

This was published 2 years ago

Old enemies cop it sweet in Keating and Perrottet’s architecture double act

By Michael Koziol
This story is part of an in-depth series investigating the Barangaroo precinct, one of Sydney’s largest urban renewal projects.See all 19 stories.

The bromance between Dominic Perrottet and Paul Keating bridges a gap in both age and political persuasion. The Liberal premier, 40, and the former Labor prime minister, 78, share an interest in economics, a passion for architecture, and, in Keating’s words, a civic conscience.

“What Perrottet and I have in common is we regard public life as a vocation, not an occupation,” he told the Herald last year. “He understands that political authority in the end goes to people who make the big policy decisions – it does not go to people who do well in news management.”

Former prime minister Paul Keating and NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet at Barangaroo on Thursday.

Former prime minister Paul Keating and NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet at Barangaroo on Thursday.Credit: Kate Geraghty

The two men joined forces on Thursday to do both; to kibosh a developer’s proposal for taller, bigger buildings in the final piece of Barangaroo, and to do so with a touch of theatre, standing together at Nawi Cove with Keating’s beloved headland park rising grandly behind them.

At times, their routine was reminiscent of that scene from Chicago where Velma Kelly (Keating) valiantly tries to sign up Roxy Hart (Perrottet) to her own barnstorming double act, as a bemused Roxy watches on.

Perrottet avoided tapping his watch as Keating took the press pack through a laundry list of old Barangaroo grievances and enemies, from Sydney’s Lord Mayor Clover Moore to architect and former councillor Philip Thalis and the “fruitcakes” of the architectural establishment.

“If you want to know about kitchen amendments and you want to put a new toilet in the corridor somewhere, call the NSW Institute of Architects – that’s their speed,” Keating said.

“What really gives them the horrors up at the Institute of Architects is that the public love this place. The public are down here all the time. [But] what would they know? They’re not members of the institute.”

On that point, Perrottet agreed. “The Institute of Architects have absolutely no idea, they have absolutely no idea, and it’s poor architecture that ruins great cities,” he said.


In a statement, the Australian Institute of Architects said it would not be deterred from advocating design-centred planning “to benefit the entire community rather than a select few”.

Its national president Shannon Battisson said Sydney, like many cities “must balance the necessity for growth with the need to maintain the layers of history that combine to make the city one of the most beautiful in the world”.

Premier Dominic Perrottet and former prime minister Paul Keating praised the Barangaroo development as a winner.

Premier Dominic Perrottet and former prime minister Paul Keating praised the Barangaroo development as a winner.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Keating and Perrottet also took aim at Moore’s long-running description of Sydney as a “city of villages” – a bugbear of Keating for many years. “She’s for low-rise, she’s for sandal-wearing, muesli-chewing, bike-riding pedestrians,” he famously said in 2011.

On Thursday he asked: “Is New York a village? No. Should Sydney be a village? No.” Perrottet wholeheartedly agreed. “Sydney is a global city and our people deserve the very best,” he said.

Alex Greenwich, the independent member for Sydney long allied to Moore, later weighed in on the New York comparison. “Sydney is more SoHo than Times Square, and that’s a good thing,” he said.

The Herald did not escape unscathed, either. “People have always celebrated those wonderful tall buildings that sit at the end of New York. Except, of course, The Sydney Morning Herald,” Keating said. “It celebrates nothing of this kind ... talk about a warped sense of news.”

Paul Keating said NSW was lucky to have Dominic Perrottet as premier because he had a “civic conscience”.

Paul Keating said NSW was lucky to have Dominic Perrottet as premier because he had a “civic conscience”.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Keating chastised Sydney’s paper of record for its opposition to Jorn Utzon’s Opera House design back in the day, asserting: “If we’d listened to The Sydney Morning Herald, we would have a bunch of tram sheds down there.”

And if the Herald had its way a decade ago, Keating claimed, Barangaroo would still be “a concrete wharf”, referring to the Thalis design concept. To be fair, he exempted this correspondent from his criticism.

This week, the Herald has published a series, Barangaroo: The Verdict, examining what worked about the project, what could be better and what is still to come. The former prime minister traded fresh barbs with Thalis, who was quoted in one of those stories arguing that Keating’s Nawi Cove inlet should not count as open space.


“Well, it looks pretty open to me,” Keating said, turning and gesturing to the water. “[Thalis] said, ‘You can’t walk on it.’ But there’s no building on it, that’s the key point.”

Perrottet and Keating hinted at a possible reprise of their double act as they indulged their mutual distaste for the Cahill Expressway and suggested they might ask Prime Minister Anthony Albanese for money to demolish it. [As prime minister in 1994, Keating unsuccessfully offered to pay John Fahey’s NSW government to do so.]

“We’ll go to Albo,” Perrottet said to Keating with a grin. “You might have a better chance than me.”

What Keating said

On architects: “There’s a concept which they don’t speak of, it’s called layering. L-A-Y-E-R-I-N-G. These people said to me at the time: ‘What the Maritime Services Board did to Sydney Harbour was shocking, but it’s now part of our history and we’ve got to take it like a man’.”

On the Herald: “The Sydney Morning Herald opposed the Opera House all the years from the ’40s to the ’50s. They wanted to keep the tram sheds. They loved the fact that the Edwardian brick tram sheds could have adaptive reuse. The Cahill government said no.”

On Clover Moore: “If she and her deputy had not insisted on encouraging Premier [Barry] O’Farrell to remove the hotel on the water, there would have been no space given to Lend Lease for the casino. The casino is here because of Clover Moore and her former deputy. They can wriggle all they like on that particular hook, but I’m afraid they’re stuck on it.”

On alternative plans for Barangaroo: “You’ve got that dull proposal that was issued by Philip Thalis, and 10 or 11 years later, we haven’t heard the end of it. It was basically keeping the concrete wharf and grassing it. It was a piece of rubbish, that’s why he got ignored.”

On the Crown tower: “If it hadn’t been for James Packer’s personal commitment to the quality of the building, it wouldn’t be there. His family, his sister and his mother, knew that they were committing their equity in Crown to this building which would not otherwise have been commercially built.”

On Dominic Perrottet: “States get lucky. They get people with a civic conscience. And we have one with the premier.”

On Barangaroo: “The greatest number of visitors here [on the] weekend are people from western Sydney with kids. We haven’t reserved this for rich people who own all the harbour land.”

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