

This was published 11 months ago

There are consequences for taking on more than we can manage

Hand-wringing economists are as numerous as the environmentalists when it comes to immigration debates (“Forget sky-high migration, our population battle starts here”, March 28). As David Attenborough and other great minds have pointed out, it’s hard to think of a problem that is not more easily solved with fewer humans, even the economic problems. Australia’s crazy-high immigration numbers, the highest by far in the OECD, make adequate housing provision a physical impossibility. And it’s not racist to mention mass extinctions, water, congestion, and pollution as consequences of taking on more than we, or anyone else, can manage. The tsunami of Boomer departures will subside. A less extreme migrant intake, somewhere south of 100,000 per year, would allow infrastructure to catch up over 10-15 years while stabilising population. It should include an increased humanitarian intake.

Current research seems to settle on a limit for our population of “less than 30 million”. We are heading for a train wreck at the present rate of growth. Ronald Watts, Newcastle

Sir David Attenborough back at the Great Barrier Reef.

Sir David Attenborough back at the Great Barrier Reef.Credit: Atlantic Productions

Shane Wright is right that we need to change or a declining and ageing population will “fade away.” To be environmentally sustainable, we simply cannot continue with business as usual and innovation and imagination are key. For example, we will need to stop manufacturing things that are almost straight away discarded and we will need to get rid of those myriad of roles absorbed with just moving money around. If we were to do these things and more there would be enough productive activity to support an ageing population and create a healthier and happier society at the same time. Greg Baker, Fitzroy Falls

With an estimated five per cent of all humans who have ever lived alive today, only the most deluded of individuals (economists) could think a decline in the world’s population is undesirable, and constitutes “environmental extremism”. The reason our birth rate is declining is that people can’t afford children, in part thanks to immigration. Shane Wright’s observation that a shrinking population is going to make healthcare, childcare, aged care and housing near impossible, is to observe that when the Ponzi scheme collapses, the majority of people will suffer. The solution, keep going! The environment will cull back the world’s population. We can do it naturally like China, or else it will be war, pandemic, climate or famine. I’d rather take financial advice from Melissa Caddick. Paul Davies, Crows Nest

Shane Wright seeks to paint a scary picture of the future but what scares me more is the belief that we need an ever-growing human population. Should we be worried that “by the end of the century .. [only] six nations will have a fertility level above the replacement rate”? By then the UN predicts the world’s population will have blown out to over 10 billion people. With the accompanying loss of wildlife, resource depletion and dangerous global temperatures, we will surely be welcoming falling birth rates. Wright says that many nations without growing populations are having trouble paying for infrastructure, housing, etc. This is an odd thing to say given the strain on infrastructure and housing in Australia due in part to our growing numbers. Ian Penrose, Kew (Vic)

Game of Thrones analogy on schools is truly wild

I have never read or watched Game of Thrones and Stephen Fogarty’s piece will not encourage me to do so (Letters, March 28). It is interesting he believes that not allowing religious institutions to discriminate against those who don’t behave as “them” is an attempt by government to create a monoculture. Surely they are asking for the right to promote absolutely among their employees/students etc the monoculture they believe is the only correct one. Brenton McGeachie, Queanbeyan West

Game of Thrones’ Jon Snow

Game of Thrones’ Jon Snow

What a wild piece from a self-confessed “Wildling”. Stephen Fogarty managed to contradict himself: the “Wildlings” can’t be cut off from the riches of the mainland if their university costs are four times that of HECS fees. As for mainland protections, all citizens, with or without allegiance to an invisible deity, are subject to the laws of this land, even if your own misplaced sense of moral superiority puts up a metaphorical wall that makes you feel isolated. Perhaps it’s time to embrace a more kindly humanism. Helen Lewin, Tumbi Umbi


Stephen Fogarty gives an excellent description of the true nature of religion in his quaint comparison with Game of Thrones: backward, archaic, holding on to outdated superstitious beliefs. The problem is not the beliefs – adult religionists shall live and die with them; the problem is that children too young to defend themselves are indoctrinated with them. The good college president must wrap his brain around an intractable issue: religion shall be removed from publicly funded schools; if there are scripture classes at private religious schools they shall not receive government funding. Instead, all schools shall deal with all religions in ethics classes. Scripture should be taught at denominational Sunday schools … to over-14-year olds, old enough to make up their own mind about the true nature of the religious propaganda they are subjected to. Carsten Burmeister, Balmoral

I wonder if Stephen Fogarty can see the irony in comparing the fictional Game of Thrones with his archaic religious beliefs. Rodney Crute, Hunters Hill

I know nothing of Game of Thrones but I find it interesting Stephen Fogarty uses a piece of fiction to lament the unfairness he perceives faith-based education receives in this country. Roger Yandle, North Rothbury

If, as Stephen Fogarty suggests, his “village” is left alone in their religious observance, just like the “Wildlings”, he should expect no funding for schools and churches, no tax-free options and no assistance against the “coldness” of winter (which is coming). Even Jon Snow recognised the Wildings’ independence. Janice Creenaune, Austinmer

Coalition plans to block the government at all costs

If the government expected the Coalition to support its immigration changes, it was sadly mistaken (“Arrogance leaves ALP appearing isolated”, March 28). The Coalition may have written the book on punishing asylum seekers but their chief goal is to thwart the Labor Party at all costs. In this instance the government has given them a helping hand. Philip Cooney, Wentworth Falls

The Greens and the Coalition voting together (“Block of deportation bill humiliates government as weeks of political pain await”, March 28)? This would all be explained if it were April 1. Unfortunately this is not a joke though we may be fools. It affects many of the dispossessed, desperate and marginalised groups here and abroad. The Migration Amendment Bill shatters any pretence that we are a fair and welcoming nation. As usual, grubby politicking wins the day.
Beverley Fine, Pagewood

Dull couple

I am thrilled to find that I belong to the Dull Women’s Club (“The Dull Women’s Club is cause for excitement”, March 28). I too have eaten Weetbix for breakfast for as I long as I can remember, am looking forward to my trip to Adelaide and enjoy my buttered toast with raspberry jam with my homemade coffee. My husband believes he is definitely a member of the Dull Men’s Club but his favourite colour is beige. We both like observing small birds. Annie Scrivener, St Ives

The author, Clea Jones’ Facebook post to the Dull Women’s Club.

The author, Clea Jones’ Facebook post to the Dull Women’s Club.Credit: Facebook

Thanks Clea Jones. A dull life offers total emancipation - that is becoming rarer in this age of squawking self-help gurus egging you to ‘reach your potential and beyond’. Most dull activities we do help us spend more time with ourselves than seeking outside acceptance and admiration. What’s better than connecting with ourselves and listening to the hum inside? Removing weeds from the lawn, mowing it and then marvelling at the effect, walking, talking to friends, occasional attempts to get a letter published in the Herald, shopping at the local op shop and getting some shut-eye remain my dull day highlights. Now can I go and wash my car with dishwashing liquid? Manbir Singh Kohli, Pemulwuy

Nil Newingtonians

Can’t help wondering how many members of the Old Newingtonians’ Union have knowledge and first-hand experience of attending a co-educational school (“‘We expected a brawl’: Newington old boys meet in aftermath of co-ed decision”, March 28). Or would that be fairly close to nil? Robert Hickey, Green Point

Wonderful change

While we are often subjected to many articles ad nauseam on the profits made from housing, what a wonderful change in today’s story (“How Bella won the housing lottery”, March 28). One can only hope that Nightingale Marrickville’s chief executive’s comment, “we’ve learned a lot and would love to replicate this”, is taken up. Deane Golding, Randwick

Bella Refai enjoys her new micro-apartment.

Bella Refai enjoys her new micro-apartment.Credit: James Brickwood

We are constantly asked to accept a higher density of living than many would like, and older people often made to feel guilty about staying in the family home when children move on. However, in today’s CBD there is a tiny mention of yet another billionaire consolidating four properties into one (CBD, March 28). Clearly different rules for the elite. Paul Doyle, Glenbrook

Broken system

Geoff Harding’s claims of growing support for four-year federal elections is questionable (Letters, March 28). What is his source for such a claim? The poor performance of both our federal and state governments gives mute testimony to the amount of damage that can be done in one year let alone in four years. What is really needed is a strong experienced public service, and politicians who act as both an auditor and a contributor of initiatives and management in the advancement of our country.
Currently we have a plethora of politicians who have been gifted portfolios for which they have absolutely no experience, and have very little experienced support. We need to work out how to source politicians who have at least some appropriate background experience, who care about Australia, and are not preoccupied with personal gain and survival. Attending poorly supported party meetings as a means of becoming a member of parliament has very little chance of achieving this objective. The current system is not broken, but it needs fixing. D’Arcy Hardy, North Turramurra

Politicians from both sides like the idea of a four-year term, as does the business community, especially bankers. That would be great for profits. But how does the voting public feel about giving those in power an extra year off the leash? Governments must be held to account. They should be able to demonstrate their worth in a three-year term, then come back to the electorate for renewal.
Glenn Johnson, Leura

Bridge memories

The collapse of the Baltimore Francis Scott Key Bridge (“Cathedral of American infrastructure to be rebuilt as soon as possible”, March 28) evokes memories of the collapse of the Tasman Bridge when struck by an errant ship, the SS Lake Illawarra. While similar, there are some major differences due to the form of construction. The Tasman Bridge lost two spans and while the waterway was blocked for major shipping, it was not for smaller vessels and was able to be repaired relatively quickly. In Baltimore, the entire main and side spans are one continuous steel truss structure, all of which has collapsed into the waterway blocking it for at least a kilometre. While the immediate loss of life is unquestionably tragic, like in the case of Hobart, the long-term economic cost of the severance of the port, a major transport route and the attendant disruption on travel and commerce is going to be vast. It will be a complete rebuild of the bridge. For anyone who wonders why Sydney’s Anzac Bridge has such a long span, it was, inter alia, precisely to eliminate the possibility of impact by the coastal bulk ships that used to dock in Blackwattle Bay. Similarly, the Gladesville Bridge, though today far less trafficked by very large vessels, has no vulnerable piers in the waterway. Peter Thornton, Killara

Is there a reason why the large ship which destroyed the bridge in Baltimore was not required to use tugs while in enclosed waters? Surely it was not due to the expense of an obvious safety item.
Peter Wotton, Pyrmont

Crossbench credit

John Turnell asks, “Why does everyone support the awful Albanese government with no credit to the opposition?” (Letters, March 28). You’re right - the crossbench does deserve immense credit. They’re holding this government to account by constructively reviewing legislation on its merits - blocking the bad, passing the good, and often drafting better proposals in the interests of the community.
Peter Moore, Newport

John Turnell asks why most letters to the editor support the “awful Albanese government”. The answer’s simple - it’s because the Albanese government, although not perfect, is superior to the “awful Dutton government”. Hence the support. Christine Tiley, Albany Creek (Qld)

Don’t worry too much John Turnell. Rosemary and Riley are right round the corner. John Lees, Castlecrag

Perhaps if your correspondent read the actual news in the Herald rather than just the letters and puzzles, he would realise why we regular letter writers give little or no credit to the opposition.
Jennifer McKay, Ashbury

If John Turnell read the rest of the Herald he might find some answers to his question. Alynn Pratt, Grenfell

I think John Turnell is reading the wrong paper. Mary Hollins, Beechwood

No credit where credit isn’t due. Gail Grogan, Constitution Hill

John Turnell, I’ll give credit to the opposition when it actually does something creditable.
Adrian Connelly, Springwood

Simple enough John Turnell. Herald writers are an astute, intelligent and politically-aware bunch. It’s obvious, even to this untrained eye! Graham Fazio, Cootamundra

Your correspondent, who has discovered the joys of the Letters page, asks why the Herald letter writers give no credit to the opposition. How about you start us off? What have we missed? Sue Morgan, Menai

In response to John Turnell, readers support Albanese because the opposition offers nothing other than opposition. Tom Meakin, Port Macquarie

You should note John Turnell that you were actually published in the Herald, which publishes letters with a variety of political opinions. You need to read the other major newspapers if you want to find more readers blindly supporting the opposition. Peter Kamenyitzky, Castle Hill

Save the day

Forget daylight savings, it’s so dark in the morning I’m calling it night-time savings. Michael Deeth, Como West

Cocoa calamity

It’s a calamity (“Cocoa price surge a bitter pill beyond chocoholics”, March 28). An earthquake? No. A new war? No. There is an alarming shortage of cocoa and no solution in sight. Mustafa Erem, Terrigal

Get ready for more expensive Easter eggs.

Get ready for more expensive Easter eggs.Credit: Dionne Gain

Bad behaviour

Why can’t some allegedly drug-addled AFL players behave like traditional footballers and just go out, get pissed and make occasional idiots of themselves (“Swans AFLW players banned following cocaine bust”, March 27)? The miscreants’ alleged behaviour is unsporting and unAustralian.
John Macdonald, Kings Langley

Long-term Labor

The Labor Government is starting to look like a traditional chaotic Liberal government: its future is therefore assured (“Time for PM to act like a leader”, March 28). Richard Lynch, Belbora

Easter over-egged

Does it make sense that a thriving, first world country effectively shuts down its economy for four days because of very questionable historical events that supposedly happened over two thousand years ago? These doubtful events are the core of a religious belief that Australians increasingly reject. Could it be that we are the Easter bunnies? Brian Roach, Westleigh

Twice the fun

The pages my husband and I read first are the letters and Column 8 (Letters, March 28). I would be very grateful if the paper’s editors could arrange for enough news articles to be printed to make the letters and Column 8 end up on separate sheets of paper so each of us has one to read before swapping! Leoni Hubbard, Windradyne

My Herald is of the off-the-newsagent’s-shelf variety. It’s awash with news, dripping with puzzles, steeped in opinion pieces, yet delightfully dry. Jim Dewar, Davistown

Perhaps the Letters should take up most of the Herald, but only if they start paying us for the epistolography. Peter Fyfe, Enmore

My quick solution to a damp/wet Herald is a hair dryer. But maybe Ronald Elliott, Peter Nelson and Peter Butler don’t possess one. But I do not get a wet newspaper very often, thanks to the plastic flat wrapped paper delivered to my home every day. Lynn Bock, Carlingford

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