

This was published 2 years ago

Plenty of swan songs as the curtain falls for Ayres

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

It gives me no pleasure at all to see a government in turmoil, even one that I didn’t vote for (“Scandal widens as Ayres resigns”, August 3). Every day that they spend eating – or feeding – their own, as we are currently seeing, is time and resources diverted from running the state for the good of the whole community. Next year is the state election, and I hope people cast their votes based on what the candidates have done – their track record – and not what they are promising. Anyone can promise the world, and the pre-election cash splash gets bigger and more obscene every year, but where has that got us? Simply more of the same. Patrick McGrath, Potts Point

Stuart Ayres will likely become yet another ex-politician looking for a job. Normally he would expect some lucrative overseas posting – trade commissioner to New York perhaps? Does this modern idea of “due process” signal an end to off-shore processing of politicians who have reached their use-by date? Neil Browne, Illawong

Ayres feels that “if a trade minister can’t represent NSW for trade, who can?” If Ayres needed heart surgery, would he ask the minister for health to do it? Ian Rewell, Longueville

The major political beneficiary out of the Barilaro debacle will be opposition leader Chris Minns. Between now and next March all he needs to do is keep a steady hand on the Labor ship, while the NSW government implodes. As it currently stands, it won’t matter if Dominic Perrottet is still at the helm. Michael Blissenden, Dural

My heart bleeds for the two politicians formerly known as the “power couple”, Marise Payne and Stuart Ayres (“Stuart Ayres faces world of financial Payne”, August 4). Since their individual falls from grace their salaries have been severely lopped, meaning that they will now jointly earn a measly $389,636 a year. How will they possibly cope? Judy Hungerford, North Curl Curl

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

With a few trade jobs going in NSW, I’d like to throw my hat in the ring. Little experience is needed to rocket into the pick of them in New York, and with my recent experience swilling wine in Mudgee, visiting countless small business coffee shops and knowing all the half-price specials in Coles, I am certain I can meet all the criteria. Happy to take a few mates with me who are liked-minded to share the pain of living overseas and spruiking the benefits of NSW. Brian Thornton, Stanmore

To the suggested list of songs for the Ayres musical (Letters, August 4), you need to add that old-fashioned statement of principle, I Did it My Way, although it’s probably a cabinet chorus, not a solo number. The production would be perfect for that other old-fashioned medium of political commentary: a puppet show. Eat your hearts out, Punch and Judy; life is truly stranger than fiction. Jenifer Nicholls, Armadale (Vic)

The musical must open with “Start spreading the news, he’s leaving today, because he was a part of it: New York, New York.” Peter Fyfe, Enmore


Another essential addition would surely be the Sound of Music classic So Long, Farewell. David Boyd, Bondi Beach

Weathering a perfect storm of financial pressures

Labor is facing a perfect storm when it comes to implementing all its economic promises (“‘Bandt is a bounder’: Keating fires up in climate wars as Greens back Albanese bill”‘, August 4). Many OECD countries are now facing staggering debt in the aftermath of the pandemic. The war in Ukraine has compounded the problem, resulting in record price rises for food, oil and gas. Australia’s financial situation is no exception. To make matters worse, we have been left severely handicapped by nine years of little or no investment in the infrastructure that is badly needed to modernise Australia’s crumbling power network and transmit renewable power from the areas where it is generated. This adds an extra burden to the enormous amount that our federal government needs to invest in cheap renewable power. At a time of unprecedented financial constraints, how do the Greens think we can realistically budget for a 75 per cent reduction in emissions? Bruce Spence, Balmain

Paul Keating’s attack on the Greens makes no mention of one awkward fact. Labor’s emissions policy would have more credibility if the ALP did not receive substantial donations from the fossil fuel industries. Until we have bans on political donations from oil, gas and coal companies (or better still, all companies) it is hard to believe that any political party really acts in the national interest, especially when they approve new fossil fuel projects. The Greens have banned all such donations for years. George Rosier, Carlingford

It seems incongruous that on the same day as the Australian Defence Force review is announced, the Labor government has snubbed the Greens’ request to halt new coal and gas developments. Given that recent diplomacy has brought Pacific Islands on side, it can only be viewed by them as inconsistent, while new mines continue to be approved. Strategically, the future challenges of the ADF may well be exacerbated, as the differentiation between Australia’s and other countries’ perceived carbon emissions reductions are blurred, and nations are tempted by funding bounteousness. Roger Epps, Armidale

Watching the conduct of the Coalition and the Greens on passing Labor’s very modest 43 per cent carbon reduction target legislation, it’s a strange state of affairs when the Greens are the voice of reason. Carlo Ursida, Kensington (VIC)

Despite Keating’s claim to the contrary, his government was indeed an active advocate of privatisation. Under the former PM, business units of the Department of Administrative Services were either sold off or primed for sale, with thousands of public servants rendered jobless. I was one of them. Peter Mahoney, Oatley

Focus needed on teacher supply as children struggle

Despite the many challenges facing the premier, I hope he will turn his mind to the ongoing emergency in the supply of teachers in this state (“Majority of teachers plan to leave profession”, August 4). Two years of COVID restrictions saw many children falling behind. Homeschooling simply wasn’t possible in families without the resources. There has been a significant rise in the number of children school refusing or struggling with being back at school. There is a higher proportion of children diagnosed with anxiety disorders and neurodiverse conditions. We need a full complement of dedicated teachers to encourage, educate and guide our children. Teachers need better pay, permanent positions, less administration tasks and to be clearly heard by the Department of Education. If 60 per cent of teachers leave the profession in the coming years, our schools will be in an untenable position. Sue Adams, Dulwich Hill

Instead of consistently blaming teachers for all of education’s ills and attempting to redefine teaching itself, where are the brilliant plans for providing support for teachers so that they can do the best for students? Where has there been a streamlining of admin tasks and record-keeping? Why are teachers not given adequate time for professional development? Why does the minister insist that teachers deserve an effective cut in their salaries? Unless the minister finds a way to understand her own job she’ll continue to prevent our teachers from doing theirs. Her task is a straightforward one – to maximise student learning by giving teachers the support and respect they need. Allow teachers to teach, in other words. Peter Outhwaite, Hawks Nest

Planning woes are rife

Most would give a sigh of relief on reading your article (“Landmark exhibition uncovers the Sydney we’ll never see”, August 4). However, it would be foolish to imagine that planning abominations are not still taking place throughout Sydney.

The nexus between the state government and developers is alive and well. It’s “let it rip” for developers (equals lucrative profits) and infrastructure money for the state (equals a chance to forever proclaim new “initiatives”). The state has worked assiduously to amalgamate councils and to set up developer-friendly rules in the form of Local Environment Plans, all for developers and their own gain. The result has been a proliferation of soulless enclaves and mediocrity. Sydney has become a city determined not by how its people want to live in respect of their environment and heritage, but by a hungry horde of developers. David Catchlove, Newport

Powerhouse debacle

I share the objections of the majority of submissions, and your correspondent, that the current planning DA is the destruction of Ultimo’s Powerhouse Museum (Letters, August 4). I spent almost two years with others in a now apparent faux consultation process, laughably misnamed a “masterplanning dialogue”, attempting to advise the government to simply renew the Powerhouse Museum, as then treasurer Dominic Perrottet and arts minister Don Harwin promised the people of NSW on July 4, 2020. After all, it was the people’s love and respect for one of Australia’s leading museums which saved it from the government’s wrecking ball.

Instead, a secret DA is revealed to be an abomination costing an eye-watering $500m to smash any semblance of the extraordinary, internationally recognised Powerhouse Museum in Ultimo for 142 years. The Powerhouse Museum can be renewed as promised for half that amount but the government is not listening. Lionel Glendenning, design architect, Powerhouse Museum

Silencing the Voice

We are now witnessing the tactic which the conservative side of politics is planning as it outlines its opposition to the passing of the Voice referendum (Letters, August 4). George Brandis opened the batting for the Conservatives by outlining the plan: don’t oppose the Voice, don’t oppose Indigenous Australians, rather claim that the lack of detail from the government will “force” the opposition to vote against the referendum; and for the conservative press to campaign against the referendum from here on. Rather than be honest and admit this opposition to the referendum is racially motivated and specifically biased against Australian Indigenous communities, the opposing forces are hiding behind this pathetic “lack of detail” excuse. This approach is at odds with the aspects which the Voice from the Heart is based on: respect, trust and walking together. Warren Marks, Hill Top

Pelosi wrong move

Nancy Pelosi is big on gestures. She won the hearts of millions of Americans when she expressed her contempt for Donald Trump (“Speaker’s Strait talk adds to mixed signals”, August 4). However, her unnecessary visit to Taiwan in defiance of the president smacks of an ego trip and has unnecessarily inflamed our already fragile relations with China. It served no purpose other than to give her a last moment in the spotlight on the world stage before, as she suspects, her role as speaker will most likely end with the midterms in November. Richard Keyes, Enfield

No to war at any cost

Thank you for your correspondent’s call to declare Australia neutral in any future conflicts (Letters, August 4). War is never the answer to conflict and leads to immense human suffering that continues through generations. We are still not dealing with the devastating effects of our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. The billions spent on armaments to destroy life could be used to enhance life in so many ways. Anne Shay, Ballina

Sexism reigns

I cannot believe the Herald would publish such a sexist letter. It was infuriating that the assumption by banks in the 1970s was that, as I was a young female who would get pregnant and stop work, my generous teaching salary could not be counted in its loan consideration (Letters, August 4). My husband and I had to save for several years longer and settle for a more modest house even though we never intended to have children and were using foolproof contraceptive measures.
Cherylle Stone, Soldiers Point

Old school ties

Greens member for Griffith Max Chandler-Mather was criticised for not wearing a tie in question time.

Greens member for Griffith Max Chandler-Mather was criticised for not wearing a tie in question time.Credit: James Brickwood

Some parliamentarians accept the definition of ethical behaviour as the wearing of a tie (“No shirt, no service: Question time tied up to their necks over fashion choices”, August 4). Apparently misogyny, insults and deceit can all be pulled off by a man who puts a tie around his neck. It is 2022 – time for genuine mutual respect, regardless of anachronistic dress conventions. Lorraine Hickey, Green Point

“Manners maketh the man”, not dress. If only the same energy applied to attire was employed to ensure a degree of decorum in the house. Elizabeth Maher, Bangor

Will the mind that worries about what male MPs wrap around their necks in question time ever manage to wrap its brain around the big issues of the day? Judith Fleming, Sawtell

The photo shows a man and three women. All are in the senate. Not one is wearing a tie. Yet only one of them gets picked on by the old bulls in the opposition. David Neilson, Araluen (NT)

It would be a vain argument to explain the value or purpose of the necktie (“The tie is dead: Here’s how men can still dress well with a free neck”,, August 4). It has to be the most superfluous component of daily attire. George Graham, Byron Bay

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Can Albanese do a Hawke and lead us out of these tough times?
From Wentworth dreamer: ″⁣We actually don’t need a Messiah, another Moses-conflicted person to lead us from the wilderness. Great leaders build great teams and lead from behind. Albanese looks to be such a leader. All hail the team.″⁣

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