

This was published 11 months ago

Opposition backing of Israel appalling

The opposition has gone too far in implying that the deaths of the World Central Kitchen aid workers are simply a sad result of the war in Gaza (“Israel may compensate families”, April 5). I am particularly appalled by David Littleproud’s comments implying that the Israeli government’s actions in response to the Hamas terrorist attack are what Australian citizens would expect of our government had we been attacked by terrorists. Let’s be clear: I do not expect our government to kill foreign aid workers assisting innocent civilians. Bruce McKinnon, Mosman

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

The prime minister’s rage was palpable about the death of the aid worker. Where was that rage when Hamas attacked Israel so viciously in October? And where is that rage now about the fate of the hostages? PM, please let’s have a balanced and unbiased view of this war. David Lloyd, Thornleigh

I am relieved to hear that US independent Jewish senator Bernie Sanders described the carnage in Gaza as “one of the worst humanitarian disasters in the modern history of the world” (“US ‘complicit’: Biden under pressure to halt weapons supply to Israel”, April 5).

With the constant destruction of schools, hospitals, shopping centres and homes (including tents), with starvation used as a weapon of war and with women and children numbering the majority of deaths in Gaza, stopping the flow of weapons of war to Israel is essential. Benjamin Netanyahu must be removed from power. Keith Woodward, Newport


If we can believe Israel, one must conclude its army is incompetent. Whether deliberate or not, this targeted attack on aid workers has cut food aid for the people of Palestine.
It’s good to hear Anthony Albanese and Joe Biden have spoken to Netanyahu, but actions speak louder than words. Cutting off the supply of weapons from Australia and the US and trade sanctions are required to stop war crimes. That’s assuming we care more for human life than business profit. Anne Matheson, Gordon


I must express my outrage at some letters (Letters, April 5). While it is understandable that emotions run high in the wake of such a terrible tragedy, there is not a skerrick of evidence to support the allegations that this was a deliberate act by the IDF. This incident is a public relations disaster for Israel that plays fully into the hands of Hamas.

This is not the first time the IDF has made a catastrophic error in Gaza; only a short time ago, three hostages who had escaped were killed by IDF fire. Deaths caused by mistaken identity happen regularly in war and these heroic aid workers are to be greatly admired for the selfless courage of putting themselves in the line of fire. The allegations of murder and deliberate intent to starve civilian have no place in a reputable newspaper. Harold Marshbaum, Longueville

Cooks River e-scooter plan invites disaster

The proposed Cooks River e-scooter route between Dulwich Hill and Tempe stations is simply irresponsible (“E-scooter trial to cover line closure”, April 5). Around the times of the morning and afternoon commutes, this pathway is busy with dog-walkers, cyclists, joggers and people of all ages, including the elderly, just out for a walk and a bit of fresh air.
Some dogs are off-leash and enjoy nothing more than racing randomly across the path regardless of what is coming. Already there is tension between cyclists (both E and pedal) and other users and there have been accidents, some serious, near misses and plenty of scares.
To introduce a mass of e-scooters, some of which will inevitably be ridden by idiots, into this mix, is a recipe for disaster. Liability in this regard is already fraught. If adopted, this proposal will be a lawyer’s picnic. Ross Jones, Earlwood

Inner West Greens councillor Dylan Griffiths on a Beam e-scooter outside Kogarah train station.

Inner West Greens councillor Dylan Griffiths on a Beam e-scooter outside Kogarah train station.Credit: Dion Georgopoulos

Amid the debate about the safety implications of “fat bikes” for pedestrians, it’s heartening to see a Sydney council proactively endorsing the adoption of e-scooters (Letters, April 5). These scooters have gained traction as a sustainable mode of urban commute across numerous European cities, and their integration into Australian transport culture should be encouraged. Given the disparity in laws among states, there’s merit in pursuing uniform national regulations. While contentious, we need to have the discussion on the need for registration and insurance and the display of number plates. These measures can aid in regulating and mitigating the risks posed by individuals who flout laws and jeopardise pedestrian safety. John Kempler, Rose Bay

An outpouring of anguish over fat tyre e-bikes is all very well. But let’s be clear, there are numerous variants of illegal electric vehicles in widespread use. These include the small wheeled, throttle-driven, high-speed bikes preferred by food delivery riders; regular e-bikes modified for high speeds; electric skateboards and scooters. On footpaths and shared paths, these machines are mixing with legal bikes, kids on bikes, pedestrians and unleashed dogs. It’s a mess. Apparently, councils are powerless, and the police are busy harassing climate protesters. Tom McGinness, Randwick


The e-bike horse has already bolted. In this week’s catalogue, the German supermarket is advertising all terrain electric bikes for just over $1000. One can only hope they will be as scarce as the usual centre aisle bargains. Vivienne Mackenzie, Port Hacking

Work voices

It’s good to see Peter Dutton preparing for a post-politics career in comedy (“Peter Dutton, friend of the working class, for now”, April 5). “The Liberal Party is now the party of the worker,” he says, in the best joke for years. Even funnier than John Howard’s “Work Choices”. Phil Teece, Sunshine Bay

What we might be witnessing is not a thoughtful approach to opposition, however bizarre, but the thrashing around of a man who’ll likely be out of a job after the next election. Not that there are any obvious successors. Greg Baker, Fitzroy Falls

Front-of-house, and mind

While young families need a dumping area for school bags and shoes, older citizens find a reminder area at the front door more useful (“Hall or nothing: families want flats with dumping area”, April 5). We need somewhere for shopping bags, keys, library books and other items we can’t leave home without. Sally James, Cromer


Tall orders

I think NSW Building Commissioner David Chandler would agree they know how to build buildings in Taiwan (“‘Non-stop aftershocks were terrifying’“, April 5). With the recent problem with buildings in Sydney, I doubt they would sit at the angle of those in the Hualien earthquake without fully collapsing. Anthony Healy, Willoughby East

Scandal’s questionable behaviour casts a long shadow

Since its beginnings, the story of Brittany Higgins and Bruce Lehrmann has cast a shadow on the behaviour of some young people, questioned the security of Parliament House, and bewildered us with court procedures and compensation rates (“Creepy Spotlight saga ruining reputation of all journalists”, April 5). In its most recent manifestation, it not only diminishes the reputation of journalists but leaves those of us still naive enough to believe in ethical behaviour feeling extremely grubby. Heather Johnson, West Pennant Hills

Jacqueline Maley expresses concern that the Spotlight saga has stitched up all journalists. What of all the young men? Needled, sown into a patchwork quilt of bad behaviour which seems to have been normalised amid the commercial jousts of big business in the courts and media, young men have been die-cast, appearing incapable of better behaviour or simply incapable of being able to identify what is inappropriate behaviour. A sad reflection on our society in an era of unparalleled narcissism. Rod Cunich, Vaucluse

It does seem to be a waste of valuable court time and somewhat ironic that everyone embroiled in the sordid Lehrmann cases is trying to defend their reputations. Tony Doyle, Fairy Meadow

Illustration: Dyson

Illustration: DysonCredit:


Fission impossible

It is to his credit that Matt Kean has actively opposed the stance taken by the Coalition for Conservation over its stance for nuclear energy (“Matt Kean quits conservation group over nuclear stance”,, April 5). Kean has a history of acting with both principle and community interests at the forefront and I applaud his stance. Despite all the talk from the current oppositions the elephant in the room when discussing nuclear energy is always the downstream pollutant impact of spent fuel rods. The resultant problem will last many thousands of years and the world has not yet solved this issue.

It would be irresponsible for any government to promote nuclear energy for any purpose given that such a decision will have an inevitable impact lasting for multiple generations. The fundamental principle of any decision-maker should always be focused on promoting policies and activities that do no harm, immediate or long term, to life on this planet. Anything else would be totally irresponsible. Short-term solutions with such potential for very long-term harm are plainly stupid.
Chris Rivers, Port Macquarie

Could you please tell me of any carbon capture and sequestration schemes in Australia that are successful economically and scientifically (Letters, April 5)? I know that the much-lauded Chevron/Gorgon project has had a number of problems and it was the biggest in Australia. All the CCS projects in the world would only deal with about 10 per cent of Australia’s output of carbon. Brian Grant, Casino

Train of thought

If public transport is a microcosm of the world, then everyone is addicted to their phones (“I’d give my kid a flaming Sambuca over a smartphone”, April 5). It’s a shame as there is so much to see looking out the window. On one train ride in Sydney recently I saw beautiful grand homes, the minaret of a mosque, a bat colony, a double bass case on a veranda, Old Government House, sheep grazing on a factory lot and countless lines of washing drying. All while listening to an audiobook, which is the only way to drown out the noise coming from other phones. Lisa Clarke, Watsons Bay


Institutions need scrutiny

Most solicitors have encountered financial abuse of the vulnerable, and we definitely need an inquiry (“Inquiry to shine light on financial abuse”, April 5). However, most instances of financial abuse involve financial institutions and the situation won’t improve unless financial institutions adopt more sensible practices. While they should not happily accept the word of a customer’s relative who appears at the counter with a power of attorney in their favour, some banks have gone too far in the other direction, even requiring the incapacitated or bedridden to attend their bank branch. Why could the bank not send a representative to attend at their customer’s residence? They are prepared to do that if a home loan is in the offing. Carol Flanagan, West Pennant Hills

Bigger picture

In depicting Croydon residents as privileged NIMBYs, some key facts have been omitted (Letters, April 5). Burwood Council has already exceeded the long-term housing targets set 20 years ago. I live in Croydon. The two schools within 100 metres of my home have doubled in size since I moved here. Our local government area has another 5000 dwellings planned for the new metro station area, and expects to almost double the total population from 40,000 people to 73,000 by 2036. Burwood did so by concentrating development in the town centre. The trade-off was lower-density housing in its heritage areas like Croydon. Stop cherry-picking statistics, look at the whole plan. Michael Fullerton, Croydon

Department of youth

Are some writers living in la-la-land, extolling the benefits of having children when quite young by totally ignoring the elephant in the room (Letters, April 5)? The cost of housing. Just how on earth does a young family rent a unit or home, let alone save to purchase one, with a couple of toddlers in tow when not long out of school themselves. I have no problem with anyone having a baby at whatever age they deem suitable but without basic and secure housing in place, it’s not an easy path and one that is getting more and more difficult by the day. Wendy Janssens, Newport

On the charge

As an EV owner and someone who has just completed a driving holiday from the Blue Mountains to Tasmania, I agree that there need to be more charging stations and at easily accessible sites (Letters, April 5). Each day we had to carefully plan our trip around where we could find chargers and rarely were they in small towns that we would like to visit. There is no uniformity with charging stations – they are all owned by different companies which vary from state to state and this necessitates the downloading of many different apps for charging and payments. The variance in time it takes to charge is another issue as there are not enough fast chargers which means one car is tying up the charger for a longer period of time. We love our EV, but many times found the experience exasperating. Lynne Egan, Glenbrook

Sound familiar?

Niki Savva describes a situation that’s still all too familiar, but not only in Liberal politics (“Fury of Liberal women scorned”, April 4). Women in any field that’s traditionally been male-dominated will identify with the feeling they don’t belong; they are constantly treated as though they have no right to be there. Sometimes it seems nothing has changed in the last century in relation to attitudes, perceptions, and a sense of male entitlement. This is a problem that needs to be properly recognised and eliminated on a national scale in order for Australia to be taken seriously by our professional, business and trading partners. Jenifer Nicholls, Armadale (Vic)

Obituary ovation

I appreciate that most of us want to read about the rich and famous, or those who built cars and survived battles (“Celebrating a mum, a stalwart of society”,, April 4). But this obituary of a woman who triumphed over her mother, sickness, grief and financial misfortune ranks with all of them. She appears to have been someone who would spend time with you and make you feel better just by giving you a cup of tea and a Monte Carlo. Thank you for letting me see into a life that was worth living. David Neilson, Araluen (NT)

Betty Mackay

Betty Mackay

Thank you for publishing Carol MacKay’s beautifully written tribute to her mum. Thank you, Betty MacKay; a life well lived. Jo Rainbow, Orange

Accor blimey

Don’t waste $300 million putting a roof on Accor Stadium at Sydney Olympic Park but use that money on developing much-needed housing (“Codes want $300m roof on stadium”, April 5). Graham Russell, Clovelly

Social snippets

Not sure about the dirty jokes and all that side of it but Ron the barber has been operating his social hub in the arcade in Blenheim Road, North Ryde for decades (“I want an old school barber, dirty jokes and all”, April 5). Lyn Langtry, East Ryde


Most letter writers were “appalled” by what they described as the “NIMBY behaviour and self-entitlement” of seven Palm Beach residents who objected to the extended hours proposed at a new restaurant. The complainants live 600 metres away from The Joey and felt impacted by the noise.

Colin Stokes of Camperdown was sympathetic towards the residents “held siege by the forces of conviviality”. “Here in Camperdown, within a 500-metre radius, there are dozens of noise emitting pubs, bars and restaurants whose faint music, effusive conversations and clinking glasses serve as a constant reminder that someone, somewhere, is having a better time than me. On some dreadful mornings, I even find myself woken by the sound of children laughing in the park,” he wrote.


“Young Sydneysider” Greg Khatchigian of Ermington “commended the premier for finally putting nightlife back in the spotlight” and agreeing to meet the Palm Beach restaurant owners. “After years of lockout laws and COVID restrictions, I say move away NIMBYs and keep Sydney open.”

For other (possibly older) correspondents it was an opportunity to invite the premier to talk about the ongoing problems in their neighbourhoods: a Burraneer resident wanted to discuss the scourge of “illegal fat bikes”, an Austinmer local needed to alleviate the mess created by bushwalkers, and a Northern Rivers denizen would simply have been happy with the “secret code word or handshake” that was required to get a visit from the premier.

On hearing of the so-far rejected requests of others, Yamba’s Col Shephard had seemingly lost hope: “So much for the premier saying on election night, ‘We will govern for everyone in NSW’.” Pat Stringa, letters editor

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