

This was published 4 years ago

Off course, of course, is par for the course

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

Let me get this straight: the federal government believes communication and arts degrees are far too cheap for the value they provide, and proposes to double them in price (''It doesn't add up: STEM students will also be hurt'', June 22). As a lecturer in communication, I feel pretty good about that. But the government says these degrees have poor jobs outcomes, so it will cut the cost of degrees with guaranteed jobs using the income generated by higher-cost degrees to pay for it.

But wait, HECS is a deferred payment scheme that relies on students getting jobs, so how will the government recoup the money from all those out-of-work but brilliantly educated arts and communication graduates to ensure this is going to be, as the Minister for Education claims, cost neutral? Maybe Dan Tehan should have taken maths when it was free, as opposed to arts, his preferred choice. Felicity Biggins, Cooks Hill

The increase in fees for humanities is a political stunt. It fits in with community misconceptions and the Coalition's ideological agenda, but it doesn't fit in with reality. HSC students who are locked into their subjects in years 11 and 12 cannot, or are unlikely to, change their choice of uni study. But many who choose to study humanities subjects at uni will now be burdened with an added HECS debt. That's unfair.

In any case, where are the jobs in maths, science, engineering and health? In the absence of major structural change to the Australian economy, they will not appear any time soon. If more students complete STEM and health degrees, most of them will be forced to work overseas. Geoff Black, Caves Beach

What is the point of making some university fees cheaper when, after graduation, the salaries are on the lower scale. The reason for the shortage of certain professions is that they are not paid enough. John Cronly, Turramurra

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Letter writers are right to be concerned about the study of humanities being made too expensive for many Australian students (Letters, June 22). We should also be dismayed at the continuing trend of turning universities into degree factories. Many of Australia's intellectual giants and greatest cultural exports, such as Germaine Greer, Clive James and Robert Hughes, learnt as much from the rich extracurricular life as they did in lecture theatres. By attempting to mould universities into factories that churn out operatives for employers, Dan Tehan risks crushing the very creativity that could make Australia a cleverer country. Mike Reddy, Vincentia

How can we, quiet Australians, who value the importance of humanities and communication to a thoughtful society, help prevent yet another nail being pounded into the coffin of what a university should be? Anne Ring, Coogee

Interesting coincidence – just when recent global events spark critical examination of our own history the federal government announces a program to price humanities degrees out of universities. But then, we do have a PM who believes Captain Cook circumnavigated Australia, so perhaps I shouldn't be so cynical. Ian Hill, Bungendore


Australia, the clever … sorry, not so clever … No, sorry. Australia, the rather silly … no wait, really stupid country. Tom Orren, Wamberal Heights

Powerhouse plan running out of juice

Correspondent Chris Taylor is right to say the west of Sydney deserves a world-class cultural facility (Letters, June 22). But he missed two key issues. Firstly, the Parramatta Powerhouse does not need to see the destruction of the existing facility and the loss of a world-class museum to the east. Secondly, the new Powerhouse will house only about 10 per cent of the collection as a permanent museum display. The rest will spend most of its time in storage, never to be seen by east or west. Geoff Wannan, Dawes Point

Your "friends" in the east do not want to deprive the diverse community in the west of a world-class cultural facility. Many suggestions have been proposed that avoid building a second museum in Parramatta and destroying a colonial house and row of terraces. Ann Eskens, Crows Nest

Having a world-class cultural facility in western Sydney was never the issue. The big problem is the perception held by many that the current museum is just a building full of exhibits. It is, in fact, located on a historic site occupied by buildings that relate to life in Sydney throughout the 20th century. Sure, exhibits can be moved at great risk and expense but the rest stays behind to be demolished by commercial interests. Garry Horvai, Pennant Hills

Your correspondent's letter echoes the government's mischievous claim that selfish people east of the Harbour Bridge want to deny Parramatta and the west of Sydney a first-class museum. There is no necessity for the Powerhouse Museum to be destroyed to begin giving Parramatta the cultural lift it deserves, and Elizabeth Farrelly mentions the Cumberland Hospital site as one of several opportunities to develop a more appropriate visionary institution: others, including an Art Gallery of NSW satellite, should follow. Marjorie Sutcliffe, The Rocks

No one is campaigning to stop Parramatta acquiring first-class cultural facilities. We are campaigning against the destruction of an existing world-class museum equal to those of Chicago, Washington and London, and destruction that incidentally will also destroy Parramatta heritage. This is a government that is incapable of building without destroying. Its culpability in the destruction of the Powerhouse is a disgrace. John Burman, Port Macquarie

It's interesting to note that the beautiful city of Buenos Aires has 167 museums at least, and that for one week every year they are free. Why can't a second museum be built in Parramatta and leave the Powerhouse where it is? Jan Carroll, Potts Point

Is Hills lifestyle more valuable?

I wonder if Police Minister David Elliott was as outspoken when his government was trashing the character of other suburbs in Sydney such as St Peters and Haberfield (''MP hits out at fast-tracked development'', June 22). Then again, maybe the ''suburban oasis'' and Hills lifestyle that Elliott refers to are more deserving of protection than the heritage values of old inner suburbs with their left-leaning inhabitants. I suppose it all depends on how you ascribe value to a place and how you consider the needs and feelings of its occupants. Peter Singer, Arrawarra Headland

Thank you, David Elliott. At last, a voice in authority against the ugly "development" of our area. We do not need any more buildings like the overbearing and unattractive one on the corner of Windsor and Seven Hills roads. Our garden shire is fast becoming a concrete jungle due to a surfeit of fast developments. Barbara Arnold, Baulkham Hills

I couldn't agree more with the Minister. I don't want poorly planned overdevelopment in my backyard, either. Thanks to nine years of Liberal government, we already have enough of that here. Debra Miniutti, Ashbury

Hotel will spoil bay

Your article on the proposed hotel complex at Moona Creek could be the end of the Jervis Bay we have all loved (''Residents fear 'Gold Coast-style' waterside hotel plan'', June 22). It is the natural environment, pure white sandy beaches, crystal clear water and abundant marine and terrestrial wildlife that attracts tourists to this area. They do not come for the built environment, and certainly not large hotels. These are available at very different resorts. The pure white sand and crystal clear water exist only because there is so little development in the catchment. Overdevelopment and more hard surfaces which do not allow infiltration of stormwater will wash increasing amounts of debris into the water, threatening the whiteness of the sand and the survival of seagrass beds, which require sunlight to photosynthesise. Bridget Sant, Hyams Beach

The nonsense of clearing diminishing, high-quality bushland to build, build, build, is wrong and land use zoning needs to change. A facility as described should be in central Huskisson with all its existing services, on already cleared or degraded land. We continue to trash the beautiful places we seek to enjoy when we should enjoy them by looking at them. Buildings must always be built on those parts of the land which are in the worst condition, not the best. Mora Main, Waverley

Super Scrooges

The call by some government members to freeze superannuation contributions smacks of hypocrisy (''MPs push for delay in super increase'', June 22). These politicians are themselves receiving much more than the average worker in super contributions, but they haven't suggested reducing their own amounts. There is a deep-rooted belief by some in power that superannuation is really an unnecessary burden on business and any excuse is used to limit its effectiveness. The poor handling of access to superannuation funds during this pandemic is proof enough. Michael Blissenden, Dural

Bring their lives to life

Reading of the limited courses and insufficient teaching training available in our schools of the Stolen Generation I was reminded of my recent visit to the Sydney Jewish Museum (''Courses leave pupils with poor knowledge of Indigenous people'', June 22).

On the day, there were many schoolchildren who appeared transfixed and deeply moved, as I was, with the history and horrors dealt to the Jewish people. It occurred to me that a similar medium is needed for our Indigenous people. Not just a museum where inanimate artefacts of their history are on display but a living museum with testimonials both digital and face to face by our Aboriginal leaders which give a voice to our First People, past and present. Somewhere where there is online teaching training and lessons plans for school teachers, where photography and videos give a voice to the plight of our First People and where children and the broader community are challenged to review their perceptions of morality and human rights. We owe it to our children so that past events in our country are anchored to our everyday lives to inspire change. Elizabeth Maher, Bangor

Engineers against COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic has been treated as a medical issue for which medical procedures and remedies have been imposed. Now we see a possible second wave in Victoria (''Cold shivers in NSW over spike in interstate COVID-19 cases'', June 22).

Politicians and bureaucrats are heavily involved in setting rules. What we are missing is committees of engineering experts to ensure engineered systems such as air, water and transport systems meet appropriate standards. Spatial rules are too crude to be effective in many situations. It is not appropriate to have transport agencies and building owners set rules and police themselves. Peter Egan, Artarmon

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has been right to prevent the spread of COVID-19 entering that state. NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian should follow her lead, and maintain strict quarantine measures to prevent the virus from entering NSW. The free movement of people from areas with high infection rates such as Victoria is to be avoided. If it is allowed, Berejiklian will end up with no option but to reintroduce restrictions. Alan Dyson, Hurstville Grove

More than two weeks have elapsed since the June 6 Black Lives Matter rallies in Sydney CBD, and not a single COVID-19 infection has been detected in relation to the large crowds involved. Passing this make-or-break test is a relief for many, vindication for others, and most importantly, a clear indication that the threat of community transmission of the virus has greatly diminished in NSW. Let's hope Victoria can quickly bring its health situation back under control. Meredith Williams, Northmead

Tax tradies' road tyrants

Utes are far from the utility vehicles they were originally designed to be (''Beefed-up ute sales help to erode vehicle emission fall'', June 22). Now they are expensive, powerful, boofy, noisy status symbols for tradies, complete with high emissions. Why does Australia refuse to introduce strict vehicle emissions regulations as in Britain and Europe, which tax rego according to engine size? Those measures have a demonstrable effect on the population's vehicle purchasing choices. Judy Hungerford, North Curl Curl

False negatives

Wow. US President Donald Trump tells Tulsa rally the more people you test for coronavirus, the more cases of infection you find – genius (''Trump tells raly he asked to slow testing'', June 22). A White House spokeswoman says the President was joking. Sadly, I don't think this is a possibility. Rob Venables, Bermagui

Tik-tok, tik-tok, tik-tok, tik-tok (''How TikTok users, K-pop fans say they sabotaged Trump's rally'',, June 22). Marli Davies, Wentworth Falls

Growing pains

I am guilty of branch stacking. I can afford to; I have a large backyard and at the bottom I make a pile of pruned branches, which I use as kindling. I can highly recommend this practice. Neil Reckord, Armidale

Ye Olde Promises

Farewell to yon blithe Jobson Grothe, who promised such workplace enjoyment. He's gone, having broken his oath. In his place is the grim Annie Ployment. Jim Dewar, North Gosford

Alliteration to the max

Your correspondent omitted another alliterative champion: Merona Martin of Meroo Meadow (Letters, June 22). John Court, Denistone

Perhaps I should move to Meroo Meadow. Michael McFadyen, Kareela

Danger zone

You have my sympathy, Ian Factor. To get to my home, I drive along Corona Avenue. Debating whether I should wear PPE (Letters, June 22). Stephanie Edwards, Roseville

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