

This was published 11 months ago

Celebrating a mum, a stalwart of society

By Carol Mackay

BETTY JOYCE MACKAY September 1933-March 2024

Published obituaries are most often about public-facing figures. Stalwarts of society. Those who live larger than life. But for every one of these, there are thousands of others who live quietly in the background, whose lives are just as important to their family, to their friends and to society. My mother was one of these.

Betty Day was born in South Hampton, England in 1933. She was the third child born to an unwilling, unmaternal mother, and a father who spent most of his life at sea. When WWII broke, my grandmother was visiting family in Australia. She chose not to return. My grandfather continued his ship-steward career during the war and died “lost at sea, presumably drowned”.

As many children during the war, mum lived an unhappy life passed from relative to relative, and then onto foster homes. Her mother remarried and bought a milkbar in Murray Street, Prahran. As soon as war ended, she sent for mum saying she needed help in the shop.

After a few years at school, as soon as mum was able, she started work outside the shop. One of her early jobs was the tuberculosis clinic in Little Lonsdale Street. It was a small state-sponsored clinic to treat and eradicate TB. It was just a matter of months before mum caught tuberculosis and was sent to the sanatorium for consumptives in Greenvale.

TB was highly infectious and, at that time, was a socially shunned disease. My grandmother disowned mum, telling friends she had glandular fever and had returned to England. Mum had few visitors for the two years she spent at the sanatorium.

Fortunately, the next bed was occupied by a daughter of a lovely family who visited often. They eventually offered mum a home. That family – the Moores of Raleigh Street, Essendon, were the link to mum meeting dad – Percy Mackay.

Dad also had TB. He joined the army, spent three weeks training at Puckapunyal and left with TB, spending 12 months at the sanatorium.

Mum and dad married after a very short engagement, one of the first marriages in a freshly built church in Hotham Road, Niddrie.

They soon bought a house in Glenroy, but the credit crunch of the 1950s, along with dad needing hospitalisation to remove half of one lung, meant they had to sell their new home at a loss.


Mark, their eldest son was born in a rented house in Marco Polo Street, Essendon. A second son Gary was born just 15 months later, dying tragically at 13 weeks. It was especially tragic because mum gave birth, and buried Gary while dad was back in hospital having half of the other lung removed. Mum took the hour-and-a-half trip via two buses each way daily to visit dad. He was so ill the doctors advised mum not to tell dad his son had died, instead to pretend all was well.

Dad returned home and they saved to build again. I was six weeks old when we moved into a new house on an AV Jennings estate in Airport West. My sister Wendy followed just two years after.

Stability was everything to my mother. Along with my father, they gave us the safest of childhoods in the safest of houses in the safest of streets.

Betty Mackay didn’t want a funeral, she wanted her family gathered around her table enjoying her favourite meal, takeaway Chinese.

Betty Mackay didn’t want a funeral, she wanted her family gathered around her table enjoying her favourite meal, takeaway Chinese.

It was a tight neighbourhood where every adult was viewed as an uncle or aunt and streets were for cricket games.

Mum learnt to sew and made our clothes. She learnt to knit and made our jumpers. And she learnt to cook and put a roast on the table every Sunday, rotating between chicken, lamb and roast beef and Yorkshire puddings.

As soon as Wendy was weaned, mum (along with many of the other young mothers in the area) waitressed at the Cockpit restaurant at Essendon Airport. Dad would pull into the driveway and with the seat in the car still warm, mum drove out to work the dinner shift.

Once we were all school age, she trained as a data-entry operator. Every morning, she left at 7.30 to walk the 15 minutes to the 59 tram for the 45-minute trip to a city, returning at 6pm to finish putting dinner on the table.

At weekends, she stood cheering at the sidelines of netball and football games. Sundays she cooked casseroles, making meals from the Women’s Weekly cookbook.

When it was deemed the new suburb needed a community hall, mum and dad formed a committee and raised enough funds to build the RG Ratcliff Community Hall, named after the local mayor. Over the next decade or so, dad was president and mum secretary of the committee, continually fundraising to make improvements. The hall still stands, as the place to be for sporting club award nights, fetes, weddings, and birthday celebrations.

Mum was president of Neighbourhood Watch for over a decade. She joined the Airport West Tennis Club and then later Strathmore. She joined the Essendon Croquet Club and was a member of a local walking club.

A decade after dad died, mum moved from the family home to the Keilor retirement village. There she met new people, tried aqua aerobics, learnt bridge, was a regular at the Thursday night dinners and the local pokies venue.

Mum lived a fulfilled, busy life until her late 80s when a myriad of health issues made life difficult, but even when unwell it was her home we all returned to for birthdays and Christmas.

This woman, an introvert by nature, with a broken childhood, without family support and without much education built a strong, family unit with strong family values.

She has left three successful children all of whom have been with their partners for over 30 years. She left three grandchildren (Skye, Kate and Cara and partners Scott and Daniel) who all cherished her care and affection, and she’s left a suburb richer for her life.

As is her wish, there was no funeral and there will be no grave. Her legacy is our memories of a life well lived.

Carol Mackay is Betty Mackay’s daughter.

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