

This was published 4 years ago

'No one is under the illusion this game is over': state catches breath ahead of worsening conditions

By Laura Chung, Catriona Stirrat and Megan Gorrey

Firefighters across NSW are enjoying a brief reprieve, but authorities are warning the danger isn't over with conditions set to deteriorate this week.

RFS will work on strengthening containment lines ahead of deteriorating conditions later this week.

RFS will work on strengthening containment lines ahead of deteriorating conditions later this week.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Firefighters on Tuesday were using calmer conditions to conduct backburns and strengthen containment lines before Friday.

Monaro communities stretching from Jerangle, to Adaminaby, Jindabyne, Corrowong and Bombala are likely to see some of the worst conditions on Friday, with NSW RFS Monaro District inspector Langdon Gould warning residents to remain vigilant. 

"We love to host visitors in the Monaro and Snowy Mountains but at the moment, we are asking them not to come whilst the fire emergency is taking place," he said.

"For those people in and around existing fires, if they chose to leave, leave early."


"If you chose to stay and defend, only do so if you and your property are appropriately prepared and you have the resources, and physical and mental capacity to deal with the impact of the fire. That's been our clear message from the start."

Police said on Tuesday they were searching for two men from Kiah and Lower Towamba in the Bega Valley. By 5.14pm, both men had been located.

NSW Police Minister David Elliott and Deputy Commissioner Gary Worboys addressed reports of looting on Tuesday across fire grounds, particularly along the South Coast, saying those who are caught "should expect the full force of the law".


As of Tuesday evening, there were 136 fires burning around the state, which all remain at "advice" level. There are 2000 firefighters on the ground, many of whom are working to strengthen containment lines.

Fire danger ratings for Wednesday are "very high" for areas along the central ranges, north western region and southern slopes. The latter also has a total fire ban in effect. The rest of the state is facing "low-to-moderate" or "high" conditions.

Weatherzone meteorologist Graeme Brittain said cooler weather would remain for the next few days before climbing above 30 degrees across fire zones in south-east NSW and eastern Victoria.

The mercury is expected to soar past 40 degrees in parts of inland NSW towards the end of the week, while temperatures in western Sydney are expected to also reach the mid-30s.

Mr Brittain said the conditions were similar - although not as severe - to last Saturday, when fire zones baked under soaring day-time temperatures before the winds picked up after dark.

Wind gusts of up to 80 km/h are forecast for the NSW South Coast and eastern Victoria.

The Bureau of Meteorology's fire danger rating shows the north western region and southern slopes could face "severe' conditions on Friday, while the rest of the state may see "very high" conditions.

Residents of Bemboka, 38 kilometres from Bega, are spending the next few days "waiting and watching".

“Obviously everyone is concerned no matter which way the wind comes from,” Bemboka Hotel manager David Meale said. “One side of town is burnt, and the other side hasn’t, but the fire’s heading that way.

“There’s a lot of trepidation.”

While the town is doing its best to prepare for the worsening conditions, including using bulldozers to create fire breaks, there's a sense of anxiety as their main 15-year-old fire truck needs to be repaired.

“If we could get some new equipment immediately that would be good,” Mr Meale said. “We only have four [fire] units to protect the town.”

Mr Meale is unconcerned about the safety of the pub which firefighters are likely to “protect the most because it’s the local drinking hole."

Closer to the Victorian border, the town of Delegate is also preparing for Friday.

Cafe owner Uland Sievert said while the immediate area wasn’t under severe threat, “they were concerned because the fires were coming from two directions”.

Mr Sievert said the town is concerned about ember attacks.

“No one is safe from ember attacks,” he said. “We’re as ready as we can be, but if you have live embers flying five or 10 kilometres [from the fire front] that’s what you can’t do anything about.”

The death toll for NSW remains at 20 people, eight of whom have died along the South Coast since December 30. On Monday, the body of a 71-year-old man was found in Nerrigundah, 40 kilometres from Narooma on the South Coast.

Mr Elliott said it is likely the Gospers Mountain fire, which has been burning since October, will be contained on Wednesday.

"But we're not out of the woods and there's a lot of work to go," he said.

On Monday, residents from Eden to Batemans Bay were allowed to return home after being evacuated on January 2, when conditions deteriorated.

For many, it's the first time they've been able to see the devastation left behind.

Eden resident Jack Dickenson said while the main part of the town escaped the fire, surrounding villages have not been so lucky.

He said the Woodchip Mill, which employs between 200 to 300 people, had suffered "pretty considerable" damage and "looks like a smoking volcano."

Eden Community Access Centre manager Carina Severs said they had been helping direct people to relevant support services.

"People are just wanting to have a chat and a bit of a debrief about what the next step is going to be," she said.

NSW Rural Fire Service community safety officer Marty Webster said the rain that has fallen across the South Coast is "buying us a bit of time, but it's not putting fires out".

He said while the wet weather is welcome, it has complicated backburn and fire mapping operations.

The calmer weather will also allow local services, including land and water teams to assess the damage from Saturday's blazes.

"No one is under the illusion that this game is over, there is still a lot of work to do and ongoing risk," Mr Webster said.

The Defence Force remains on standby to assist towns along the South Coast, but will need to wait until preliminary assessments are made before they can be deployed - on Tuesday night, the Department of Defence confirmed that HMAS Adelaide has had "no request to assist" in Eden since arriving.

About 1588 homes have been destroyed this fire season, with more than 670 of those homes have been confirmed lost since January 1, the NSW Rural Fire Service said in a tweet.

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