

This was published 3 years ago

Dominic Perrottet, the archetypal man in a hurry

By Deborah Snow and Matt Wade

Anyone who recalled Dominic Perrottet’s first speech to parliament in 2011 would have heard the faint echoes of an old theme in the Premier’s interview with 2GB’s Ben Fordham this week.

Fresh from his inauguration as the youngest person ever to reach the top job in NSW, Perrottet was eager to talk up his forthcoming pandemic economic recovery plan.

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet with Deputy Premier Paul Toole on Wednesday.

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet with Deputy Premier Paul Toole on Wednesday.Credit: James Brickwood

“Over time … the public service and the bureaucracy just build up obstacles which [do] not allow businesses to flourish” he told Fordham on Wednesday. “Importantly [the plan] gets government out of the way.”

It was a revealing flash of the ultra-dry economic instincts which led him a decade ago to “reject calls for more government spending and intervention in our lives”.

Ironic, then, that the man who dubbed his 2017 budget the “envy of the western world” - flush as it was then with funds from the sale of electricity assets - now presides over a historic pandemic-fuelled deficit tipped to overshoot $8.6 billion.

The very “government spending and intervention” he once decried has been the chief bulwark against economic and social devastation for much of the last 18 months.

As he reflected wryly this week, “you don’t get to choose the times in which you live”.

Perrottet oozes confidence that the state will bounce back from the 15-week lockdown stronger than ever. NSW notched up a 70 per cent double vaccine rate for over-16s on Wednesday, and now hurtles towards 80 per cent.

Less than 24 hours after being sworn in as Gladys Berejiklian’s successor, Perrottet decreed that her much-vaunted “crisis cabinet” would get a name change, to become the “COVID and Economic Recovery Committee”.


The 11am press briefings would be swept away, in favour of lower-key updates earlier in the day. And on Thursday, flanked by several of his senior ministers, he unveiled a number of significant changes to Berejiklian’s road map which will hasten the pace of the state’s reopening.


Journalists were quick to zero-in on the absence of chief health officer, Dr Kerry Chant, whose imprimatur had been stamped on nearly every phase of pandemic management under Berejiklian.

The AMA declared its alarm that the health advice appeared no longer to be the chief determinant of the path out of lockdown – alarm the new leader counteracted by invoking the parallel economic crisis.

Perrottet sprang another surprise on Thursday evening, announcing that Michael Coutts-Trotter, husband of federal Labor front bencher Tanya Plibersek and a highly regarded state bureaucrat, would become the new head of his premier’s department.

This flurry of change in his first three days as leader is quintessential Perrottet, the archetypal man in a hurry. He’s an avid runner, one of 12 siblings, who at 39 is already raising six children with his wife, Helen, a senior contract lawyer with Defence. His father John, who still works on tourism projects for the World Bank, once recalled him as a “boisterous” child whose “brain really goes at 1000 miles an hour”.

Astonishingly, Perrottet has managed to hop electorates no less than three times, entering the parliament as the state member for Castle Hill before becoming the member for Hawkesbury in 2015 and then, in 2019, sliding into the seat of Epping having failed to reclaim his old seat of Castle Hill. The move to Epping, designed to reduce his commute time, only became possible when a factional ally agreed to vacate that seat for him and move to the upper house, thus heading off a renewed civil war inside the party.

Perrottet’s conservative brand of Catholicism, with its links to the tightly-knit Opus Dei spiritual community, has come under close scrutiny since his elevation to premier.

His inaugural speech cited “the dignity of every human being … whether they are born or unborn”. He opposed the decriminalisation of abortion in NSW in 2019 and stands poised to vote against voluntary assisted dying when it comes before state parliament. His defence of the sanctity of the confessional, even when that might stop a priest reporting instances of child sexual abuse, has been out of step with the times.

In parliament he’s associated with the party’s conservative wing, and this week Attorney-General Mark Speakman, from the party’s moderate faction, reportedly labelled him the “the most conservative premier the state has had since World War II”.

But friends on both sides of the political divide say depictions of Perrottet as a religious fundamentalist are overstated.

Sam Crosby, a former Labor candidate married to upper house ALP member Rose Jackson, got to know Perrottet at university. The link was through Perrottet’s brother, Charlie, who served with Crosby on the Sydney University Student Union

“When I read all the religious extremism stuff about him, I just think ‘God, you’ve clearly never met him’,” says Crosby, who still counts him as a “very good friend”.

Former Labor Prime Minister Paul Keating also maintains that the “stuff about Opus Dei is overdone … we all change, anyway, we all get a bit smarter as we go on”.

Freshly crowned NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet, right, and deputy Liberal leader Stuart Ayres, left, after the ceremony on Tuesday.

Freshly crowned NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet, right, and deputy Liberal leader Stuart Ayres, left, after the ceremony on Tuesday.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

Perrottet has made no secret of his admiration for Keating, whose counsel he seeks from time to time, while Keating appears to see something of himself in Perrottet’s appetite for risk in pursuit of bold reform. “You don’t get into politics to stay still, you get into politics to reform,” Perrottet declared in 2017.


“What Perrottet and I have in common is we regard public life as a vocation, not an occupation,” Keating told the Herald. “He understands that political authority in the end goes to people who make the big policy decisions, it does not go to people who do well in news management.

“Dominic went to the De La Salle brothers as I did. You were taught we all arrive equally and all die equally, help one another, the focus on compassion and public good. This bloke is a good soul with good values.”

Another endorsement from across the political aisle has come from Victorian Labor treasurer Tim Pallas, who in 2019 told a Sydney business conference that he and Perrottet were the “(John) Lennon and (Paul) McCartney of reform”.

Perrottet has been a driving force inside the Board of Treasurers, a forum for state and territory treasurers (which deliberately excludes their federal counterpart) to “advance national reform priorities from a state and territory perspective”.

In 2019 Perrottet used the budget to push for sweeping change, labelling federal-state financial relations “a mess” that penalised the “reforming states”.

“States that do nothing to strengthen their economies reap windfall gains from other states that do,” he said. “This is not a system that’s fit for purpose. And NSW can no longer wait for others to act.”

Friends on both sides of the political divide say depictions of Dominic Perrottet as a religious fundamentalist are overstated.

Friends on both sides of the political divide say depictions of Dominic Perrottet as a religious fundamentalist are overstated.Credit: Louise Kennerley

Perrottet appointed a high-powered panel to review state-federal relations - a unilateral move that raised eyebrows in other capitals and produced recommendations which included a lift in the GST rate or expanding its base. The proposals have gained little traction.

When Western Australia struck a deal with Scott Morrison in 2018 for a greater share of GST revenues, Perrottet wrote to all NSW coalition senators demanding they oppose the deal unless it contained a “no worse-off” guarantee for other states.

That guarantee, subsequently legislated, is due to run out in 2026-27 but Perrottet says it must continue. He recently dubbed WA premier Mark McGowan the “Gollum” of Australian politics for sitting on what the NSW leader regards as an overly generous share of GST revenue.

But when Perrottet signalled this week he would be picking up the cudgels again on the issue, Morrison slapped him down. “The deal is done. It’s ended. It’s not something I’m revisiting,” the Prime Minister told Perth radio.

Scott Morrison with then Premier  Gladys Berejiklian and Treasurer Perrottet announcing COVID financial relief in July.

Scott Morrison with then Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Treasurer Perrottet announcing COVID financial relief in July. Credit: Wolter Peeters

In July, Perrottet clashed with Morrison and federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg over his calls for the Commonwealth to reinstate JobKeeper as NSW went into lockdown.


After days of fruitless talks with his federal colleagues, Perrottet finally went on Sky TV to drop a heavy hint that NSW was poised to go it alone on a wage subsidy plan, galvanising Canberra into action on a joint package of support for stricken businesses and individuals.

It was later reported by Nine columnist Niki Savva that a frustrated Morrison had “hurled the F-bomb” at Perrottet during the negotiations, a story neither man has denied when subsequently questioned about it.

Factional ructions

Perrottet’s seniority and standing inside the Liberal party might have made his ascension to the top job after Berejiklian’s resignation seem a foregone conclusion. But factional ructions were causing grief behind the scenes.

Perrottet’s hard-right group had been in alliance for several years with the NSW party’s dominant “moderates” faction, led by Energy and Environment Minister Matt Kean. This stability pact was aimed at curbing the influence of a third group of MPs, the centre-right, which is led by Police Minister David Elliott and aligned with Scott Morrison.

The alliance between the hard right and the moderates, which had bolstered Berejiklian during her premiership, was meant to deliver an easy succession to Perrottet with Kean as his deputy.

Instead the plan was thrown into disarray immediately after Berejiklian’s resignation, when elements of the centre-right put out word they’d be backing “anyone but Perrottet”. “They were trying to shake us down,” one moderate MP says. “They were saying ‘we will give you a moderate premier but you can’t have Perrottet’.”

What had immediately upset the centre-right grouping were ructions in the Hills district, where their long-standing power base was under threat from potential changes to preselection processes for local councillors in the upcoming local government elections (due on December 4). The Liberal party’s Local Government Oversight Committee, which was actively involved in the shake-up, has Perrottet’s brother Charlie as its deputy chair. This convinced some in the centre-right that Perrottet himself was involved in what they saw as an unnecessary provocation.

Dominic Perrottet with daughters Harriet and Beatrice outside their Beecroft home on Sunday.

Dominic Perrottet with daughters Harriet and Beatrice outside their Beecroft home on Sunday.Credit: Nick Moir

In apparent efforts to split the moderate vote, centre-right overtures were made to several moderate ministers including Planning Minister Rob Stokes and Mark Speakman.

Stokes had decided to run in any case, believing a contest was a better look for the party. At one stage, Stokes is said to have thought he could count on 15 to 18 votes. But Kean “went into overdrive”, a party source says, whipping the numbers back behind Perrottet. Stokes remained in the race but on the day of the contest emerged with only five votes to Perrottet’s convincing 39.

When the centre-right swung their numbers back behind Perrottet, the minister for Jobs and Western Sydney Stuart Ayres had emerged as deputy, though Kean has landed the coveted job of Treasurer. Ayres, the MP for Penrith, is seen as a necessary bulwark against Labor in western Sydney seats between now and the 2023 state election.

A spokeswoman for the new premier said he’d “not had any involvement in the Liberal Party’s local government activities”.

Crazy-brave reform

Talent, ambition and drive have all played a part in Perrottet’s rise. But so has luck. Gladys Berejiklian and before her, Mike Baird, might both have remained premiers for much longer under different circumstances. Baird left for personal reasons, while Berejiklian is under an ICAC cloud. Those dominoes falling early gave Perrottet his opportunity.

His appetite for crazy-brave reform has seen him lauded by economists enthused by his push to try and replace stamp duty with an annual land tax on property.

Among them is budget expert Chris Richardson who invokes Keating’s former chief of staff Don Russell dividing politicians into “doers” and “pleasers”.

“What’s the point of being a pleaser?” said Richardson. “You might as well be a doer and achieve something along the way, and on track-record to date Perrottet is a doer.” If successful the stamp duty overhaul will be one of the biggest tax reforms in a generation but it is a strategy fraught with political danger.


Perrottet’s crash or crash-through propensity has also brought him grief, particularly over one of his pet projects, icare, the revamped the state’s workers compensation scheme set up under his watch. A Herald investigation last year exposed poor governance, and the underpayment of thousands of injured workers on top of hundreds of million dollars in losses.

Labor’s then finance spokesman Daniel Mookhey accused Perrottet of having allowed a “cowboy culture” to take root in the organisation.

There was further embarrassment for Perrottet following revelations that a staff member seconded to his office, former US Republican Party adviser, Ed Yap, was on the icare payroll despite having virtually no involvement with the insurer. Perrottet’s chief of staff resigned over the issue citing administrative error.

Perrottet later apologised for the underpayment of workers. But he also said: “I always prefer to make the mistake of doing something than make the mistake of not doing anything at all”.

The economic crisis caused by the pandemic has forced Perrottet to change his tune on government debt. Prior to COVID-19 he portrayed NSW’s low debt levels as evidence of “strong financial management”. But Perrottet now frames public borrowing as an opportunity for the state to invest in the future, given the super-low level of global interest rates. Though NSW carried no net-debt between mid-2017 and 2020 it is now forecast to top $100 billion by mid-2025, a forecast that predates the Delta outbreak in June.

One thing seems certain. Gone is the caution of the Berejiklian years. Life under the new leader could be a roller coaster ride in more ways than one.

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