicly attempt to control public policy as that shown by the property industry. The many visible downsides to the property industry’s undue influence on public policy are apparent all over Sydney. Enough is enough. - Norman Carter, Roseville Chase

Lab-leak theory unearths double standards


Proponents of the Wuhan “lab-leak” theory, mostly in the conservative media, display remarkable mental agility to hold opposing beliefs at the same time, perhaps a sign of first-rate intelligence as F.Scott Fitzgerald once described: Chinese scientists are geniuses who engineered a mass killing virus but sloppy enough to let it escape their labs; the pandemic is so lethal that China needs to be punished but not so serious to justify lockdown; unverified intelligence reports on staff illnesses provide proof of China’s wrongdoing but mountains of evidence of Trump’s Russia links are the result of political witch-hunt; Beijing should open its labs for international inspection but Israel can’t be subjected to UN investigation for possible war crimes; and climate change is a natural phenomenon unrelated to carbon emission from industrial activities despite scientific consensus but SARS-CoV-2 couldn’t originate from zoonotic spillover, even though that’s how every pandemic happened in human history. - Han Yang, North Turramurra

The federal government should come clean and admit it failed to secure sufficient COVID vaccines to arrive in Australia in a timely manner. It seems the government’s “intention to buy” statements last year were just that, intentions, and when the crunch time came Australia was left standing in line trying to close deals with the drug companies that were selling their vaccines to the rest of the world. The government’s own hesitancy compounded an already fraught situation. - John Golden, Newport

Some very simple spreadsheets would yield the information needed about the progress of vaccinating the population. This is a task that should have commenced when the first order for vaccines was made and could have been easily updated daily by public service officers. The problem for the government is that the spreadsheets would show how incompetent it has been. - Tony Re, Georges Hall

Now that two former prime ministers, Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Blair, have raised the possibility of a vaccination certificate to enable travel, we should all embrace it as a practical requirement, and even support it for domestic use. This is not a new idea. As an 88-year-old, I well remember the yellow internationally recognised certificate which was successfully used in the 1950s. These recorded vaccinations against diseases like smallpox and cholera and were accepted by all who wished to travel, in the same way as passports are needed. Our generation accepted vaccinations to protect us for various diseases prevalent at the time, such as diphtheria, polio and TB, without question. We realised that it was right for us as individuals and also for the community at large. So it should be now, in the time of COVID-19. - Don Beresford, Surry Hills

Libs waging war on wages

As a satisfied member of an industry superannuation fund, I have to take issue with Ross Gittins’ suggestion that the government should reverse the Labor-initiated legislation to increase workers’ superannuation by 0.5 percentage points annually until they reach 12 per cent of gross wages (“PM needs to save business and unions from their folly”, June 7). As he eloquently points out, Australian business is caught in a self-destructive anti-wage mania that is actively supported by the Liberals. The critical factor is that there is no mechanism that would convert the 0.5 per cent super increases into wage increases; unless the government decided to legislate them directly, which is without precedent. Yes, the workers should certainly be paid higher wages, but as a former Labor PM said, if there is no increase to superannuation contributions, the workers will end up with absolutely nothing (again). - Pauline Croxon, Undercliffe

Gittins rightfully calls for the federal government to do its bit to have wages increased, but is wrong to oppose increasing the superannuation guarantee levy on the basis that with current contribution levels, in retirement “after including a part-pension, most workers will have plenty”. That part-pension comes from taxes paid by the younger working generation. Surely the purpose of super is for people to save for their own retirement and not rely on others. - Maurice Critchley, Kenthurst

Code of conduct? Pah!

Col Shepherd (Letters, June 7) does not need to ask what message the PM is sending to his backbench by allowing Richard Colbeck to remain as our Minister for Senior Australians and Aged Care. He need only recall that Employment, Workforce, Skill, Small and Family Business Minister Stuart Robert was forced to repay $38,000 to the government for excessive expenses he had claimed. Environment Minister Sussan Ley was also caught out claiming reimbursement for her personal travel expenses. Attorney-General Michaelia Cash is notorious for hiding behind a large whiteboard to escape questioning about the part she played in tipping off the media about a police raid on a union. Industry, Innovation and Science Minister Christian Porter may face a public inquiry over a rape claim, which he denies. So, Col Shepherd, wonder no more. Colbeck sits comfortably among his fellows on Morrison’s front bench, and the message is clear. Nowadays, government ministers have no shame and are, seemingly untouchable. - Irene Buckler, Glenwood

Re-people the campus

While abandoning face-to-face teaching during the height of the pandemic (“Students losing patience with online learning”, June 7) was probably inevitable, I agree that many students have missed out on the university experience of forming relationships, socialising, and making life-long connections. This isn’t just about spending copious hours at the uni bar or late nights among the smell of old books, recycled air and ticking clocks in the library. The cumulative experience of a physical campus community is what makes university life educative, unique and impactful with memories that stay with students for the rest of their lives. - Jack Dikian, Mosman

No agenda: McKay failed

Your correspondent has played the gender card, citing chauvinism and misogyny as the reason for the replacement of Jodi McKay by Chris Minns as leader of the NSW Labor Party (Letters, June 7). What nonsense. McKay may well have had her heart in the right place but the fact was she was ineffectual as a leader. More often than not, she was missing in action from the public eye when the Berejiklian government needed to be taken to task over some appalling policies and decisions. We can only hope that under Minns’ leadership, the Labor Party promotes a strong platform of reform in the health, transport, education and environment portfolios and shows the courage of its convictions in the process. If not, then the democratic process should select another leader to get the job done, male or female. - Robert Hickey, Green Point

I don’t recall too many feminists decrying the coup against a democratically elected and popular leader in 2010, when it resulted in a woman becoming prime minister. Gender has little role when it comes to party politics, and neither should it; if a leader isn’t cutting through with the electorate and has lost the confidence of caucus, then their position becomes untenable. - Vivienne Parsons, Thornleigh

Labor needs to start kicking some goals or the Coalition will cruise into another term, or two, or three at both state and federal level. There is so much ammunition being handed to Labor: the bushfires, aged care, the slow vaccination rollout, the submarine debacle, climate change, the rorting of public funds, pork barrelling, the list just goes on and on. Yet, neither federal nor state oppositions can land a blow. It is too early to know what to make of Minns, but Anthony Albanese has to go. He has had enough time to make his mark. Labor cannot continue with him. To do so with an election just around the corner ... it would be a landslide! - Gareth Turner, Louth Park

For whom the toll bites

How has it come about that taxpayers are obliged to pay tolls on roads which are supposed to be provided, and maintained, by their taxes (“Taking a toll: roads giant may rethink some charges” June 7)? - Pasquale Vartuli, Wahroonga

Onerous tolls have a flow-on effect for health as people limit social visits and outdoor activities due to the cost. Why is there not a concession rate for pensioners and low-income people? - Diane Davie, Rose Bay

Double standard

Roger Federer suddenly drops out of French Open to prepare for Wimbledon (“Roger Federer pulls out of French Open before fourth round”,, June 7). Yes, he is a special player who is recovering from injuries. Naomi Osaka also dropped out. But which one receives more criticism? Just asking. - Bernie Carberry, Connells Point

Jarvis cock-up

As a son of the Shoalhaven, I can report many locals escaped any “Jervis/Jarvis Bay” controversy by knowing it simply as “JB”. Indeed, my old school friend, who carries the initials ‘J.B.’, is better known as “Jervo” (Letters, June 7). - Barry Burnett, Tamworth

It’s good that reporters are now indeed pronouncing Jervis Bay correctly. As a child growing up in Nowra (Yuin country), the only time I ever heard “Jarvis” was from the same reporters mangling “Uh-nanderra” instead of “Ew-nanderra”, and “Ewlla-dulla” rather than “Uh-lladulla.” - Colin Hesse, Marrickville

It now seems to be Jervis because it was named after Admiral John Jervis, and his family pronounces it that way, but in the Guide To The Pronunciation Of Australian Place Names published in 1957, it is Jarvis, not Jervis. - John Flint, St Leonards

My mother taught me to speak proper, and said “It’s Jarvis, not Jervis.” I was subsequently told the well-heeled called it “Jarvis” but ordinary folk called it “Jervis.” I’m pretty ordinary, but find it hard to change the habit. - David McKay, Blaxland

Get up, stand up

All upstanding members of the community should take exception to the misuse of the term as in “please be upstanding for the national anthem”. What happened to “please stand”? - Christopher Borton, Darling Point

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
‘COVID is being used as an excuse’: Sydney’s uni students are losing patience with online learning
From Shrugs: “I teach at a Go8 university. In my faculty, we offer all classes online and remotely – students choose. Guess how many turn up for the in-person classes? All semester, it was fewer than 10, and yet there are still complaints about online. When asked why, they say it’s easier to do it from home and why should they come in if they only have one class that day? I completely understand that, but it’s a bit rich to then complain.”

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