

This was published 2 years ago

Call V’landys’ bluff on NRL threat and spend taxpayer money smarter

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

Peter V’landys finds it “appalling the government is using the human tragedy of the floods to renege on an agreement” (“NRL holds Premier to ransom on stadiums”, August 3). The basic tenet of economics is that resources are limited and choices have to be made when satisfying competing wants. Just as a patient booked in for elective surgery gets bumped down the line when a more urgent case comes in, the government – with limited resources – is obliged to respond to more urgent, unexpected needs when they arise. Let the grand final go somewhere else for a change. After all, doesn’t the “N” in “NRL” stand for “national”? Ann Clydsdale, Bathurst

Give the NRL nothing! This parasite has grown fat enough on public funds already. From the gifting of public open space and public assets for the exclusive use of the NRL to the endless procession of headlines relating to on-field and off-field problems and salary cap rorts. Whatever the merits of the game itself and the good intentions of some, the NRL considers itself entitled to behave outside normal community expectations. As it is now, rugby league is nothing more than a vehicle for the NRL to promote alcohol and gambling. The net benefit of the NRL to our society, both socially and economically, is less than zero. Bob Edgar, Westmead

How can any fair-minded person think that stadiums for the multi-million dollar rugby league industry with its overpaid prima donnas and excessive executive salaries should have a higher claim on NSW public funds than those suffering homelessness and other hardships because of the flood disaster? Whatever “agreements” were made previously, circumstances have changed drastically, and a cash-strapped state government needs to reassess its priorities. Rob Phillips, North Epping

Bega has been waiting for 18 years to get to the tendering stage to rebuild the roof of its Old Bega Hospital Community Cultural Centre (burnt by fire in 2004). And in all that time, the community hasn’t even asked for a retractable roof. However, I now have it on good advice some goal posts will be planted on the large grassed area in front of the centre, so the community can rebrand the precinct the OBH Regional Community Cultural and Sports Centre. That should hurry the rebuild up. Valerie Little, Tathra

The threat by V’Landys to take the grand final to Queensland is a slap in the face to thousands of real league supporters. Does he speak for everyone or is this just another political stunt? Gordon Dean, North Turramurra

Why doesn’t the NRL get their gambling company sponsors to stump up the cash for suburban ground upgrades and give taxpayers a break? Geoff Teys, Chippendale

The perceived benefit to the state of major sporting events is illusionary for the average person. All important games are televised extensively and the NRL is handsomely rewarded. We can watch the game if it takes place in another state. Sowerby Smith, Chatswood West

Football stadiums pale into insignificance. Premier, stick to your principles. Ann Flegg, Glenhaven


Voice detail can clear air for nation to get it right

George Brandis is right on two things (“The Voice will falter without transparency”, August 3). Firstly, Anthony Albanese has taken a courageous step in throwing himself and his government fully behind a referendum to include in the Constitution an Indigenous Voice to parliament, without much accompanying detail of how it would work. Secondly, he warns that Peter Dutton will have no doubts about how vulnerable a failure of this referendum would make the government and the PM himself, and without compunction, will set out to sabotage it at every step along the way. Regardless of the complexity, I sincerely hope that at least some detail is in the making. Donna Wiemann, Balmain


Credit: John Shakespeare

Brandis makes a good case for transparency in framing the discussion of the Voice to parliament, but I trust Albanese and Linda Burney to put out sufficient detail to convince Australians to support the proposal. If the opposition oppose it they would be on the wrong side of history, and would be forever condemned for it. Andrew Macintosh, Cromer

Brandis’ commonsense approach hit the nail on the head. Most Australians want to do the right thing by our First Nations people, but are being asked to vote without knowing the ramifications. We need to know the details so that we can make an informed decision. Albanese seems to think we should blindly trust him. Trust has to be earned first. Pamela Shepherd, Balgowlah

Brandis is right. He acknowledges the bipartisan and widespread popular support for recognition of First Nations in the Constitution. This opportunity must not be fumbled; an exposure draft of the legislation to give effect to the Voice is an excellent suggestion. It will focus the best legal minds and allow sufficient time for deliberation. Time for the deep thinking this momentous change warrants. The PM should give it serious consideration. Margaret Johnston, Paddington

The election of the Albanese government has brought with it a sense of relief and hope of a fairer and more optimistic society. However, that is not enough to get things done. Any reform, including the concept of a Voice to parliament, cannot be achieved without the hard work of convincing the majority. A feel-good weekend at Garma, stimulating as it may have been, is not enough. As Brandis suggests, the task requires both detail and pragmatism, or it runs the real risk of suffering the same fate as the 1999 republic referendum, which failed under the weight of division among its supporters. Albanese can’t afford that. Max Redmayne, Drummoyne

News you can use about planetary abuse

Congratulations to Ross Gittins for pointing out the basic truth that “without the environment, there wouldn’t be an economy” (“Knock-on impact of sick nature”, August 3). More congratulations for naming the root causes of environmental decline – the unsustainable growth in human population size and consumption per capita.

If our overarching goal is to maximise short-term economic growth (ie, business as usual), these truths should be ignored. If, however, we aim for sustained human wellbeing, our leaders and opinion-makers will need to take the road to Damascus and slay the growth dragon. The first steps are to acknowledge these truths and be explicit about goals. Alan Jones, Narraweena

Thank you, Ross Gittins, for the insightful article about the effects of what one might term a vicious circle of greed. Traditional economics teaches that self-interest is in our DNA; self-interest will ensure maximum output and living standards. Damage to the environment in that process can be dismissed as an “externality”. It is clear that the self-interest model is a “fallacy of composition”; what is good for me, may not be good for society at large. Mother Earth has through evolution brought about human existence. We need to pay much more attention to nurturing Mother Earth, for our long-term survival. Ferdo Mathews, Robina (QLD)

Better living in the ’70s

In the 1970s when a mortgage was taken out, interest rates were adjusted occasionally but caused no pain to the mortgagor because monthly payments did not change (“One more round of pain for the road”, August 3). The length of the term of the loan was simply either increased or decreased depending on the interest change. Additionally, only the male earner’s wage was counted in qualifying for a loan, thus obviating any concern over maternity issues which may interfere with capacity to make payments. You needed to demonstrate a sound savings record. Under normal circumstances there was no such thing as mortgage stress, let alone the mortgage hell being heaped upon the younger generations today. David Baird, Burradoo

Excise restraint

Despite the pain for motorists, the government should not be pressured to extend the cut in fuel tax (“Temporary cut in fuel tax should not be extended”, August 3). Our economy has been hammered by the generosity of JobSeeker, JobKeeper, management of COVID and the consequences of the floods. Add to this extra funds needed for healthcare, aged care, NDIS and the now obvious need to increase defence spending, this is no time to cut excise.

Apart from the US, Australia has the lowest petrol cost in OECD. The ban on Russian oil is the sole cause of our current higher prices. Petrol prices in Europe are about 50 per cent higher than Australia and always have been. The higher petrol price could be viewed as our small contribution to an effort to save Ukraine from Putin. There is also an additional “benefit” of pushing owners of large “gas-guzzling” SUVs and twin-cabs, to downsize to more economical vehicles or even hybrids. John Kempler, Rose Bay

Gear up for neutrality

Could anyone deny Australia is militarily a pimple on the back of the military colossus of China (“Marles calls in experts to plug gaps in defence”, August 3)? No matter how much we spend, acquire and train, and no matter who we ally ourselves with as part of an anti-China club, we lead with our chin and in any state-to-state conflict could expect to be given special and serious “attention” with dire consequences. Why not be like Switzerland, neutral?

Why not, as the sovereign state we claim to be, officially – perhaps constitutionally – declare ourselves to be neutral towards belligerents in a war, and spend the billions earmarked for making ourselves an unnecessary target on enhancing the prospects of our welfare, rather than the prospects of warfare? Fred Jansohn, Rose Bay

Reject the premise

As one of the many who have opposed the destruction of the Powerhouse Museum at Ultimo, I have noted a few comments from people of like opinion (“Six of 104 support museum concept”, August 3). There is a growing reluctance to make a submission because in the past the fundamental objections to the whole project have been ignored. No discussion is reported regarding the basic idea. Reports only deal with details of the implementation of the government’s plans. And there is a strong feeling that continuing to be involved in the “consultation” acknowledges that the few autocratic decision makers have a right to destroy this building, its collections and reputation, and our engagement legitimises their actions. It is not the private property of this small group: it belongs to the public, and it is long past time that our voices should be heard. Tom Lockley, Pyrmont

Age-old questions

Does Sarah Mitchell realise that if children start school in the year they turn six, there can still be 12 months difference in age between a child born on January 1 and one born on December 31 (“Minister’s goal to lift school start age to six”, August 3)? Much the same as the current age difference. Catherine Callachor, Terrigal

Where the memory remains

There is a park on the outskirts of Budapest – Memento Park – that contains all the street statues from their communist era. There is also an indoor museum attached to the otherwise outdoor site where movies from the communist era are shown – old newsreels etc. Some of the spy tactics shown are quite ingenious and hair-raising. They have moved on but never forgotten, it is well worth a visit. We could do similar here. Judy Jones, Thornleigh

Swan song for Ayres departure

I hope Stuart Ayres knows that there is an unfilled vacancy for NSW Trade Person in New York (“Ayres denies wrongdoing as he resigns from cabinet, as deputy Liberal leader”,, August 3). I’m sure his former boss would be good for a reference. And he already has a copy of the job description in his email.
Barry Ffrench, Cronulla

Is that a fair trade, minister? Geoff Nilon, Mascot

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

I am sure Ayres and John Barilaro sincerely believe they did nothing wrong and have been hard done by. That is the problem with entitlement. Elyse Sainty, North Sydney

Can’t wait to see the Stuart Ayres musical (Letters, August 3). Is it true there’s also an adaptation of a golden oldie that Ayres and Perrottet sing as a duet: I’m forever brewing troubles? And a last-minute addition, a heart-wrenching rendition of Time to Say Goodbye by Ayres? Joan Brown, Orange

Breaking news: the Stuart Ayres musical has announced it is adding Queen’s Another One Bites the Dust to the show. Jackie Allen, Faulconbridge

We can now add as a finale Bob Dylan’s The Times They Are A-Changin’. Bob Dillon, Bathurst

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Pelosi arrives in Taipei as China sends fighter jets to the Taiwan Strait
From PeterSSCS: ″⁣If Australia told China that their foreign minister should not go to the Solomon Islands, they would tell us to mind our business, and yet they say Pelosi should not go to Taiwan and make threats around that demand. Unbelievable!″⁣

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