

This was published 11 months ago

Populate and perish

Shane Wright has all the numbers to tell us why we need more people in Australia, and how it all balances out, economically (Letters, March 29). He says: “NSW would have depopulated if not for immigration.” Well, that would have helped with the housing crisis, and therein lies the problem. Worldwide, there are too many people for the resources available. Homo sapiens is a plague on the world. As a model, think of Kosciuszko National Park as the world, and the horses as humans. For the horses to continue to survive, the park has to be destroyed. You can see that scenario all around the world. The population of every other species is neutral, controlled by sustainability: predator vs food and death. The world spends millions of dollars on technology to keep us alive, while we continue to propagate, and the economic aim to make money is behind it. This concept seems hard to comprehend for the people who can do something about it. Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day; but teach a man to fish and he’ll destroy the ecosystem. Anthony Healy, Willoughby East

Feral horses at Long Plain in the Kosciuszco National Park.

Feral horses at Long Plain in the Kosciuszco National Park. Credit: Wolter Peeters

The writer describes those concerned about the environmental impacts of population growth as on the “extremist fringe of environmentalism”, yet those same types of people were denigrated 40 years ago for trying to raise the alarm about climate change. He claims our population would fall without immigration, but a natural increase of 111,000 is still an increase. All the newborns will need clothing, food, education, healthcare et cetera before they start to work and consume as adults.
With 8 billion humans, a real fall in population should be celebrated, as it means fewer people causing climate change, deforestation, species extinctions, resource depletion et cetera, and it means fewer people will be harmed by climate-induced disasters.
Instead of calling population a “battle”, economists should look at it as a challenge, to find a new economic system that does not rely on population growth as we need to ensure Earth’s life support systems can flourish instead of being destroyed. Karen Joynes, Bermagui

Shane Wright regurgitates the standard economic dogma that the only thing the world needs is growth in the economy. Increasing population increases the GDP (not GDP per person though), so everything about increasing population is great. It doesn’t matter if living standards are dropping, the environment is being trashed and housing prices are gouging half the population. Rich people are getting richer. All problems solved.

He says “most economists agree that global warming is the single largest threat to the global economy this century. The second threat is the mass depopulation of China”. He then ignores the biggest threat and says, “by some estimates, (China’s population) could drop by as many as 500 million people over the next 50 to 60 years”. Never mind that “by some estimates” global warming will cause a billion people to be refugees in 50 years.

He needs to have a talk with Ross Gittins, an economist who thinks that people actually matter when discussing what is good and bad about the economy. Eric Claus, Kellyville


Nuclear distractor

Liberal MP Bridget Archer has had the courage to question Peter Dutton’s Vote 1 nuclear policy (“Liberal MP warns Dutton on nuclear power strategy”, March 29). But can it be considered a policy? It has no costing and no timeline. And does the Coalition really understand the complexity of nuclear power? I suspect Barnaby Joyce thinks you can shovel raw uranium into it like coal, and store the waste down the back paddock. As with the “thermal fatigue” cracks discovered in some of France’s nuclear reactors last year, Archer’s comments are likely to be the first internal cracks in the Coalition’s nuclear distractor. Ray Peck, Hawthorn (Vic)

Bridget Archer holding Tank, a puppy

Bridget Archer holding Tank, a puppyCredit: Clint Leonard

It was gratifying indeed to read that one of the Liberals’ own had introduced some sensible questioning into the policy debate about nuclear energy. Bridget Archer has always stood out for her courage in many difficult situations and this is yet another example. The Liberal Party’s chances of re-election would be greatly enhanced were it to have more women such as Archer in its ranks. Louise Dolan, Birchgrove

The nuclear opportunists must realise that for the unforeseeable future, nuclear power stations remain somewhat of a poisoned chalice. They are not zero-emission options. The fuel rod, when spent but still radioactive, becomes a rod for the back of future generations. With scientific prowess, a benign atomic energy source will no doubt one day be achievable. Yet the likes of Messrs O’Brien, Dutton and Joyce must realise we don’t have the luxury of deliberating about that still distant eureka moment. Time is a resource not to be frittered away. Utilise the energies the environment now has in safe abundance and take the heat off those who are very soon to follow. Steve Dillon, Thirroul

The opposition claims that nuclear power is lower cost than renewable sources when the cost of new transmission is included in the latter. The CSIRO GenCost Report has already shown this to be false. Another way to avoid new transmission would be to increase rooftop solar generation and domestic batteries. It would be cheaper to just give these away and operate “virtual power plants” than to build nuclear, but there are already models to facilitate businesses doing this without the taxpayer footing the entire bill. Photos in today’s Herald show a disappointingly low proportion of large new houses (no doubt each fully air-conditioned) with solar panels. A simple first step would be to mandate solar panels and batteries on new builds in new suburbs. David Lloyd, Surry Hills


A thousand words

The front page photo shows what is wrong with cramming hundreds of houses together (“Housing reform backtrack”, March 29). The total destruction of nature, trees, shrubs, soil, means that all wildlife that had existed there, has vanished permanently. Once this happens, carbon dioxide levels increase as trees disappear, ground temperature heat increases when grass/soil is removed, heat absorbed by all those roofs increases temperatures even higher. This picture is being reproduced all over the state; building like this only hastens global warming and its inevitable results. Dorothy Gliksman, Cedar Brush Creek

There are huge variations in population growth across Sydney.

There are huge variations in population growth across Sydney.Credit: Wolter Peeters

How heartbreaking it is to see so many houses crammed together, with not a tree or a backyard with a Hills Hoist in sight, and not many solar panels either. How lucky am I with my corner suburban block to have eight trees, seven camellia, five gardenias and eight huge shrubs, not to mention a huge gum tree on the side verge, enough backyard for my dog to run in and a large crepe myrtle out on the front verge. My street is surrounded by a whole canopy. I fear that when I fall off the twig my 75-year-old weatherboard will be bulldozed and there will be four townhouses put here instead.
Jane Norman, Kotara South

Describing the 20 increasing population areas in the west of Sydney as “greenfield suburbs” (“Surge in population”, March 29) and applying that adjective to the adjacent image of rows of boxes with few trees in sight stopped me in my tracks. Then I read the neighbouring article which surmises that to buy any of these boxes requires an income of over $200,000, and presumably a secure job in this world of uncertainty. Tell them they’re dreaming. John Flint, St Leonards

Wine’s fine

With successful negotiations to abolish the draconian Chinese tariffs on Australian wine, the Albanese government has once again fixed a blunder created by the previous Coalition government (“China drops Australian wine tariffs”, March 29). Former PM Scott Morrison’s unnecessary and provocative stupidity in calling for an investigation into the “origins” of the COVID epidemic in Wuhan caused the diplomatic disaster that affected many local primary producers. The Australian electorate needs to be reminded of such ineptitude from the “better economic managers”. Rob Phillips, North Epping


Albanese and his team are to be congratulated on the lifting of the Chinese wine tariffs. On the downside, I am now waiting for Mr Dutton to tell me that Albo and crew have ruined my weekend. With so much wine being exported I will not be able to afford my favourite weekend tipple. Eve Moyse, Dora Creek

Boys behaving badly

The anti-co-ed old boys from Newington College would fit in nicely at a Liberal Party candidate preselection meeting (“‘No confidence’: Old boys club revolts”, March 29). Ron Brown, Wallsend

Newington old boys protest outside the college over its move to go co-ed.

Newington old boys protest outside the college over its move to go co-ed.Credit: Kate Geraghty

It is fascinating that a vocal group of Newington “Old Boys” seem to be terrified by the idea of any girls mixing with their boys. We don’t usually bite, you know. Marjie Williamson, Blaxland

Powering on

Credit to the Albanese government for offering a $1 billion boost to the Australian solar manufacturing industry (“Albanese’s $1b solar panels punt”, March 28). Given that China currently holds an 80 per cent share in all manufacturing stages of the world’s solar panels, more Aussie-made solar panels will offer a welcome reduction in our dependence on Chinese solar, while creating local manufacturing jobs. Investment in a cleaner energy future that helps Australia move from being a “dig it and ship it” economy to one providing high-quality manufactured goods that will boost the global push toward net zero is just the ticket. Karen Lamb, Geelong


The opposition claims that nuclear power is lower cost than renewable sources when the cost of new transmission is included in the latter. While the CSIRO GenCost report has already shown this to be false, another way to avoid new transmission would be to increase rooftop solar generation and domestic batteries. It would be cheaper to just give these away and operate “virtual power plants” than to build nuclear, but there are already models to facilitate businesses doing this without the taxpayer needing to foot the entire bill. A simple first step would be to mandate solar panels and batteries on new builds in new suburbs. David Lloyd, Surry Hills

Fair play for all

I attended my first Tigers game at Leichhardt Oval just over 60 years ago (“Pride of the Tiger at Leichhardt: inside the stadium Sydney forgot”, March 29). My father, a former Balmain player, would hoist me up on his shoulders so I could see the game. Back in those days the ground used to run east-west, which made winning the coin toss very important as the sun became more of a factor than the wind. Over those seven decades, I have seen many memorable matches played by legends of the game. As many commentators say, there is nothing better than Sunday afternoon footy at Leichhardt. While the NRL and state government have invested millions of dollars in many other suburban grounds, Leichhardt has missed out. Whether the decision not to upgrade Leichhardt is political or a business one, part of me will die when the Tigers no longer play there. Peter Miniutti, Ashbury

Joel Gibson the property manager at Leichhardt Oval, sits in the scoreboard box.

Joel Gibson the property manager at Leichhardt Oval, sits in the scoreboard box.Credit: Steven Siewert

Housing reform, land and the growing demand for recreational infrastructure to support the needs of a growing population are part of the complex dance of priorities playing out in Sydney. Leichardt Oval and its funding neglect captures the complexity of this dance. Good strategic planning must include planning for sporting and recreational needs, but how do you provide funding that will address the need? Two options – create a new state government lottery based on the Sydney Opera House lottery model, and/or create a new state-level tax on sports betting, where money is set aside solely for new stadium upgrades, sporting builds and recreational infrastructure. Rod Leonarder, Roseville

I am over the sense of entitlement that the NRL and AFL have in regard to stadiums for their games. Given the billions they get from gambling organisations and media rights, not to mention the billions already ploughed into the Sydney Football Stadium and the like, let them fund some of their unending demands themselves. In the case of the proposed new AFL stadium in Hobart, their political blackmail is unbridled arrogance. I am also looking forward to the new opposition to the AFL’s demands following the recent Tasmanian election. James Tulloch, Westleigh


Old wounds

To what extent might the unruly behaviour of some Indigenous youth in Australia at the moment reflect the hurt and disappointment of Indigenous adults in response to the resounding rejection of the Voice, an initiative which could have enshrined them as the intelligent architects of their own futures? Perhaps one more slap down, one more refusal to help them lift them out of disadvantage, has left its mark on the communities of which children are often the barometers. Did we think it would have no effect?Jennifer Briggs, Kilaben Bay

Real-life drama

When all legal matters are (hopefully) finally resolved we may well see a movie or miniseries based on the seemingly endless incidents, accidents, hints and allegations that each day seem to introduce new characters to the storyline (“Legal threat to Lehrmann over masseuse denial” and “Police in a spin: new PR chief gone”, March 29). Allan Gibson, Cherrybrook

Priced out

Your correspondent states there are no winners in the current housing crisis (Letters, March 29). In fact, that’s not really true. Real estate agents, developers, councils and investors all do pretty nicely. Unfortunately, people looking to get a start in the property market miss out. This is our biggest challenge, which needs solutions. A 50 per cent reduction in the capital gains tax discount introduced by the Howard government in 1999 would be a starting point to relieve the pain of our abandoned homeseekers. This would drive people into other areas of investment and release second and third homes to the market that are probably being let out to Airbnb. Mike Keene, Stanwell Park

The affordability of housing for most Australians is actually worse than might be gathered from your article (“Want that bigger house? You need a bumper pay rise”, March 29). The “average” full-time wage cited, about $98,000 annually, is considerably skewed by very high incomes; only about 10 per cent of Australian workers have annual incomes of $100,000 or more. The median full-time wage, which should be the comparison for median house prices, is about $70,000 annually. Al Svirskis, Mount Druitt

Palmie’s wet blankets

A true Sydney headline and story (“Noise objections see sparkling new beachfront restaurant The Joey hit troubled waters”, March 28). Sadly not an anomaly, when the protestations of a few NIMBYs cut the legs out of a business genuinely wanting to be part of a community. It’s deathly quiet in Palm Beach on any night, with a lack of options for locals and tourists alike. God forbid that enjoyment of this beautiful paradise is shared by anyone other than a select few who think 8pm is past bedtime. David Gwynne, Kingscliff

The Joey opened at the former Barrenjoey Boatshed in February.

The Joey opened at the former Barrenjoey Boatshed in February.Credit: Alex Marks

Longer terms

While understanding the views of your correspondents regarding the length of parliamentary terms, I submit that the relative brevity of the current term arrangements is not conducive to good government (Letters, March 29). Federal governments often focus on short-term decision-making while being constantly assailed by an aggressive opposition and antagonistic sections of the media. Often a prime minister will seek an early election in order primarily to ensure retention of power. In those circumstances, prudent legislation and decision-making comes a poor second to political survival. Senior federal civil servants should be allowed to run their departments and provide more independent counsel without the overreaching intrusion from politicians that has marked too much of the legislative process this century.

Four-year terms would allow a government to more responsibly and effectively legislate and ensure that their governing objectives are realised. At a state and territory level these four-year term lengths have generally applied for many years and the sky hasn’t fallen in. Four- or five-year terms are standard in most Western countries. But one fundamental requirement should accompany four-year terms – they must be fixed four-year terms (as in the US) with no opportunity for a prime minister to truncate the term on a whim for political expediency! Brian Kidd, Mount Waverley (Vic)

Incendiary news

As a youngster in rainy Lithgow, my job was to hold the wet broadsheet pages of the Herald close enough to the open coal fire to dry them out without igniting (Letters, March 29). Occasionally the headlines about Mr Menzies’ railing against the “red peril” would literally catch fire. Evan Bailey, Glebe

Size counts

Interesting to read the obituary of car designer Marcello Gandini (Obituaries, March 29). I own a Lamborghini Countach, one of his models. Mine is a Matchbox version, it’s bright yellow and dated 1973, which is probably when it was given to me. I’ve always thought it would be amazing to drive in the real thing. Lisa Clarke, Watsons Bay


What is the point of the Easter holiday when so few of us seem to associate it with religion (Letters, March 29)? There is no longer a rational reason for having such a holiday. Con Vaitsas, Ashbury

There was a time when it was a brave soul who started up a lawnmower on Good Friday, risking the ire of his neighbours. Now, for the majority of Australians, it’s just the first day of an extended weekend. Joan Brown, Orange


The debate about nuclear energy on the Letters pages has generated enough heat in the past couple of weeks to power a Lucas Heights-sized generator. But rather than recap an argument which is likely to last at least until the next election (and beyond), I’d like to thank Macmasters Beach’s John Turnell, who wrote: “I buy the Herald only for its puzzles. But I’ve been sucked in by the Letters page. Here’s a query. Why does everyone support the awful Albanese government with no credit to the opposition?”

Dozens of you responded; many suggesting to John that if he lifted his eyes from the puzzles to the news pages, he may change that view. Christine Tiley from Albany Creek wrote: “The answer’s simple – it’s because the Albanese government, although not perfect, is superior to the ‘awful Dutton government’. Hence the support.”

Apart from mouldy shoes and slug plagues, our recent soggy summer created a more serious problem. Thank goodness for Willoughby’s Brian McDonald.

“Recently, our Herald became wet in the rain. Came up with a great quick, safe solution – our heated bathroom towel rack. No time at all, then a letter to the editor.”

Others hung their paper over the washing line, ironed it (between two sheets of brown paper!) and used a hair dryer, which just goes to show the ingenuity of our readers.

To everyone, please have a happy, safe, relaxing Easter break. And to all the readers celebrating Ramadan, Eid Mubarak.

Margot Saville, deputy letters editor

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